The American Peony Society
The History of the Peonies and their Originations p. 115
J. W. BIGGER (Bigger 1960) (88-55) Grandchild of Primevere. Double, pure white. Rounded petals. Medium size. Bulletin #158.
JACK BARCLAY (Windslow-Krekler 1956) Seedling originated by the late Fred Winslow and purchased by William Krekler. Bulletin #143 December 1956. Registered by William Krekler.
JACQUELINE HANRATTY (Gardner - before 1951) D.E. Red Seedling. (465) Large double red, resembling Karl Rosenfield. Strong rigid stems. Registered by Mrs. J. A. Hanratty, Mound, Minnesota. All records lost due to the death of Mr. Gardener. Bulletin #151 December 1958.
JAMES LEWIS - Near white, large, double albiflora, pale sulpher glow. 27" tall. No pistils or stamens. Flowers well above foliage. Worthy to be named for my longtime assistant. Registered by William H. Krekler. Bulletin #186 September 1967.
JANE RUTHERFORD (Nicholls-Wild & Son 1962) (N893) D.E. White. Enormous, double, white with high built center. Occasional red marking. Strong stems. Bulletin #164 March 1962.
JAY CEE (Klehm 1959) (78 T) Parentage, Mons. Jules Elie x Mr. L. van Leeuwen. Large, double rose-type flower, strong stems, American Beauty Red, silver edges, no stamens. Good cut flower, also garden flower. Bulletin #155 December 1959.
JESSIE (William H. Krekler) Deep solid red Jap, great lasting quality. Bulletin #179 December 1965.
JESSIE MORGAN (Willis J. Smith, Ottumwa, Iowa 1972) (2-41) Dark red double, strong stems, medium early, holds color. Awarded first class certificate, Minneapolis National Show 1971. Seedling of Mons. Martin Cahuzac. Bulletin #201 March 1972.
JOE HANRATTY (Gardner - before 1951) D.LM. Deep pink (130. Midseason to late, double, tall, holds flat blooms erect. Registered by Mrs. J. A. Hanratty, sister of Mr. Gardener, the originator. All records lost, due to death. Bulletin #151 December 1958.
JOHN GARDENER (Gardener - before 1951) No records due to death of originator. J.LM. Bright red. (15) Jap, late midseason. Guards bright red fading to rosy red. Staminodes red, with gold edge. Medium height, good landscape variety. Registered by Mrs. J. A. Hanratty, Mound, Minnesota. Bulletin #151 December 1958.
JOHN GROVE (Krekler 1963) (At 25). D.M. Deep pink. Lactiflora parentage. Large double, petals frosted white. Height 34". Honorable Mention, Kingswood 1963. Bulletin #169 June 1963.
JOHN SHAYLOR (Krekler 1958) S.M. Dark red. (At-16) Wide petal, single, medium height. Bulletin #150 September 1958.
JOHN WHITIS (Krekler 1965) (B-82) Double light pink, late, large flower on 36" stem. Fades to near white. Good cut flower. No pistils or stamens. Bulletin #178 September 1965.
JOYCE ELLEN (Frank E. Moots 1960) (44-3) (Rose Shaylor x Sunbeam). Single to semi-double, early red. Guard petals cherry to light red. Named for originator's daughter, Mrs. A. E. Steinkirchner. Bulletin #158.
JUDY ANN (G. H. Wild & Son, Inc. 1964) D.LM. Rose pink (W 52-21) Immense heavy compact bloom, measuring 10" or more on established plant. Show table favorite. Registered Gilbert H. Wild & Son. Bulletin #172 March 1964.
KAREN GRAY (Krekler 1965) (B-1) Early, wine-red (fades). 34" bush, resembles the later deeper Sword Dance. Landscape variety. Pistils same color as petals. Bulletin #178 September 1965.
KAY TISCHLER (Brand Peony Farm 1964, R. W. Tischler) Parentage unknown. Bright pink Jap. 7-8" in size. Staminodes broad bright pink-tipped yellow. H.M. 1964 A.P.S. show. Bulletin #176.
KIMBERLEY - Double. High crown bomb type. Light rose pink. Very early. Registered by J. Franklin Styer of J. Franklin Styer Nurseries, Concordville, Pennsylvania. Bulletin #190 September 1968.
KING (Krekler 1958) D.LM. Deep pink (AV-9) Double, medium size. Late. Midseason, high built, flat top, no pistils, cream and pink Staminodes. Bulletin #150 September 1958.
KISSIMMEE (Jones 1957) (93) J.M. Rose. Large rose colored Jap. Twin petallage. Registered by R. H. Jones, Peru, Indiana, September 1958.
KURI (Jones, 1957) J.M. Deep rose. (61) Large deep rose colored petals. Japanese type. Bulletin #150 September 1958.
LATE DATE (Krekler 1966) (B-87-A) Very late, medium sized, pale pink, double, fades white. No pistils or stamens, 32" stems. Bulletin #178 September 1965.
LAVENDER BOUQUET (Nicholls-Gilbert H. Wild & Son 1964) (N 1382) D.M. lilac pink. Medium to large, full double, high built, exhibition form. Midseason. Bulletin #172 March 1964.
Le CHARME (Martin Eliason 1964) (Charm x LeCygne) Pink Jap. Bulletin #177. LEE (Krekler 1965) Double dark red. Similar to Harry L. Smith. Named for Mendenhall of Seven Mile, Ohio. Bulletin #176 March 1965.
LEE YOUNGBERG (Claar 1955) Hybrid, S.E. RP. Albiflora x Lobata. Large cup shaped, rose pink single, 3 feet in height. Registered Elmer A. Claar, 617 Thornwood Lane, Northfield, Illinois. Bulletin #140 March 1956. Note: This cultivar has already been registered see: LEE YOUNGBERG (C.B.2000)
LEGEND (Jones 1957) (96) D.M. Deep rose, large, double, lighter when mature. Midseason, stiff stems. Bulletin #150 September 1958.
LEONE GARDENER (Gardener - before 1951. Records lost) (397) D.M. Red. Large, midseason, double, true red. Registered by Mrs. J. A. Hanratty, Mound, Minnesota, a sister of the originator. Bulletin #151 December 1958.
LETTIE (Nicholls-Wild & Son 1956) (940) D.M. Pink bomb, collar petals are large and flaring. The petals of the bomb are the same size. Petalodes are interspersed throughout the bomb. Bulletin #143 December 1956.
LIEBCHEN (Murawska 1959) S.M.DP. Medium height, guards dark pink, holds their color until flower fades. Midseason. The name is German for Sweetheart. The name Sweetheart has already been used. Bulletin #153 June 1959.