PEONY Registrations in Bulletin 314







CENTER STAGE (David L. Reath, Vulcan, Michigan), April 16, 2000. Parentage, lutea hybrid tree peony. First bloomed 1976. Single, white with red/purple flares. Stamens, no pollen or seeds. Pleasant fragrance, excellent substance, very good bloom. Height 44" - blooms in late mid-season, vigorous, stem strength, tree peony with well displayed blooms. Foliage more finely cut than the average lutea hybrid tree peony. This variety very resistant to botrytis, dark green leaves until frost. Blooms open creamy white and quickly change to pure white. Flowers have a very eye-catching symmetrical center.

PINK COTTON CANDY (David L. Reath, Vulcan, Michigan), April 16, 2000. Seedling #80-19. Pink double, ball form, herbaceous hybrid. Has seeds, no stamen or pollen. Good substance, good amount of bloom with slight fragrance. Early mid-season bloom, height 24 inches, good stem strength, dark green foliage. The flower has a light pink base with darker pink highlights mixed throughout the double blooms. A vigorous strong plant.

KATHARINE (David L. Reath, Vulcan, Michigan), April 16, 2000. White double lactiflora, flat form, few stamens. No pollen or seeds. First bloomed 1979. Very good amount of bloom, fragrant, good substance, excellent stem strength, 34" height. Strong, vigorous plant, dark green foliage. Blooms late mid-season, occasional flower showing rose colored flecks on the edges of the petals.

FRIZ-BEE (R. W. Tischler, Faribault, MN), 1999. Parentage unknown. Dark red hybrid, 5-6 inch bloom. Bright yellow center. Plant 22 to 24 inches tall, blooms early with good foliage. No side buds.

BEN ERICKSON (R. W. Tischler, Faribault, MN), 1999. Parentage unknown. Medium colored red double, 5-6 inch bloom. Bright yellow stamens. Blooms mid-season, fairly strong stems.


JEAN ERICKSEN (Mrs. Jean Ericksen), December 6, 1999. Deep red Japanese. No pollen or seeds, good substance. One bud per stem with numerous side buds. Floriferous, side buds extend bloom time. This deep red Jap has a center the same shade as the outer petals when first opens. As flower ages the staminodes become silver tipped. Strong 38" stems, mid-season bloom, vigorous grower. Photographs.

Registered - Marvin Joslin, Canada