The American Peony Society
Nomenclature 1976-186 p.27
TRIUMPH-(Krekler), May 1978. Seedling #K 106, hybrid. 22-inch, bit crinkled single red. Bulletin #227.
TROY (K 709) - William H. Krekler, June 1978. Attractive single carmen red. 30-inches. Bulletin #231.
ULYSSES (K 733)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. 24-inch, broad bush, large red. hybrid. Bulletin #227.
UNCLE BOB (K 754)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Hybrid, 25-inch, near semi, purple red. Bulletin #227.
UNCLE SAM-(William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio), May 1977. Blooms late April, hybrid. Seedling # 162. Dark single red. Good flower. Bulletin #223.
UNIVERSAL JOY-(Krekler), May 1978. Seedling # K 701, hybrid. 20-inch purplish, single. Bulletin #227.
UPPER CRUST-(Krekler), May 1978. Seedling # K 704, hybrid. 23-inch, wide single near white. Bulletin #227.
VELVET PRINCESS (2-62)-Myron D. Bigger, 1977. Parentage: Radiant Red x ?. Velvety dark red crown type that is almost a small bomb. The beauty of this variety is the smooth velvety flower that is all one color. Small tips of white on the very stiff petaloids of the bomb. About twenty-five inches tall with clean dark green foliage and good stem.
VETERAN - (Krekler), May 1978. Seedling # K 705, hybrid. 29-inch, big upright dense bush, floppy purple- red single. Bulletin #227.
VIKING GAL-(William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio), June 1977. Seedling # 516. Lactiflora, gay, big deep pink Jap. Big cream ball. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.
VIKING CHIEF (K 909)-William H. Krekler. June 1978. Different flecked semi-double broad pink. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #23l.
VILLAGE TALK (K 220) -William H. Krekler, June 1978. Huge semi-single carmen cream hybrid. Bulletin #231. (Because of name duplication, VILLAGE TALK replaces Town Talk.)
VOLCANO (68-27) - Walter Marx, Boring, Oregon. 1978. Parentage unknown. First bloomed 1968. Deep red Japanese developing into a pompon double. Stamens, no seeds, many buds, reliable. Midseason, heights 3 ½ ", glossy foliage, stems wiry but strong. Fast increaser. Introduced by Allan Rogers, Sherwood, Oregon.
VOLGA (K 537) - William H. Krekler, June 1978. Outstanding huge deep pink pink double. Bulletin #231.
VOODOO (K 930)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Lactiflora, silvery pink double, 28-inch, cutter. Bulletin #231.
WALTER MARX - (Walter Marx) - Introduced by Rogers, Sherwood, Oregon, May 19, 1981. Seedling #68-28; single lactiflora; first bloomed 1965; parentage unknown. White, faint blush tinge, cup-shaped fluted petals, stamens, pollen, seeds, fragrant and reliable; 4-5 buds per stem; height 48 inches; stiff stems, early, very dark foliage; no support for the 10-inch bloom; 10-11 petals, stays cup-shaped. Mr. Marx's favorite.
WARREN KREKLER-(William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio), 1975. Heavy, late double purple-red, lazy. 1976 check list, name only. Bulletin #219.