The American Peony Society

Nomenclature 1976-186 p.12













FRUIT BOWL (33-62) - Myron D. Bigger. 201 N. Rice Road. Topeka, Kansas 66616, 1979. Parentage unknown. Japanese type medium dark pink petals and lemon stamenodes, on a thirty-six inch stem. The flowers are held well above the good clean foliage.

FULL MEASURE (K 849) - William H. Krekler, May 1978. Lactiflora 39-inch, open dull wine red double. Bulletin #227.

GARDEN TREASURE - Don Hollingsworth, 5831 N. Colrain Ave., Kansas City, Missouri 64151, July 7, 1984. Seedling #205. Itoh Hybrid, tree peony type, semi-double. Parentage - Paeonia lactiflora, cultivar x P. (Lutea Hybrid) Alice Harding. First bloomed 1973. Itoh Hybrid, semi-double tree peony type flowers on herbaceous stems. Yellow petals with red highlights, 20-50 petals, prominent center of sheathed carpels and large size flowers. Very hardy, flowers produced regularly and uniformly year after year from below ground overwintering buds. Stems to 27", upright to arching, presents the flowers well out of the foliage, makes a broad low bush. Large, dark green leaves last well into autumn, making an excellent landscape subject. One to three flowers per stem, sidebuds on long stems suitable for cutting, little benefit in disbudding. Long flowering, with the mid to late season lactifloras, up to 2 ½ weeks. Fragrant. Very little pollen. Certificate of Merit Award, 1984. Patent applied for.

GAY MAY (K 786)-William H. Krekler, May 29,1978. Gay pale salmon pink, 35-inch hybrid. Registered by Charles Klehm and Son Nursery, Bulletin ) #229.

GAY PARTY-William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, June 1977. Seedling # 540. Lactiflora, big lavendar tinted baby pink double. Cutter. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.

GENTLEMAN JIM-William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, May 1977. Bloomed before May 3, hybrid. Seedling #172. Single deep red, clear and pretty. Late April bloom. Bulletin #223.

GERMANTOWN-William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, 1975. Large very red single hybrid. Sturdy bush. 1976 check list, name only. Bulletin #219.

GLOBETROTTER (K 118)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Hybrid, 29 inches, upright, big single red. Bulletin #227.

GLORY BE (K 823)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Hybrid, 28-inch, landscape type. Light pink single. Bulletin #227.

GLOWING RASPBERRY ROSE - Lyman Cousins, June 25, 1981. Seedling #72-2; double hybrid; parentage unknown; first bloomed about 1968. Rosy raspberry double ball form with stamens and fragrance; no seeds or pollen; average stem strength; 36-inch height; good foliage; early. Beautiful raspberry-colored double hybrid with that mysterious Lyman Cousins inner glow quality.

GOLDILOCKS (6502) - Oriental Gold x Claire de Lune, Ben Gilbertson, Kindred, North Dakota, 1975. Light yellow double hybrid. Ball form, one to three buds per stem. No pollen, does have seeds, no fragrance, no stamens. Average amount of bloom. First bloomed 1970. Height 28". Very adequate stem strength to hold the flower. This plant does not show any evidence of the variety Claire de Lune. It appears quite similar to Oriental Gold above ground but the root system almost typical Lactiflora and unlike either of its parents. Earlier bloom than Oriental Gold. Light green foliage; does not have yellow-green sprouts when emerging as Oriental Gold.

GOOD AND LOW-William H. Krekler. Somerville, Ohio, June 1977. Seedling #565. Lactiflora, deep pink double, 20" tall. Cute. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.