type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
CLAIRE DE LUNE (White - Wild & Son 1954) - Single -Yellow - Very Early - Hybrid. 28" tall. A ten petaled single hybrid, pale yellow, crinkled and rounded at the petal edges. Carpels pale and hairy with pink tips. Filament is yellow in color, and the anthers orange. The stems are Mlokosewitschi; leaflets midway between the two parents. Albiflora (MONS. JULES ELIE) x Mlokosewitschi. Bulletin 131. |
parents/ Eltern: |
Mons Jules Elie (Crousse, 1888)* |
CLAIRE DE LUNE White, single, Early, No staking. 80cm. A delightful flower of simple single form in a soft cream, crinkled and rounded at the petal edges. |
'Claire de Lune' (White Wild & Son, 1954),Li,B,1-3/ 70-90,70,s.früh,hell-schwefel-gelb,A1-2,Dunkle Staubgefäße, duftend |
CLAIRE DE LUNE (E)(White/Wild) Large pale yellow to ivory single filled with a mass of buttery yellow stamens; a bright flower, crinkled and rounded at the petal edges; the carpels have showy pink tips; a hybrid from Mlokosewitschii; choice |
CLAIRE DE LUNE (White, Wild & son, 1954). (Mr Jules EUE X MLOKOSEWITSCHII). Fleur simple à deux rangs de larges pétales ronds et courts, de couleur jaune crème très clair nervures. Fleur bien ouverte aux pétales fermes. Très florifère. Précoce. |
ClaireAustin: |
Claire de lune Absolutely fabulous pale lemon, single flowers with the most delicate yellow stamens balanced on red stems above large, deep green leaves. Sweetly scent. Early. |
CLAIRE DELUNE A delightful flower of simple single form in a soft cream, crinkled and rounded at the petal edges. white, single, Early, No staking 80cm |
New Plantsman, 2001 8:3 174 Awards of Merit |
AWARDS OF MERIT Paeonia 'Claire de Lune', P.C. (Paeoniaceae) Exhibited on 2.1st May 2000 by WL. Banks, Hergest Croft Gardens, Kington, Herefordshire. HR5 3EG. Obtained from Kelways Ltd (Langport, Somerset), whose paeony displays at Chelsea Flower Show and elsewhere pre-dated, and inspired the present esteem in which the genus is held, 'Claire de Lune' is a single-flowered hybrid between the yellow, Caucasian Paeonia mlokosewitschii and the Sino-Soviet P. lactiflora, progenitor of many of the most popular cultivars. Presumably the latter was a white-flowered example in this case, for the flower, 13 cm in diameter when fully open and comprising ten or so obovate petals, is very pale creamy-yellow, albeit with a reddish flush on the reverse. The biternate, mid to dark green leaves, are divided into oblong-elliptic leaflets up to 11 cm long, and lack the glaucous sheen of 'Molly the Witch'. Like that species, however, specimens are slow to build up into a good clump, for all that they are of more robust growth, with stems up to 1 m tall. In some peonies the scent can be almost overpowering; that emitted by 'Claire de Lune' |
CLAIRE DE LUNE:Very early blooming single pale yellow. It is a hybrid of the yellow species P. mlokosewitschii and Mons Jules Elie. Wonderfully fragrant. 28" tall. |
Clair de Lune* (White, Wild & Son 1954) E, Single; petals pale yellow, crinkled and rounded at the edges. Carpels pale and hairy with pink tips. Filament is yellow in color, and the anthers orange. (Mons. Jules Elie x Paeonia mlokosewitchi), the sole achievement from this cross was said to have resulted from 4000 pollinations. A rare hybrid; has useable fertility. |
'Claire de Lune' offen schalenförmig einfach Fetalen leicht gekraust / hellgelb Staubgefäße satt gelb / A Mai - E Mai / duftend. / 60cm/ |
(-9) Romantic name for this peony of a pale yellow. Clair de Lune is a unique treasure because it is the only progeny of many thousands crosses done between Mons Jules Elie and the yellow species peony Mlokosewitschii. Splendid specimen with simple flower bearing many rows of undulated petals of a soft yellow. Robust plant with strong stems. Early bloomer. Plant of 85 cm. Limited. (-9) Nom très évocateur de la couleur de la fleur cette pivoine qui est dun jaune très pâle. Clair de Lune est une rareté car elle est lunique progéniture de plusieurs milliers de croisement effectués entre la pivoine lactiflora Mons Jules Elie et la pivoine botanique jaune Paeonia Mlokosewitschii. Splendide spécimen aux fleurs simples à plusieurs rangs de pétales ondulés dun jaune très doux. Plant robuste dont les tiges sont fortes et supportent bien les fleurs. Floraison hâtive. Plant de 85 cm. Quantité limitée. |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |