Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder

Charles Van Geert

Antwerpen, Belgium

PEONIES, The Manual of the American Peony Society, ed. by James Boyd, Copyright 1928 by American Peony Society: Tree Peony Check-list.

Charles Van Geert, Antwerp, Belgium, about 1893.

Gloire de Gand. (1896.) offered by Van Geert 1896. (Never widely distributed.)

La Gloire. (Van Geert, 1873.) offered by Van Houtte 1873; Paillet 89 (Never widely distributed.)

Purpurea Plena. (Van Geert, 1842;------,1867.) offered by Van Houtte 1873; Krelage 1867; Paillet 1889; Exhib. Boston 1842.

Renny. (1896.) offered by Van Geert 1896. (Never widely distributed.)

Schöne von Köln. Double (1874.) offered by Van Geert 1874; Dessert 1905; Paillet 1889.

Souvenir. (1896.) offered by Van Geert 1896. (Never widely distributed.)

Triomphe d'Artselaer. (1874.) offered by Van Geert 1874. (Never widely distributed.)

Triomphe de Gand. Double (Van Geert, 1873.) offered by Van Houtte 1873; Dessert 1908; Old Farm Nursery 1924; Paillet 1889. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.)

Victorine Leseble. (1896.) offered by Van Geert 1896.

Breedings & Introductions

Triomphe de Gand

(Van Geert)


Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library

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Peony breeder U+V
