type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [Japanese botan]
origin: |
Japan, in Osaka before 1910 |
The Chugai Nursery, Yamamoto, Japan, Catalog 1940-1941: Tree peony, Choice Varieties: |
(Japanese tree peony - Reddish-Purple Flowering group) Large size. Stigmas and sheath white. Midseason. Tall and vigorous |
HANA KISOI (FLORAL RIVALRY) Flower type: Tree PeonySemi-double Plant zone(s): 4-8 Bloom time: Early Hybridizer: Japanese Moutan
Large, exotic and extremely attractive medium to vivid pink airy blossoms. Color may vary depending on weather conditions. Very reliable and highly recommended. |
Frank (1989) |
'Hana Kisoi' (Blumen - Rivale). Große, dicke Knospen öffnen sich zu wundervollen, halbgefüllten Blüten von zartem Muschelrosa, das im Zentrum kräftiger wird. Die Petalen sind gekräuselt. |
Ariga (1993) |
HANA-KISOI (Wetteifer der Blumen) Leuchtendes Rosa. Riesenblume in tausendfacher Blüte. Frühblühend. Das Rosa des Blütenboden ist etwas dunkler. Sie ist eine typische rosa Sorte und geeignet als Topfpflanze und zum Treiben. |
'Hana Kisoi' "Rivalität der Blüten" Sorte japanischer Herkunft. Wunderbare, riesengroße, halbgefüllte Blüte, blaßrosa, kräftige Pflanze, die sehr gut zum Schnitt geeignet ist. HANA KISOI "Rivalité florale". (Semi-double). Grande fleur, rosé carné clair au centre, argenté sur les bords. Pétales chiffonnés, cur jaune d'or. Remarquable introduction, une des meilleures rosés. |
Origine: Japan, Croisement: complexe P. suffruticosa (pivoine arbustive), Fleur: Semi-double, Tuteur: Non, Hauteur: 60-90 cm, Floraison: 3e semaine, Parfum: Bon, Fleurs secondaires: Non, Notes: Cest la première pivoine arbustive que jai cultivée. Elle pousse sur le côté est de notre maison, où elle reçoit environ six heures densoleillement matinal. Elle voisine des fougères et, à son pied, jai planté de la tiarelle cordifoliée (Tiarella cordifolia), qui fleurit au même moment. Les fleurs reposent impeccablement sur le feuillage. À cause de lhiver, elle natteint que 70 centimètres ici, mais elle pourrait atteindre plus de un mètre sous un climat plus doux et avec une meilleure protection. Flower Form: Semi-double, Staking: No, Height: 60-90 cm, Bloom Period: Week 3, Fragrance: Good, Side Buds: No Comments: This is the first tree peony I grew. It grows on the east side of our house where it receives about 6 hours of morning sun. It is planted next to ferns and underplanted with Tiarella cordifolia (foam flower) which blooms at the same time. The flowers sit neatly atop the foliage. Here it only reaches about 70 cm because of winter die back but it should reach over a meter with better protection or a milder climate. © 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust |
A&D Nursery: |
HANA KISOI (Japan) Large flowers of light cherry pink; semidouble; one of the very best Japanese tree peonies; plant grows to 60 inches tall, |
HANA KISOI A branching bush covered with a myriad of full double shell pink blooms. A most pleasing effect. Most people seem to love the pale pink doubles - perhaps it is because they are better known than most. |
HANAKASOI (Floral Rivalry):Beautiful mid-pink, large flowers. 60" Early. One of the easiest of the tree peonies to grow it creates a sensation in the spring garden. We have some 4 year old, multistem, own root plants in 3 gallon pots available at the slightly higher price. |
'Hanakisoi : (Japon) fl. double rosé carné argenté , mi-saison |
'Hanakisoi' (Japon) : flr. semi-double à double rosé tendre brillant. |
Margitta Stewart 2007: |
Hanakisoi. (Floral Rivalry). Chugai Nursery. 1910. Japanese suffruticosa. Large semi-double to double medium pink flowers. Flowers are creped and ruffled. Outer edges of the petals fade more quickly than the interior. The large flowers are held upright by sturdy stems and never fail to put on a great show. Cream stigmas, sheath and stamens. Plants have much red coloration in their leaves. A sturdy grower that is thought to be one of the best pink suffruticosas by many gardeners. Fertile both ways and creates some wonderful looking seedlings. Blooms in the early part of the woody peony season. |