'Yuki- toro' (Yiki-doro)
type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [Japanese botan]
origin: |
Japan, before 1940 |
PEONIES, The Manual of the American Peony Society, ed. by James Boyd, Copyright 1928 by American Peony Society: Tree Peony Check-list. Yokohama Nurseries, Yokohama, Japan. 1893 catalogue as Yokohama Gardens Association, beginning 1894 as Yokohama Nurseries. Yuki-doro. (originated in Japan, 1919.) offered by Yokohama Nurseries, Yokohama, Japan. 1919; Yokohama Nurseries, Color Illustration. |
The Chugai Nursery, Yamamoto, Japan, Catalog 1940-1941: Tree peony, miscellaneous varieties: |
Wister (1961): |
'Yuki-doro' or 'toro' (Yiki-doro) (Snow Road) |
(Japanese tree peony - White Flowering group) Base of flower light pink fading into white at the upper part of the petals. Large size. Midseason. Growth spreading rather than tall. |
Ariga (1993) |
YUKI-DOUROU (Schnee-Laterne) Kirschblütenrosa-Weiß. Spätblühende große Blüte in achtfacher oder tausendfacher Blüte. Am Anfang ist sie weiß und dann bekommt der Blütenboden eine hellkirschblütenrosa Farbe. |
Yukitoro. (Snow Lantern). Japan. Japanese suffruticosa. Large white ball shaped double flowers with rosey purple flares. Petals are fluted along their length and have many small notches at their ends. Beautiful deep blue-green foliage is the perfect backdrop for the flowers. Very ornate flowers are presented well on medium height plants (4' in Wisconsin). Fertile both ways, but you'll need to search for pollen. |