type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: MYRTLE GENTRY. (Brand, 1925.) 9.1 (12 votes).* Double type; late midseason. Rosy white, suffused with tints of flesh and salmon; pleasing fragrance. Strong stems. Good habit. Award of Merit at St. Paul-Minneapolis Show, 1923. Closely resembles Tourangelle. "A beautiful and refined flower of fine form and charming color. One of the very finest peonies."Little. |
MYRTLE GENTRY (Brand, 1925) - Double - Rosy White - Late Midseason. Pleasing fragrance. Rosy white, suffused with tints of flesh and salmon. Strong stems. Good habit. M. |
MYRTLE GENTRY (Brand) A beautiful late light pink that gradually fades to almost a pure white. The flower is perfect rose form with great broad, nicely rounded petals of wonderful substance. Tints of flesh and salmon show through' out the petals. The plant is of splendid growth and clean appearance. The stems are strong and hold the great flowers well above the foliage. The flower has the fragrance of a Tea Rose. Our Silver Medal variety. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Myrtle Gentry' (Brand, U&A., 1925) Bloemen lichtroze, gevuld, sterk aangenaam geurend, laat; bladeren matig groot, dof lichtgroen; hoogte 90 cm; bloemstengels dun, stevig; vertakking goed. Deze nauwelijks voor Botrytis gevoelige cultivar valt op door de goede habitus, de kleur en de geur van de bloemen. Voor de snij is deze pioen minder geschikt, daarentegen is het voor de tuin een goede, aan te bevelen cultivar. |
Burkhardt (2001): |
Eine meiner liebsten und am besten duftenden, zuverlässig blühend seit der Pflanzung, etwas schwer in der Blüte, aber ein phantastisches Farbspiel. |
MYRTLE GENTRY (Brand, 1925], Magnifique variété rosé parme tendre s'éclaircissant ensuite. Fleurs grosses, compactes d'odeur agréable sur des tiges extra-solides. Parfumée. Tardive H. 0,90 m. |
MYRTLE GENTRY (VF)(L)(Brand) One of the most fragrant peonies; large rose-form double of pastel salmon pink that fades to almost pure white; medium height plant; reliable late bloomer |
'Myrtle Gentry' (Brand 1925) : flr. double blanc rosé teinté rosé clair abricoté, parfumée, 90cm, mi-saison |
M.S. Uspenskaja 2003, p. 132: |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |