type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
FLORENCE BOND (Gumm, 1936) - Double - White - Late Midseason. Medium height. Large globular flower of pure white, slightly tinted pink at first? strong steins; extra good. List in Bulletin 91.
FLORENCE BOND (F)(M)(Gumm) An impressive, large globular pure white double thickly packed with heavy substance petals; on first opening the bloom may have a pale pink cast, but turns all white |
picture available on Prof. Harald Fawkner's website, www.speedcloud.com , look under North-East |
Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |