Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder - USA |
Oliver F. Brand (1844-1921) |
Faribault, Minnesota |
Archie Mack Brand (1871-1953) |
Brand Peony Farms, Inc., Faribault, Minnesota. |
(sold to Archie & Robert Tischler in 1956) Faribault, Minnesota |
see also: Tischler |
Biographical sketches |
chapter BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. brand, A. M., was born at Faribault, Minnesota. February 28,1871. He graduated from the Law School of the University of Minnesota in 1895. Mr. Brand acquired his knowledge of peonies at an early age from his father, O. F. Brand, with whom he was associated in business from the year 1899 until the latter's retirement in 1911. Since the death of his father, A. M. Brand has operated the Brand Peony Farms. The Brand introductions received three Certificates of Merit at the London (Ontario) Show and a Gold Medal, a Silver Medal, and three Awards of Merit at the National Peony Show in St. Paul, 1923. Mr. Brand has been a Director of the American Peony Society since 1921. He was Vice-President 1923-24 and President 1925-27. His address is Faribault, Minn. brand, oliver franklin, was born in Lawrence County, New York, in 1844. After serving in the Civil War he became an agent in Wisconsin for the New York nursery of Ellwanger & Barry. He established a general nursery business in 1867 at Faribault, Minn. In 1899, from varieties planted especially for the purpose, Mr. Brand gathered four quarts of seed. These seedlings bloomed in 1903 and among them were Brand's Magnificent, Richard Carvel, and others. Mr. Brand retired from business in 1911 and his work of producing new varieties has been continued by his son, Mr. A. M. Brand, associated with him since 1899. Mr. Brand died in January, 1921. |
Brand, Oliver Franklin, Faribault, Minn., 1844-1921, established nursery in Faribault 1867. Brand, A. M., Brand Peony Farms, Faribault, Minn., 1871-1953. Joined his father, O. F. Brand, in nursery business in 1899. Director American Peony Society for 31 years and President 1925-1927. |
APS: History of the Peonies and their Originations (-1975): BRAND PEONY FARMS - Fairbault, Minnesota R. W. TISCHLER ARCHIE TISCHLER (1969) - Double, late, white. DR. WALTER RUMPF (1967) - Double, late, deep pink. DOUGLAS BRAND (1965) - Double, late midseason. brilliant red. DOUGLAS WOLFE (1972) - Double, late, white. ELSIE PICKETT (1967) - Double, midseason. A very bright deep pink. FARIBO GOLD (1966) - Jap., late. Yellow center surrounded by white guard petals. GAIL TISCHLER (1964) - Jap., late, pink. HEIDI (1972) - Jap, midseason, lavender. KAY TISCHLER (1964) - Jap, midseason. Bright pink outer petals, staminodes bright pink tipped in gold. A very showy Jap variety. MONS. B. WEUM (1968) - Double, late, white. MYRTLE TISCHLER (1963) - Double, midseason. A very large deep rose pink. An outstanding variety in deep pinks. MAXCINE WOLFE (1969) - Late, midseason, pink. MYRA MacRAE (1967) - Double, late, medium pink. POM POM (1972) - Jap, midseason, dark pink. TISH (1972) - Jap, late, dark red. TERRY GRUDEM (1963) - Jap, midseason. Bright red with staminodes red, tipped with gold. VERA TISCHLER (1966) - Jap, late midseason, pink. WILFORD JOHNSON (1965) - Double, midseason. Large bright rose-pink blooms lie flat on top of barrel - shaped bush. BLANCHE KING (1922) - Double, late. Very fine pink. Holds color well. Show flower. CHESTINE GOWDY (1913) - Double, pink. DAVID HARUM (1907) - Double, midseason, red. ELLA CHRISTIANSEN (1925) - Double, late. Medium pink, flowers large. FANNY CROSBY (1907) - Double, pink. FRANCES WILLARD (1907) - Double, midseason. White with carmine touches. HASINA BRAND (1925) - Double, late. Flesh-pink with salmon shadings. HAZEL KINNEY (1925) - Double, late midseason. Delicate hydrangea-pink. HENRY AVERY (1907) - Double, pink. JUDGE BERRY (1907) - Double, very early, light pink. LAVERNE CHRISTMAN (1925) - Double, very late, large deep pink of varied shadings. LONGFELLOW (1907) - Double, early midseason, red. LORA DEXHEIMER (1907) - Double, early,midseason, red. LUETTA PFEIFFER (1916) - Double, early, flesh. MARTHA BULLOCH (1907) - Double, late midseason. Large bright old-rose-pink. MARY BRAND (1907) - Double, midseason, dark, clear crimson. MELLEN KNIGHT (1920) - Single, red. MRS. A. M. BRAND (1925) - Double, late. Pure glistening white, fragrant. Flowers large and perfect rose form. MRS. P. A. GOODRICH (1925) - Double, late midseason. Deep bright pink. MRS. FRANK BEACH (1925) - Double, late. Ivory white, large, flat type flower. Fragrant. MRS. HARRIET GENTRY (1925) - Double, very late. Pure glistening white of perfect rose form. MRS. JOHN M. KLEITSCH (1925) - Double, very late. Tall deep pink, fragrant. MYRTLE GENTRY (1925) - Double, late. Beautiful light pink, perfect rose form. Our most fragrant variety., PHOEBE CARY (1907F- Double, pink. RICHARD CARVEL (1913) - Double, red. VANITY (1952) - Jap. Delicate pink outer petals, center of cream filamental petals. VICTORY CHATEAU THIERRY (1925) - Double, very early. Clear bright pink fading to lighter pink. Large flowers cup-shaped. WINNIFRED DOMME (1913) - Double, scarlet red. Plant rather dwarf but strong and erect. DISCARDED VARIETIES ADDIELANCHEA (1907) - Double, white. |
A. J. DAVIS (Andrew Jackson David) (1907) - Double, red. AMANDA YALE (1907) - Double, midseason, pale flesh white, crown of crimson petals. ARCHIE BRAND (1913) - Double, pink. AUNT ELLEN (1907) - Red. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1907) - Double, midseason. Dark crimson, small petals, center. BRAND'S MAGNIFICENT (1918) - Double, red. CHARLES McKELLIP (1907) - Double, crimson. COMMANDER (1928) - Double, late, red. COMMODORE EMGE (1913) - Double, pink. C. W. SCHOCH - Double, red. DARKNESS (1913) - Single, maroon. DESIRE (1923) - Double, midseason, soft rose-pink tinted with lilac. DR. R. C. FARRISH - Double, pink. EDITH WEST (1920) - Single, white. ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING (1907) - Double, very late. White with red markings. (E. B.BROWNING) ELLA WHEELER WILCOX (1907) - Double, pink. FARIBAULT (1918) - Double, pink. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE (1907) - Double, white. FRANCELIA - Double, pink. GOVERNOR JOHNSON (1907) - Double, red. HARRIET FARNSLEY (1916) - Double, pink. HARRIET OLNEY (1920) - Single, pink. HELEN WOLAVER (1918) - Double, pink. H. F. REDDICK (1913) - Double, red. JEANETTE OPPLIGER (1913) - Double, pink. KATHERINE (1909) - Double, pink with cream center. LOUISA BRAND (1913) - Double, pink. LITTLE SWEETHEART (1907) - Double, pink. MIDNIGHT (1907) - Double, red. MOSES HULL (1907) - Late midseason, pink. MRS. A. G. RUGGLES (1913) - Double, late, light pink. MRS. CAREW (1907) - Double, blush. MRS. JENNIE B. GOWDY (1920) - Double, pink. MRS. ROMAINE B. WARE (1925) - Double, light flesh pink. OLD SILVER TIP (1918) - Double, pink. PRINCE OF DARKNESS (1908) - Double, red. ROSE HERE (1907) - Double, rose. RUTH BRAND (1907) - Double, pink. SHENANDOAH - Double, red. SISTERS ANNIE (1907) - Double, pink. SUSAN B. ANTHONY (1908) - Double, pink to white. WILLIAM PENN (1907) - Double, rose. WINNIFRED SENTEL - Double, pink. |
Brand Peony Farm, Box 842 St. Cloud, MN 56302, USA |
Breedings & Introductions |
(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand, 1942) |
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(Brand, 1933) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand) |
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(Brand 1941) |
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(Brand, 1907) |
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(Brand 1913) |
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(Brand 1969) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand, 1907) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand) |
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(Brand, 1922) |
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(Brand, 1918) |
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Catherine ('Katherine' ) |
(Brand 1909) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand, 1913) |
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(Brand 1939) |
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(Brand, 1913) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand) |
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(Brand 1913) |
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(Brand, 1907) |
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(Brand 1923) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand, 1936) |
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(Brand) |
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(Brand 1967) |
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(Brand 1920) |
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(Brand, 1942) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand, 1925) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1937) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1918) |
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(Brand 1966) |
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(Brand 1938) |
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(Brand 1928) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand) |
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(Brand, 1907) |
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(Brand Peony Farms 1969) |
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( Brand Peony Farms?) |
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(Brand 1928) |
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(Brand, 1939) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1925) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand, 1920) |
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(Brand 1925) |
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(Brand) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand, 1941) |
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(Brand 1913) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1939) |
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John L Crenshaw ('Dr. John L. Crenshaw' ) |
(Brand, 1936) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1909) |
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(Brand 1964) |
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(Brand, 1928) |
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(Brand 1925) |
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(Brand, 1936) |
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(Brand) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand, 1907) |
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(Brand, 1913) |
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(Brand 1913) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1916) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand, 1907) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1920) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1943) |
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(Brand 1942) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand, 1913) |
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(Brand 1925) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1942) |
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(Brand 1928) |
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(Brand 1939) |
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(Brand 1925) |
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(Brand 1925) |
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(Brand 1925) |
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(Brand 1940) |
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(Brand 1920) |
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(Brand 1925) |
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(Brand 1943) |
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(Brand 1925) |
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(Brand 1942) |
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(Brand, 1925) |
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(Brands Peony Farms, A.B. Franklin 1963) |
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(Brand 1918) |
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(Brand 1928) |
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(Brand 1935) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand, 1932) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1928) |
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(Brand, 1928) |
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(Brand, 1907) |
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(Brand 1943) |
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(Brand 1939) |
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(Brand 1940) |
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(Brand 1939) |
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(Brand, 1928) |
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(Brand, 1928) |
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(Brand, 1913) |
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(Brand 1928) |
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Rochester ('R. A. Napier') |
(Brand 1939) |
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(Brand 1935) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand, 1943) |
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(Brand 1932) |
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(Brand) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1933) |
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(Brand 1942) |
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(Brand Peony Farm 1963) |
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(Brand 1951) |
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(Brand 1925) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand 1936) |
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(Brand, 1936) |
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(Brand 1907) |
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(Brand 1913) |
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(Brand) |
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Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library |
last updated 06.08.2007 |