The American Peony Society
The History of the Peonies and their Originations p. 44
JAN-TRE-GO-NO-MORE - Jap. Exhibited by Brand Peony Farm, Bulletin 79, page 12.
JAN van LEEUWEN (Van Leeumen, 1928) - Jap. - White - Late. Medium height. Pure white, deep yellow crest. Pure white guards with center of rather narrow yellow staminodes with yellow tipped carpels. Very similar to Isani Gidui, but smaller and blooms later on a medium height plant of good strong stems. 1953 Wild catalog. Sym. in Bulletin 82.
JAPANESE BEAUTY (Sass, 1937) - Jap. - Red - Late Midseason. Tall. Color a rich, carmine red of great carrying power. Free bloomer. Bulletin 69.
JAPANESE FAIRY (Secor, 1924) - Single - Pink - Midseason - M.
JAP GIANT (Franklin, 1933) - Jap. - Rose Pink. Tall. Extra large, rose pink. Tall. Upright grower with stiff stems. Bulletin 53 - Could this and GIANT JAP be the same?
JAPPENSHA-IKKU (Millet, 1924) - Jap. - Plum-Red - M.
JAQUETTE (Saunders, ) - Hybrid. Shown at Lake Mohawk, Bulletin 125, page 24. Wrote Miss Saunders about this, and she says they have no such variety. It evidently was misspelled and probably was meant for either JACQUEMINOT or JEANNETTE .
JAYHAWKER (Bigger, 1949) - Double - Light Pink. Tall. Light pink full double bomb. The buds, guards and bomb are all the same smooth shade of light pink. The bomb holds its shape very well as the flower ages. Stiff stems and clean light green foliage. Bigger catalog, 1955.
J. C. LEGG (Wild, 1950) - Double - White and Yellow - Midseason. Good height. Broad white guard petals with a large globular center of long narrow petals yellow fading white. Good stems. Similar in form and color to all the so-called yellow peonies. Bulletin 116.
J. C. NICHOLLS (Nicholls, 1948) - White - Early Midseason. Tall. Spicy fragrance. MARIE CROUSSE x SPRING BEAUTY. White with glowing pink center, lighted by strong greenish yellow under-glow. Beautiful shape. Huge but chaste and refined. Lasting substance. Very strong stems Robust grower and free bloomer. Bulletin 112.
J. D. NICHOLSON (Kelway, 1912) - Double - Carmine - M.
JEAN A. (Alexander, 1955) - Double - Light Pink - Late Midseason. Medium tall. LADY ALEXANDRA DUFF seedling. Light pink fading to near white. Double with informal petal arrangement. Some stamens show. Stems strong. Foliage dark green, beginning low on stem. Seldom any storm damage. Growth and increase average. Especially adapted to garden and landscape use, because of trim plant arid excellent stems. Well spaced side buds gives long season of bloom. Terminals sometimes of exhibition quality. Bulletin 138.
JEAN ANN (Franklin, 1928) - Jap. - Midseason - Crimson. Medium height. All crimson with gold tips on center. In Bulletin 35 the peony is registered JEAN ANNE. In Bulletin 36 the name is corrected to read JEAN ANN.
JEAN BAPTISTE RENDATLER (Calot, 1866) - Double - Pink - M.
JEAN BORKSTEAD - Misspelled JEAN E. BOCKSTOCE - Red - Hybrid. Murawska's 1955 peony list. Letter from Murawska says the name should be BOCKSTOCE.
JEAN BRUCE (Chesher, 1941) - Double - Pink - Midseason. Rose fragrant. Large delicate pink. Bulletin 83.
JEAN COOPER (Cooper, 1946) - Double - White. Very fragrant. Cream center, large white collar. Bulletin 103.
JEAN COOPERMAN (Brand, 1936) - Double - Red - Early. Fragrant. Soft even toned crimson red. Lists in Bulletins 91 and 130.
JEAN COWLEY (Saunders, 1942) - Semi-Double - Bright Rose - Hybrid. Albiflora x lobata. Lists in Bulletins 91 and 129.
JEAN E. BOCKSTOCE (Bockstoce, 1933) - Double - Bright Red - Early - Hybrid. Albiflora x officinalis. Lists in Bulletins 91 and 129. Letter from Mr. Bockstoce, 1955, says early.
JEANETTE OPPLINGER (Brand, 1913) - Double - Light Pink - Midseason. Stiff stems. Small. List in Bulletin 130.
JEAN HARLOW (Wright, 1938) - Double - White - Early Midseason. Tall. Large, compact pure white of unusual form with golden reflections in the depth of the well rounded petals. No stamens or carpels. Strong stems hold the flowers above the rich green foliage. Bulletin 75.
JEAN MACKAY (Secor, 1924) - Double - Pink - M.
JEANNE (Origin unknown) - Syn. HATSU-TORI. Jap. - Pink - M.
JEANNE CAYEUX (Cayeux, prior to 1937) - Single or Jap. Bulletin 69, page 21.
JEANNE d'ARC (Calot, 1858) - Double - Pink. 1930 Wild catalog says it is similar if not identical with GOLDEN HARVEST. M.
JEANNE ERNOULD (Doriat, 1926) - Single - Pink. Tall. Rich apple-blossom-pink guards. Very fine flower. M.
JEANNE GAUDICHAU (Millet, 1902) - Double - Pink - Late. Medium height. Fragrance not notable. Large. Pale pink, changing to white with a faint blush tint and crimson edges in the center; fairly floriferous, stiff stems. Good foliage. A very pretty lacy flower but the buds are ugly and some of them never open properly. M.
JEANNE LAPANDRY (-Doriat, 1925) - Jap. - White. Pure white, flat cream center - M.
JEANNETTE (Saunders, 1938) - Single - Pink - Hybrid - DISCARDED. Tall. Lists in Bulletins 91 and 129.
JEANNOT (Dessert, 1918) Double-Pink-Late. Medium height. Faint fragrance. Large. Pale rose-pink, deepening to old-rose in center, with a distinct overcast of pale violet. Free-flowering wiry stems. Good foliage. Technically rose-form but globular in shape, of smooth, waxy substance with a greenish tint at the base of most petals.Excellent for garden decoration.
JEFFREY'S CURRANT RED - Jap. - Red - Bulletin 53, page 7.