The American Peony Society
The History of the Peonies and their Originations p. 18
CRIMSON GLORY (Sass, 1937) - Bulletin 69.
CRIMSON VICTORY (Rosenfield, 1908) - Double - Red - DISCARDED. 1930 Wild catalog; Dark crimson maroon, globular, compact and very double. Erect and strong grower. M.
CROWN OF GOLD - Double - White - Late - Fragrant. Snowy white, relecting golden stamens and lighting up the flower; center petals flecked and edged carmine; large; semi-rose type; upright, vigorous with strong stems. Sarcoxie Nursery catalog.
CROWN IMPERIAL (Kelway, 1929) - Jap. - Pink. Very striking imperial pink guard petals with large mass of orange yellow petaloids. Bulletin 38.
CROWN OF THORNS (Hollis, 1907) - Jap. - Red - M.
CROWN ON CROWN (Origin Unknown) (YAMATO-SANGAI) - Japanese - Pink - M.
CRUSADER (Franklin, 1940) - Now called THE ADMIRAL - Double - White. Bulletin 94, Page 15, Bulletin 133, Page 13.
CRUSADER (Glasscock, 1940) - Semi-Double - Early - Scarlet Red - Hybrid. Large semi-double with three rows of petals. Carpels green, tipped red. Round bud, medium stiff stems, foliage medium dark green. Officinalis x albiflora. Bulletin 80.
CRYSTAL CUP (Neeley, 1936) - Name changed to HERALD STAR - Double - White. List in Bulletin 91.
CRYSTAL QUEEN (Origin Unknown) (MAGOMA-SHIRA) - Jap. - White - M. Notice: MAGOMA-SHIRA is not registered. (C.B.2000)
CRYSTAL SEA (Neeley, 1936) - Probably was EVENING BLUSH - Double or Semi-Double - Pink. Pink to white or ivory pink. List in Bulletin 91.
CRYSTOLA (Andrews, 1932) - Double - White - Late Midseason. Tall. Fragrant. Very large flat white with greenish reflex. A very fine flower. List in Bulletin 91.
CUPID (Glasscock, 1950) - Single - Very Early - Pink - Hybrid. Medium height. Ruffled white edges, with pink center, small bloom. Otto Froebel x albiflora, second generation. Bulletin 116.
CURIOSA (Barr) - Double - Pink - M.
CURIOSITY (Dessert, 1886) (Dessert & Mechin) - Jap. - Red - DISCARDED. Fragrant. 1930 Wild catalog: Violet red guards, norrow center petals, tipped yellow. Freebloomer, in clusters. Erect and Strong. 29 to 32" high. A good variety for landscape planting. M.
CURIOSO - Probably by Klehm. Bulletin 54, Page 27.
CURRANT (Origin Unknown) - Jap. - Pink.
CURRANT RED - Jap. - Red. Lively cerise-red petals, stamens yellow, marked with self color. Attractive in the garden. Cherry Hill list.
CURRANT JAP - Jap. - Bulletin 82 Syn.
C. W. BUNN (Brand, 1939) - Double - White - Late Midseason. Large popular pinkish white. Long, narrow, pointed petals. Very attractive. Lists in Bulletins 91 & 130.
C. W. SCHOCK (Franklin, 1920) - Double - Red - Manual supplement.
CYONET (Nicholls-G. H. Wild & Son, 1951) - Single - White - Early. Above medium height. Large pure white. Excellent stems. Coral stigmas. A fine plant for the garden. Bulletin 132.
CYTHEREA (Saunders, 1953) - Double - Pale Pink - Hybrid. Albiflora x lobata. List in Bulletin 129.
CZARINA (Origin Unknown) - Double - Pink - M.
DAI-JO-KUHAN (Millet) - Jap. - Magenta, Edged Pink - M.
DAIMIO (Millet, 1926) - Jap. - Tyrian Red-Purple - M.
DAINTY (Nicholls, 1941) - Single - Pink - Early. Very large with two rows of petals of extra ordinary width. Light silvery pink paling to a halo around the yellow stamens. Does not fade. Strong; thrifty and blooms well. (#270 from LADY ALEXANDRA DUFF) Attractive and desirable. Bulletin 83.
DAINTY LASS (Glasscock, 1935) - Jap. - Pink - Very Early - Hybrid. Large, coral pink, two rows of petals, center typical Jap. staminodes. Total effect, warm coral pink. Buds round, stem long, foliage narrow, light green. No odor. Albiflora x Officinalis. Bulletin 63. Lists in Bulletin 129.
DAISY SHERK (Kelsey, 1938) - Double - Pink - Midseason. Large, flesh-pink. Open center of light pink. Outer petals flesh-white. Large bowl-shaped flowers. Unusual in form and color combination. List in Bulletin 109.
DAKOTA (Auten, 1941) - First called TANAGER - Single - Red - Very Early - Hybrid. Very early red, with a definite orange scarlet tone. Prominent yellow center as both stamens and the filaments are yellow. Trim petals, fine plant and foliage. Officinalis x albiflora. Lists in Bulletins 91 & 129.
DAMASK ROSE (Pleas, 1912) - Double - Rose - M.
DANA GARNOCK (Dana, 1920) (Reg. in 1930) - Double - White - Fragrant. A beautiful white of distinctive form. On opening it has the flesh and dawn tints of Solange and Tourangelle. Rather loose, double flower of good size. Robust plant with light green foliage. Good strong upright stems and a good propagator. Good fragrance and substance. Grown in a good sandy soil it seems to have no faults. Bulletin 44.
DANCE CAPRICE (Auten, 1933) - Double - Flesh fading white. Tall. Flesh fading almost white. Semi-double. Medium sized blooms, trim, tall, stiff stems. Few stamens, small carpels. Good substance. Very distinct and pleasing. Best described as a much refined LADY ALEXANDRA DUFF. Bulletin 54.
DANCING NYMPH (Auten, 1933) - Single - Pink - Late. Pearly light pink, almost white. Fine substance and stem. Crinkled petals. Color stays good as it fades lighter. Stem and carriage extra good. Bulletin 54.
DANDY DAN (Auten, 1946) - Semi-Double - Dark Red - Hybrid. Tall. A brilliant red bloom with some stamens showing. Beautiful form, on tall stiff stems. Color very fine. Officinalis x albiflora. List in Bulletin 129.