type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Japanese Peonies, page 59. Instituteur Doriat. (Doriat, 1925.) Red. Not yet in general commerce. |
INSTITUTEUR DORIAT (Doriat, 1925) - Jap. - Red - Midseason. Color a fine red and each petal tip is tinted white, making a very novel effect as well as pleasing combination of color. Catalogs. M. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Instituteur Doriat' (Doriat, Frankrijk 1925) Japanse. Bloemen karmijnrood met zilverwit getinte randen, enkel, middelvroeg; hoogte 90 cm; bloemstengels matig stevig; vertakking matig. Vooral door de prachtige bloemkleur is deze cultivar positief beoordeeld. |
Instituteur Doriat (Doriat 1925), velvety carmine edged white. Large. Distinct. l. Japanese |
A most magnificent fragrant peony. Deep velvety carmine maroon. The petaloids are finely tipped with white. Free flowering, late variety which stands well. Good autumn colour. Midseason. |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop |
offensichtlich nicht die richtige Sorte:
aufgenommen 2002 im Privatgarten Harald Fawkner - Sweden - offensichtlich ein Mißverständnis beim Aufschreiben des Namens |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |