type: [intersectional hybrid]
origination: |
GARDEN TREASURE - Don Hollingsworth, 5831 N. Colrain Ave., Kansas City, Missouri 64151, July 7, 1984. Seedling #205. Itoh Hybrid, tree peony type, semi-double. Parentage - Paeonia lactiflora, cultivar x P. (Lutea Hybrid) Alice Harding. First bloomed 1973. Itoh Hybrid, semi-double tree peony type flowers on herbaceous stems. Yellow petals with red highlights, 20-50 petals, prominent center of sheathed carpels and large size flowers. Very hardy, flowers produced regularly and uniformly year after year from below ground overwintering buds. Stems to 27", upright to arching, presents the flowers well out of the foliage, makes a broad low bush. Large, dark green leaves last well into autumn, making an excellent landscape subject. One to three flowers per stem, sidebuds on long stems suitable for cutting, little benefit in disbudding. Long flowering, with the mid to late season lactifloras, up to 2 ½ weeks. Fragrant. Very little pollen. Certificate of Merit Award, 1984. Patent applied for. |
Garden Treasure (Hollingsworth 1984) M-ML-L. Semi-double to nearly full double; opens yellow gold, petals lightly flared scarlet, center green and cream with pink stigmas; 20-50 or more petals; fragrant; symmetrical, refined flowers. Side buds on long stems open in sequence, a mature plant typically opens new flowers for two weeks; a superb performer. Vigorous; medium height, stiff stems and a widely spreading bush; well-grown plants may form a five-foot wide mound at maturity, yielding four to five dozen blossoms. Dark green, semi-glossy leaflets are intermediate in form between the parents, leathery and durable. APS seedling Certificate of Merit 1984; several times chosen to the Court of Honor at exhibitions. APS Gold Medal 1996. |
Garden Treasure (Hollingsworth, 1984) Yellow, semi-double, fragrant, mid to late season, 30" tall, intersectional. Beautiful yellow flowers with muted red flares. Many side buds for long bloom. Distinctive cut leaves of the tree peony parent. Lemon scent. Rare. APS Gold Medal winner 1996. |
Originator:Hollingsworth, 1984 Parentage:P. lactiflora x P. lutea hybrid 'Alice Harding' (Intersectional hybrid) Flower Form:Semi-double Staking:No Height:<60 cm Bloom Period:Week 5 Fragrance:Good Side Buds:Occasional Comments:Winner of the American Peony Society Gold Medal in 1996. If I could grow but one yellow peony, this show stopper would be my choice. It is a vigorous grower that reliably produces truly yellow flowers over an extended bloom period. Fleur: Semi-double Tuteur: Non Hauteur: <60 cm Floraison: 5e semaine Parfum: Bon Fleurs secondaires: Occasionnelles Notes:
Une pivoine qui est vraiment jaune! Gagnante de la médaille
d'or de l'American Peony Society en 1996. © 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust |
GARDEN TREASURE, Hollingsworth (USA), 1984, Itoh-hybrid (intersectional hybrid) Paeonia lactiflora x P. lutea hybride Alice Harding, Semi-double to nearly full double large golden yellow flowers with the petals lightly flared scarlet at the base. Considered to be the very finest yellow intersectional hybrid by many. Flowers are carried on strong erect stems, well above the foliage. Sidebuds possible. Dark strong green leaflets with great ornamental value untill late in autumn. Very vigorous, compact but widely spreading plant. A superb performer, awarded with the APS Gold Medal in 1996. GARDEN TREASURE, Hollingsworth (USA), 1984, Itoh-hybride Paeonia lactiflora x P. lutea hybride Alice Harding, Halfdubbele gele cultivar met rode vlammen aan de basis van de bloembladeren. Door velen gezien als één der beste gele intersectie-hybriden doordat zij haar bloemen fier en ruim boven het gewas toont. De bloemen zijn wat groter dan gemiddeld voor een Itoh en per tak zijn enkele zijknoppen aanwezig. Zeer stevige stelen die een goede planthoogte geven. Donkergroen en zeer sterk blad, blijft erg lang gaaf. Zeer groeikrachtig, compact en vrij breed uitstoelend. Bekroond met de APS Gold Medal in 1996. |
A Gold medal winner awarded by the American Peony Society in 1996. Big semi- double flowers, of a true yellow. The basis of each petal is slightly red stained, which gives a lot of luminosity to this flowerâs center. Each stem carries one to three flowers buds, opening up in sequence permitting to stretch the flowering season on more of two weeks. Blooming period extend from mid to almost late season. The flower is carried well above the foliage on rigid stems. Fragrant. More compact plant than Bartzella. Height: 75 cm. Excellent plant, this peony will well deserve its investment. Détentrice de la médaille dor décernée par lAmerican Peony Society en 1996. Grandes fleurs semi-doubles, dun véritable jaune. La base de chaque pétale est légèrement tachée de rouge, ce qui donne beaucoup déclat au centre de cette fleur. Chaque tige porte un à trois bourgeons de fleurs souvrant en séquence permettant détirer la période de floraison sur plus de deux semaines. La fleur est portée bien au-dessus du feuillage sur des tiges fermes. Fleurs parfumées. Plant denviron 75 cm, un peu plus compact que Bartzella. Excellent rapport qualité prix, elle ne vous décevra pas! |
Osti (1997) |
GARDEN TREASURE (D. HOLLINGSWORT). Ibrido di Itoh, fiore stradoppio interamente giallo chiaro. Fogliame verde, scuro. Forma un cespuglio fitto, di dimensioni contenute, bei portamento. GARDEN TREASURE Intersectional hybrid raised by Don Hollingsworth. Flowers: uniformly pale yellow; fully double. Leaves: dark green. Habit: dense bush, compact, beautiful. |
GARDEN TREASURE Flower type: Tree PeonySemi-double Plant zone(s): 4-8 Bloom time: Mid Hybridizer: Don Hollingsworth
Very hardy flowers produced yearly from below ground intertwining buds. Deep yellow, fragrant, semi-double blooms with red highlights. Stems to 27" on upright arching plant habit. |
GARDEN TREASURE (M)(Hollingsworth) A Court of Honor winner several times at the national peony show; a cross or Itoh hybrid with bright butter yellow single flowers that have muted scarlet red flares at the tips; a vigorous growing, rapidly spreading bush with superb foliage that stays almost impeccable throughout the spring and summer; medium height, |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
spontaneaous mutation: |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |