Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia
Welcome to the English language version of this website.
Disclaimer: Firstly, please let me explain that I am not a Webstylist. Peonies are my passionate hobby, and this website is an extension of that hobby. It is a not a professional Web Page. Secondly, please excuse my use of English - it is not my mother tongue.
If you find anything which you find strange, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you use browsers other than the Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher, sorry! I haven't been able to control, how it looks. I know, that Netscape makes problems, but I'm not really the person to fix that kind of problem. I'll leave that to the Gurus of the Internet to sort out. I'm flat out looking after the contents of my website.
I hope you enjoy browsing this site, but please, forgive any language and technical difficulties! I would welcome your feedback. You may contact me on the email address below. C.B.
2000-2001 Dr. Carsten Burkhardt, Kolkwitz, Germany 2000-2001. All rights reserved (... for sharing them with you!) contact: Dr.Carsten Burkhardt
Help This link brings you back to this page.
search this site I have tested it, and it works perfectly, much quicker than any explanation. Search this website using google's engine. For explanations how to refine your search, use the link to the website of Google. And enjoy this free service!
region Guide to regional themes: Floras, Societies, Nurseries, weblinks
library Peony-literature
peony database This is the big registry. Names of peony species and cultivars from a-z with pictures of more than 3400 species & cultivars.
hybrid Hybrids selected by parent-species
breeder this section lists all (known) breeders and introducers of peonies worldwide, listed a to z or regionally, in the case of us-american breeders selected by state.
new What's new in here since the last update. Here you'll easily find out, what has changed.
Acknowledgements This section lists, who's help I found to realise this project. With time many many many people. May place to say thank you to them all!