The American Peony Society
Nomenclature 1976-186 p. 4
AVIS VARNERD. Steve Varner, Monticello. Illinois. January 5. 1981. Parentage unknown; first bloomed 1970; seedling #070. Lactiflora, deep red, large full double ball, good substance, no stamens, no fragrance, reliable, height 36 inches. Midseason, excellent stem strength. Disbudded stems have never gone down in eleven years. A deeper red and superior to Felix Supreme. Three buds per stem.
BABY FACE-Krekler-Klehm, May 31. 1985, #188. Hybrid, medium rosy pink single, flat form, small yellow puff of stamens. Bloom width 3 ¾ ''. Petal width 1 ½ ''. Pollen, early, 15" height, heavy compact medium green foliage. Moderately musty fragrance. Klehm Nursery Bulletin #255.
BANDIT-William H. Krekler. Somerville, Ohio, June 1977, Seedling #586. Lactiflora, high built flesh pink double. Much silver. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.
BARBARA (K 569)-William H. Krekler, June 1978. Stout heavy 42-inch. Late dull red lactiflora. Bulletin #231.
BARBARA SUSAN-Robert F. Schmidt, Brecksville. Ohio, July 27, 1985. Seedling S-24. Parentage unknown; first bloomed 1982. Single medium pink lactiflora. Has prolific amount of bloom, early to midseason, reliable. 36-38" height, dark green glossy foliage. Named after youngest daughter of originator. Bulletin #256.
BARON (K125)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Hybrid, 27-inch, cutter type, single red. Bulletin #227.
BEACON (K 837)William H. Krekler, May 1978. Lactiflora, 41-inch sturdy waxy deep red double. Bulletin #227.
BEA'S CHOICE (M30-63)Ruth Clay x Sarah Bernhardt. First bloomed 1970. Edward Lee Michau, Derby, Kansas 1975. Strawberry red guards with red and cream center. Cream fades to white. Lactiflora, double, bomb. No stamens. Has seeds, good substance. 2-3 buds per stem, 28" height. Midseason. Young divisions bloom Jap.
BEHOLD (K 784)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Hybrid, 26-inch, different flat flecked rose double. Bulletin #227.
BEELZEBUB-William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, May 1977. Bloomed before May 3, hybrid. Seedling #169. Single glossy red. Bush similar to Officinalis. Bulletin #223.
BIG DADDY (K 922)-William H. Krekler. June 1978. Heavy 29-inch dense double red. Cutter type. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #231.
BIG MAMA BEAR (K 545)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Lactiflora, 37-inch huge upright double pink. Bulletin #227.
BIGUN William H. Krekler, Somerville. Ohio, June 1977. Seedling #584. Lactiflora, huge wine red heavy double. Upright; tall one. Best. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.
BILLS CHOICE William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, May 1977. Blooms before May 3. Hybrid. Seedling #277. Clear light orange red single, generous, foot tall. The best. Bulletin #223.
BILLS DARLING -William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, June 1977. Seedling #576. Lactiflora. Huge heavy flesh pink double, flecks. Best. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.
BILLS PRIDE -William H. Krekler, Somerville. Ohio, May 1977. Blooms before May 3. Hybrid. Seedling #247. Black-red, velvet texture, single, large erect. Lasts; the best. Bulletin #223.
BLAZER William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, May 1977. Bloomed before May 3. Hybrid. Seedling #166. Rich red single. Late April. Blooms with tenuifolia. Bulletin #223.