type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [Japanese botan]


Japan, probably The Chugai Nursery before 1926

The Chugai Nursery, Yamamoto, Japan, Catalog 1940-1941: Tree peony, Selected Varieties:

Wister (1961):

'Okina-jishi' (Aged Lion) (Jap. bef. 1926)

(Japanese tree peony - White Flowering group) Inner petals crinkled but the distinctive feature of "Shishizaki" (asymmetry) is not noticeable. Medium size. Late midseason Leaflets large and pendulous.


Japan bef. 1926

Ariga (1993)

OKINA-JISHI (Alter Löwe) Rein weiße Blüte in tausendfacher Blüte. Das Photo zeigt die Blüte noch nicht vollständig entfaltet. Manchmal wird die Blüte üppig und zehntausendfach.

Rivière (1995):


'Okinajishi' Sorte japanischer Herkunft. Gefüllt sehr schöne weiße, vollkommen unsymmetrische Blüte, innere Petalen gefältelt, großes weiches Laub, mittelhoch.

Osti (1999)

OKINAJISHI, «Vecchio uomo». Fiore bianco assoluto, con i petali interni arricciati, asimmetrico (Shishizaki). Portamento contenuto, fioritura mediano - tardiva; fogliame grande e pendulo.

Osti (1999)


OKINAJISHI, "Old Man" Flowers: completely white; inner petals curled, Shishizaki (asymmetrical), mid - season to late flowering. Leaves: large, tend to hang downwards. Habit: compact.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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