The American Peony Society
The History of the Peonies and their Originations p. 127
A. J. DAVIS (Andrew Jackson David) (1907) - Double, red.
AMANDA YALE (1907) - Double, midseason, pale flesh white, crown of crimson petals.
ARCHIE BRAND (1913) - Double, pink.
AUNT ELLEN (1907) - Red.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1907) - Double, midseason. Dark crimson, small petals, center.
BRAND'S MAGNIFICENT (1918) - Double, red.
CHARLES McKELLIP (1907) - Double, crimson.
COMMANDER (1928) - Double, late, red.
COMMODORE EMGE (1913) - Double, pink.
C. W. SCHOCH - Double, red.
DARKNESS (1913) - Single, maroon.
DESIRE (1923) - Double, midseason, soft rose-pink tinted with lilac.
DR. R. C. FARRISH - Double, pink.
EDITH WEST (1920) - Single, white.
ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING (1907) - Double, very late. White with red markings. (E. B.BROWNING)
ELLA WHEELER WILCOX (1907) - Double, pink.
FARIBAULT (1918) - Double, pink.
FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE (1907) - Double, white.
FRANCELIA - Double, pink.
GOVERNOR JOHNSON (1907) - Double, red.
HARRIET FARNSLEY (1916) - Double, pink.
HARRIET OLNEY (1920) - Single, pink.
HELEN WOLAVER (1918) - Double, pink.
H. F. REDDICK (1913) - Double, red.
JEANETTE OPPLIGER (1913) - Double, pink.
KATHERINE (1909) - Double, pink with cream center.
LOUISA BRAND (1913) - Double, pink.
LITTLE SWEETHEART (1907) - Double, pink.
MIDNIGHT (1907) - Double, red.
MOSES HULL (1907) - Late midseason, pink.
MRS. A. G. RUGGLES (1913) - Double, late, light pink.
MRS. CAREW (1907) - Double, blush.
MRS. JENNIE B. GOWDY (1920) - Double, pink.
MRS. ROMAINE B. WARE (1925) - Double, light flesh pink.
OLD SILVER TIP (1918) - Double, pink.
PRINCE OF DARKNESS (1908) - Double, red.
ROSE HERE (1907) - Double, rose.
RUTH BRAND (1907) - Double, pink.
SHENANDOAH - Double, red.
SISTERS ANNIE (1907) - Double, pink.
SUSAN B. ANTHONY (1908) - Double, pink to white.
WILLIAM PENN (1907) - Double, rose.
WINNIFRED SENTEL - Double, pink.
ANGEL WINGS (1939) - Double, midseason. Ivory white with tints of tea. Tall. Loose flat bloom.
FIRELIGHT (1931) - Single, early, red. Registered a second time in 1941.
EGYPTIAN (1941) - Jap, midseason. Rich maroon with red petaloids striped white and tipped yellow. Carpels white tipped red. Unusual coloring.
FLORIZEL (1941) - Jap, midseason. Clear soft rose guards with short yellow staminodes.
RADIANCE (1931) - Single. Tall red.
WATERLILY (1931) - Semi-double, midseason. Waxy white with red tipped carpels. Spicy fragrance
ZULIEMA (1941) - Double. Very double rich red. Fragrant.
DR. FREDERICK G. BRETHOUR - Toronto, Canada Disseminated by Miss Aileen Brethour, 344 Palmerston Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The following list represents only a part of these originations.
AILEEN BRETHOUR (1935) - Double. Soft pink in clusters.
ALICE MAY BRETHOUR (1939) - Double, late. Very beautiful blush pink. Fragrant.
BLANCHE ELIE (1934) - Double, midseason. White guards, pale yellow collar turning white. Often some red markings. A very fine flower. Fragrant.
CAPITULATION (1939) - Double, midseason. White guards yellow collar, a good near yellow.
CHASTITY (1935) - Double, midseason. Very large white guards, yellow bomb center. Fragrant.
DIEUDONNE (1936) - Double, pink and white.
DOLLY VARDEN (1937) - Jap. Violaceous pink guards and staminodes. Unusual.
ECSTASY (1826) - Double, midseason. White with yellow base. Tall. Fragrant.
ETIENNE BRULE (1934) - Double, late. Ivory white overlaid yellow and pink. Beautiful form. Sometimes opens badly.
FASCINATION (1936) - Double, midseason. Tall, creamy white. Fragrant.
HIDDEN BLUSHES (1939) - Double, late. White suffused pink at the base of the petals.
IN MOMORIAM (1923) - Double, midseason. Flesh pink with red rings often surrounding the center Fragrant.
JOSETTE (1937) - Single, late. Pale pink. Splendid form and color.
LA CANADIENNE (1936) - Double, late. Tall fluffy pure white.