Paeonia 'Cytherea'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [herbaceous hybrid]


lac #1875


lobata (Perry)


9926'Ludovica', 'Jean Cowley', 'Cytherea', 'Paladin'

2, 3 4, 5

CYTHEREA (Saunders, 1953) - Double - Pale Pink - Hybrid. Albiflora x lobata. List in Bulletin 129.

Cytherea (never catalogued) One of the very finest of the race; perfection of form, Deep cherry rose . . [Albiflora x lobata - the great race of „lobata hybrids“ This group contains many beautiful pink and red tones so long desired in the Chinese peonies; salmon, coral, rose and deep cherry pinks, to clear bright crimsons, with no hint of purple and never a bad color in all the hundreds that have bloomed. I think this is the most brilliant and e effective strain of herbaceous hybrids yet produced. . Their season is generally M. They set hardly any seed, but their F2's may be interesting. About a dozen reds, and almost thirty pinks have been introduced, many of them so similar to one another that I have now tried to sort them roughly into color groups. The pinks especially, fade off as the flower ages , into pale peach shades, so that a mature plant will have flowers of many differing tones, but all harmonious [..] are single except when otherwise noted. Shades of rose

Nicholls (1999):

CYTHEREA (Saunders 60) A lobata semi-double hybrid of deep cherry rose that ages to a delicate peachy pink. Excellent form and cut flower. GM 81 Very limited stock - order early. Midseason.

CYTHEREA Bright rose pink petals Ihat form a wide cup shaped bloom. A perfect foil for the blue of delphiniums and iris. A glorious show is assured year after year as the plant increases in width Pink Semi double, M, 90cm.

CYTHEREA Pink, Semi double, Mid season , No staking. 90cm. Bright rose pink petals forming a wide cup shaped bloom. Lovely with blues and creams in the border.


Flower type: Peony—Semi-double

Size: 24"

Plant zone(s): 2-8

Bloom time: Mid, hybrid

Hybridizer: A.P. Saunders

Alluring and radiantly colored in hues of cherry-rose. The well-formed cup shaped blooms are carried on strong stems. Superb color.

Cytherea* (Saunders 1953) EM.  Semi-double; many rich, deep pink, strongly cupped petals are long, forming an almost closed ball, wider open at higher temperatures.  Medium-low height, flowers set close to the bush.  Splendid specimen in the landscape, a winner on the show table.  A Saunders Lobata of Perry Hybrid, presumed triploid, but has useable fertility.  Gold Medal 1980. 

Saunders (USA), 1953
Hybrid– Paeonia lactiflora x P. peregrina
The flower form of 'Cytherea' approaches perfection. Very large deep pink semi-double flowers. The strongly cupped petals are remarkably long and form an almost closed ball that slightly opens at higher temperatures. No sidebuds and very strong and erect stems. An outstanding variety in the landscape because of her low habit and compact flowering. A highly exclusive variety and one of our absolute personal favourits. Awarded with the APS Gold Medal in 1980.

Saunders (USA), 1953
Hybride – Paeonia lactiflora x P. peregrina
De bloemvorm van Cytherea benadert de perfectie. Zeer grote dieproze semi-dubbele bloemen. De bloembladeren zijn opvallend lang en vormen een gesloten bal die zich opent bij hogere temperaturen. Geen zijknoppen en zeer stevige stelen. Deze variëteit kent een geringe hoogte en de bloemen staan kort op het blad waardoor het een zeer compacte groeier is. Exclusief en één van onze absolute favorieten. Zeer terecht bekroond met de APS Gold Medal in 1980.

Cytherea (Saunders, 1953) Deep rose, semi-double, early, 24" tall, hybrid. Lovely deep rose colored cupped flowers. APS Gold Medal winner 1980. A sought-after color!

Cytherea Season Early Type Double Color Deep Cherry Rose Size Tall Details Semi-double, full center of yellow stamens
APS Gold Medal

'Cytherea ' (Saunders, 1960),Li,B,1-3/ 70-90,60,früh,kirsch- rosa, tief rosa,D3,Halbgefüllt

Paeonia H. 'Cytherea' einfach halbkugelig / tief rosa / 60 cm /


Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006:

Wilhelm de Wilde 2007

Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed

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