type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
Paeonia sinensis. Gefüllt und halbgefüllt: |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: MONS. JULES ELIE. mg-sye-zhul-za-lee'. (Crousse, 1888.) 9.2. Double type; very large; early. Light rose-pink of the dull, opaque quality seen in pink chrysanthemums; broad, smooth guard petals; center incurved and silvered with light grayish pink; moderately fragrant. Tall; very free-flowering; stems lax and loose. Foliage light green. One of the most popular of all peonies. Its stems are bad for garden use, but it is most effective when cut. "Always finishes crown type."Little. "As the flower expands, these central petals also expand, but still retain the same general shape."Thurlow. |
listed by: |
MONS. JULES ELIE (Crousse, 1888) - Double - Pink - Early. Tall. Moderate fragrance. Very large. Light rose-pink of the dull-opaque quality seen in pink chrysanthemums; broad, smooth guard petals; center incurved and silvered with light grayish pink. Very free-flowering; stems lax and loose. Foliage light green. One of the most popular of all peonies. Its stems are bad for garden use, but it is most effective when cut. M. |
'M. Jules Elie' /Félix Crousse/1888 |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Monsieur Jules Elie' (Crousse, Frankrijk, 1888) Bloemen roze, aan de buitenzijde lichter verkleurend, gevuld, vroeg; bladeren middelgroot, regelmatig gevormd, lichtgroen; hoogte 90 cm, bloemstengels goed tot matig stevig (doorgaans iets te dun); vertakking matig tot goed. Deze nu 100 jaar oude cultivar is vooral voor de snij waardevol. In 1996 nam deze pioen op de Aalsmeerse veiling de zevende plaats in, ondanks de matig stevige bloemstengels. Ook blijkt deze cultivar enigszins gevoelig te zijn voor Botrytis, waarbij dient te worden opgemerkt, dat dit op zwaardere grondsoorten minder vaak voorkomt. Ook kan de plant worden aangetast door wortelknobbelaalijes. Als tuinplant is deze pioen niet bepaald aan te bevelen. |
Mons. Jules Elie (Crousse 1888) M. Bomb double; medium to light pink, center petals silvered; very large, moderate fragrance. For long a staple of the florist trade and much appreciated for its vigor and flower size. Good grower, free flowering. Stems lax, need support if to be flowered in the landscape. Used extensively as seed parent. |
'Mons. Jules Elle' (F Crousse 1888). Lilarosa mit silbrigem Schein, gefüllt. Sehr reichblühend und gut als Schnittblume geeignet. Zarter Duft |
MONS JULES ELIE Pink, Double, Mid season 90cm. An ever popular "oldie" of lush proportions. Strongly perfumed. |
MONSIEUR JULES ELIE:Double, opaque pink, very large and fragrant blooms. One of the best for cut flowers because of its generous bloom. Needs staking.40" stems. Early. |
MONSIEUR JULES ELIE (Crousse, 1888). Excellente variété ancienne toujours très recherchée. Fleur globuleuse dont les pétales extérieurs sont larges et forment une coupe dans laquelle on trouve une boule de petits pétales de même couleur rosé frais argenté, glacé et satiné. Feuillage vert foncé et vigoureux. Légèrement parfumée. Précoce. H. 1,10 |
Aulden Farm 2005 |
Paeonia 'Monsieur Jules Elie'- Very large, light rose-pink sweetly scented flowers. Good for cutting and free flowering. Introduced in 1888. Ht 90cm |
Monsieur Jules Elie Large domed rose pink, double flowers; the central petals curving inwards and edged with a silvery sheen. Rose scented, these are borne on long stems. |
Mons Jules Elie: Huge, fragrant, double flowers, densely packed with large rose-pink petals, covered with a silvery sheen. A free flowering cultivar, one of the most popular pinks in North America. |
Sevald: |
MONS JULES ELIE (Crousse, France, 1888) Bomb double, early. Very large, beautiful blooms of silvery pink. Dependable, free flowering and easy to grow, it is found in gardens around the world, and its reputation is well deserved. It can be cut in late bud stage, kept in cold storage, and later opened in water, and is used extensively in the commercial cut flower |
Mons. Jules Elie (Crousse 1888), light lavender-pink with silvery sheen changing to near white. Huge ball-shaped flower with very large outside petals. Varies in colour and shape as it matures. Useful for cut flowers. Stout but lax stems. vff.fr.evl. |
Large size. Early. Strong tall stems. Named "Fuji" in Japan. |
MONSIEUR JULES ELIE (F)(E)(Crousse) Huge light rose-pink double bomb--a garden classic and showstopper since l888 |
MONS JULES ELIE An ever popular "oldie" of lush proportions. Strongly perfumed, this voluptuous beauty seems right at home in a cottage garden setting. Pink Double, Mid season 90cm. |
Plant Delights Nursery 2005 |
Paeonia 'Monsieur Jules Elie' (Monsieur Jules Elie Peony) Sun to Part SunZone: 2-8 24" tall Origin: Hybrid
This old favorite has proven to be one of the best peonies for those of us in the winter-impaired parts of the country. The very early-to-open, fragrant, light pink flowers are truly humongous!
Monsieur Jules Elie (Crousse, 1888) Pink, bomb-type double, fragrant, midseason, 36" tall, lactiflora cultivar. These lightly fragrant blossoms are a lively light rose-pink. This heirloom classic is a good cut flower. May need support. |
'Monsieur Jules Elie' (Crousse 1888) : flr. double rosé, parfumée tés florifère, 1m, mi-saison |
plate 7 |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
Beitrag von marcir am 15.5.2007: |
Beitrag von marcir am 20.5.2007: |
Margitta Stewart 2007: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |