type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [Japanese botan]
(Japanese tree peony - Reddish-Purple Flowering group) Large size. Pale reddish-purple stigmas. Exposed green ovaries. Midseason. Sparse foliage. Tall, needing support. |
Rivière (1995): |
'Suzakumon' Sorte japanischer Herkunft. Gefüllt, rosa mit feurigem Petalengrund, Stempel purpurrot, spärlich belaubt, die Blüten sind sehr schwer und müssn gestützt werden. |
Osti (1997) |
SUZAKUMON. Fiore semidoppio con grandi petali arricciati, di colore rosa pallido, sfumato, scuro all'unghia. Di grande sviluppo, evoca la danza di una dama giapponese in costume, con le lunghe ampie maniche svolazzanti, vista di profilo. I fiori vanno supportati da tutori. Fioritura a metà stagione. |
Osti (1999) |
SUZAKUMON This variety has large flowers that need supporting by props. Flowers: very pale pink, darker at the base of the petals; semi-double, large curled petals, mid-season flowering. Habit: large.Evocative of the dance of a Japanese lady seen in profile in traditional costume, with long, wide, flapping sleeves. |
Wister (1961): |
'Suzuku-mon' (Susuku's Gate) |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |