type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
WHITE CAP (G. E. Winchell 1956) (J-3-CJ) Guards dark pink, staminodes white, tall. Stiff stems. Midseason. Registered by G. E. Winchell, Oskaloose, Iowa. Bulletin #142 September 1956. WHITE CAP (1956) - Anemone Jap. (J 3 CJ). Guards dark pink, almost red. Petaloids cream fading white. |
WHITECAP A wonderfully showy garden plant of Japanese form. Guard petals of raspberry red contrast delightfully with a large centre of ivory white staminodes. A most floriferous plant with a very long flowering period. Red Japanese, Mid season 100cm. WHITE CAP Pink, Japanese, Mid season , Fragrant. 100cm. Guard petals of a pinky red surround the full centre of ivory white staminodes. Wonderfully showy. |
WHITE CAP:Always in demand we have just two left after meeting our waiting list demand last fall. This Gold Medal winner is striking with cerise petals and white center. 32" stems. Midseason. |
Sevald: |
WHITE CAP (Winchell, 1956) Japanese, midseason. Guard petals rose red, stamin-odes white, often with some of the petal color mixed in. Beautiful blooms with a bold color combination on a strong plant a little above average in height. Because of its great popularity, this variety seems to be always in short supply |
Nicholls Gardens (1999): |
WHITE CAP (Winchell 56) Raspberry petals surround the center of ivory and pink stamenoides. This very lovely Japanese has stiff stems and is an excellent garden selection. GM 91 Midseason. Fragrant. Very limited-order early. |
WHITE CAP, Winchell (USA), 1956, Paeonia lactiflora, Bloemvorm van het Japanse type. Diep donkerroze, nagenoeg rode, buitenste bloembladeren omringen een fantastisch hart van smalle petalen welke een crème-gele kleur hebben met tevens de rode tint van de buitenste bloemblaadjes. Een onbeschrijflijk mooie kleurencombinatie. Veel zijknoppen wat een lange bloei garandeert. Sierlijk donkergroen gewas met stevige stelen. Deze compacte groeier ruikt bovendien overheerlijk sterk en zoet. Een zeer populaire en beperkt voorkomende cultivar, terecht bekroond met de APS Gold Medal in 1991 WHITE CAP, Winchell (USA), 1956, Paeonia lactiflora, Japanese-type flowers with beet red guard petals surrounding a spectacular center of creamy yellow staminodes with the beet red of the guard petals mixed in. Beautiful booms with a bold color combination. Many sidebuds provide the opportunity for prolonged blooming. Graceful dark green leaflets on strong stems. A mature plant forms a compact bush producing many, many flower stems. 'White Cap' is one of the strongest and most deliciously scenting peony varieties we know. A very popular variety, which always seems to be short in supply. Awarded with the APS Gold Medal in 1991. |
(+6) Superbe japonaise aux couleurs contrastées! Les petals de garde sont rose-rouge très foncé entourant un cur de pétaloides crèmes. Très florifère. Le plant est fort et les tiges portent bien les fleurs sans support. Bon parfum. Floraison en mi-saison. Plant haut de 95 cm. Gagnante de la médaille d'or de l'American Peony Society en 1991. A ne pas manquer! (+6) Wonderful japanese flower with contrasting colors. Guards petals dark pink-red surround a center of creamy colored petaloids. Very floriferous with numerous secondary buds. Strong plant and stems holding flowers without any support. Good fragrance. Mid-season bloomer. Tall plant of 95 cm. American Peony Society Gold Medal Winner in 1991. Do not miss it! |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |
Tag der Pflanzung/date of planting: 19.11.97 geliefert durch / delivered by: Klose