Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |
(Auten 1927) |
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Scarlet Cloth ('Zhu sha hong') |
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Scarlet garment dotted with gold ('Zhu yi dian jin') |
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(Anderson 1999) |
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Scarlet Kamada ('Beni-kamada') |
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Scarlet King ('Hi-o') |
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Scarlet Leader ('Beni-no-tsukasa') |
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(Falk-Glasscock 1956) |
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Scarlet Suit of Armor ('Hiodoshi' ) |
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(Saunders, 1942) |
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(Sutherland 2001) |
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(Klehm 1995) |
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(Sutherland 2001) |
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(McFarlane 2001) |
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(Krekler 1965) |
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Schatz des Berges ('Hozan') |
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Schatz von Myoukou ('Myokono-takara') |
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Schichi-fukujin ('Shichifukujin ') |
(Japan 1927 - first offered by Yokohama Nurs.) |
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(Chartchenko-Tyran, Soviet Union 1971) |
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Schleier aus Juwelen ('Tamasudare') |
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Schnee-Laterne ('Yukidoro') |
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(Schneider) |
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Schöner Bambusvorhang ('Tamasudare') |
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Schöner Lotus ('Tamafuyo') |
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Schönes Grün ('Tamamidori') |
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(1874) offered by Van Geert 1874 |
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Schultesi lac. pl. ('Schulthesi') |
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(-, 1846) first offered by Oudin Aine & Fils 1846. |
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Schwan ('Hakucho') |
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(1864) offered by Haage & Schmidt 1864 |
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Schwarzer Führer ('Kokko-no-tsukasa') |
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Schwarzer Kranich ('Kokko-no-tsukasa') |
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Schwarzer Peter ('Svarte Petter') |
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Schwarzer Schwan ('Hei Tian E') |
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Schwarze Strauchpäonie ('Kuro-botan') |
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tj |
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(Miely 2004) |
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(Goos & Koenemann, 1910) |
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Scialle porpora ('Ge Jin Zi') |
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(Sutherland 2001) |
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(Krekler 1977) |
hh |
(McFarlane 2000) |
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(Donald Smith) |
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(Donald Smith) |
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(Donald Smith 2002) |
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