type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
GAY PAREE (Auten, 1933) - Jap. - Cerise to white. A most outstanding novelty, entirely distinct Guards deep cerise, anemone Jap. type center with ethereal lights flushing to white. Some blooms have a central tuft. Medium sized bloom, good substance, fine stem and plant. Bulletin 54. |
'Gay Paree' (USAAuten 1933). Violettrosa. Schale und flache cremefarbene Füllung lassen diese Sorte besonders farbig wirken.. |
GAY PAREE (F)(M)(Auten) One of the most vivid anemone-types in the garden is a pretty contrast of pink and white; guard petals of deep cerise pink surround a plush tuft of white to cream petaloids that carry some tints of pink |
GAY PAREE Pink, Japanese, Mid season , Fragrant. No staking. 90cm. Rose pink guard petals and shell pink petaloid centre. Light green foliage GAY PAREE Rose pink guard petals, and shell pink petaloid centre. Light green foliage on strong stems makes a well shaped plant. Very fragrant, and long lasting. Pink Japanese, Late, No staking 90cm |
GAY PAREE, Auten (USA), 1933, Paeonia lactiflora, Een unieke pioen door haar bloeiverschijning. De cultivar behoort tot de Japanse typen. De gehele bloem is een prachtig contrast van roze en wit. De buitenste bloembladen zijn rond en kersenachtig roze. Het hart dat gedurende uitbloei groots uitgroeit bestaat uit witte en crème tot bloemblaadjes vergroeide meeldraden die elk een vleugje roze bezitten; resulterend in een exclusieve bloem. Zijknoppen aanwezig. Stevige stelen en vrij lichtgroen blad. Een buitengewoon flamboyante pioenroos. GAY PAREE, Auten (USA), 1933, Paeonia lactiflora, A unique cultivar because of the appearance of the anemone type japanese flowers. The entire bloom is a breathtaking contrast of pink and white. Dainty rich rose pink or cherry guard petals and a large center of ribbon-like cream petaloids, edged by pink. The entire combination of colors make 'Gay Paree' to an outstanding variety, for exclusive tastes only. Sidebuds present. Sturdy and tall stems with fairly light green leaflets. A dramatic and most distinctive peony for your collection. |
Season Mid-season Type
Japanese Color Pink Size
Details Deep rose pink w/shell pink
with |
Cerise pink, japanese form, midseason, 33" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Bright pink guard petals surround a full center of mixed pink and creamy white petaloids. Very cheerful combination. |
Sevald: |
GAY PAREE (Auten, 1933) Anemone type Japanese, midseason. Always an attractive flower. The color, as in many peonies, seems to be affected by soil and climate. M sources describe it as cerise, with a white center, we have found the colors to be usually darker here, with the guard petals mauve pink, and the center petaloids cream, splashed with some of the petal color. Well known, and very popular |
Nicholls Gardens (1999): |
GAY PAREE (Auten 33) Cherry guard petals with shell pink petaloid centers combine for a dream. This Japanese has light green foliage on strong stems. Midseason Light fragrance |
GAY PAREE (Japonaise). (Auten, 1933). Larges pétales rosé framboise vif autour d'un centre de pétaloides crème rosé tournant ensuite au blanc pur donnant un très joli contraste. Très différenciée et excellente. Mi-saison. H 1 m. |
Gay Paree A beautiful variety with dainty rich rose pink guard petals and a large centre of ribbon-like cream petaloids, edged by pink. Strong stems. |
GAY PAREE':Outstanding, distinct cerise pink guard petals with a white, rose-flushed anemone center. Vigorous and a dramatic contrast for your peony collection. |
M.S. Uspenskaja 2003, p. 125: |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |