PEONY Registrations in Bulletin 308




GRETA KESSENICH (R. W. Tischler), Tischler Peony Garden, Faribault, Minnesota, 1998. Seedling #90. Anemone type, with staminodes so full in the center that it is almost a double. The flower is a striking beauty with the deep center a very dark-rose - almost red. This color radiates up each staminode, from the dark to the pale with the blend reaching the top of the tips, which are white. It truly is a burst of the rainbow in the blending of the rays. The guard petals are a deep pink; the plant is covered with bloom, just above the top of the foliage. Photo enclosed - Bulletin cover #308.

CHESIERES ALEXANDRA (Liselotte Hirsbrunner, Chesieres, Switzerland), 1998. Seedling #92-11 A, Miss America x Nice Gal. Semi-double, opening pink and turning to pure white after two days, showing yellow stamens. Flowers (6 ¼ " dia.) with 2-3 side buds, on sturdy stems, just above dark green foliage (26"). Compact plant with stunning purple red foliage in spring (darkest among peonies in this garden). Early to medium, long blooming season.

CHESIERES LA BOHEME (Liselotte Hirsbrunner, Chesieres, Switzerland), 1998. Seedling #92-11 B, Miss America x Nice Gal. Unusual double bright pink. Three rows of guard petals with tufted petaloids in center and a yellow collar of staminodes dividing the two pink sections. Over a period of several days, the petals turn a more delicate shade of pink with the staminodes turning white. (Flowers 5 ½ " dia., on 34" stems). Mid-season. Photo enclosed showing the two above-named peonies