type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Single Peonies, page 67 MARY BRAND. (Brand, 1907.) 8.7. Rose type; large; midseason. Dark, clear crimson, with a very brilliant sheen, with a few yellow stamens buried in the collar; notably fragrant for a red variety. Medium height; very free-flowering; strong stems. Good foliage. A very good red variety similar to Karl Rosenfield, bat not so bright as either that variety or Longfellow. Has an excellent incurved ball form, with overlapping, crinkled, and fringed petals. Good for both exhibition and garden decoration. "No fragrance and not a strong grower in the Atlantic States."Boyd. |
MARY BRAND (1907) - Double, late mid-season, dark, clear crimson. |
Mary Brand (Red) Midseason |
MARY BRAND:Dark, clear crimson red double. Makes a great garden display. 28" Midseason. |
Sevald: |
MARY BRAND (Brand, 1907) Double, midseason. Established plants produce fine flowers, with long incurved petals of bright red. Flowers have pollen, and produce occasional seeds. Fine as a garden plant, and also for cut flowers. |
Mary Brand* (Brand 1907) ML. Full Double; dark crimson, brilliant in bright sun; a few yellow stamens buried in the collar; said to be notably fragrant for a red variety. Medium height; very free-flowering, good vase life; good stems. |
'Marie Brand' (Brand 1907) : fl. double, rouge~clair avec quelques étamines jaunes visibles, 70cm, mi-saison 'Marie Brand' (Brand, 1907) : flr. double rouge clair, quelques étamines jaunes visibles, 80cm, mi-saison |
An excellent mid-season red peony of a distinct bright color. Flowers last a week if cut in the bud. |
Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikaaed (THE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU) INDEX PLANTARUM : Paeonia 'Mary Brand' Brand 1907 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |