type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
origination: |
BLAZE (Orville W Fay) 62-6 - Parentage Bravura x self. 32" height. Hybrid bright red, single, two or three rows of petals. Early, strong plant. Registered by David Reath. Vulcan, Michigan, June 30, 1973, Bulletin 208 December 1973. |
BLAZE(E)(Fay) Large, fiery scarlet red with two rows of rounded petals and a center of bright, sunny yellow stamens; plant height to about 30 inches; great vigor |
BLAZE A hybrid whose golden centre is shown off lo perfection by the two to three rows of bright red petals (hat are slightly waved. The contrasting green foliage makes the perfect form for the flowers. An ideal low growing plant to brighten up your garden. Rsingle, Early, no staking, 80cm. |
Blaze (Orville W. Fay, 1973) Red, single to semi-double, midseason, 32" tall, hybrid. Bright red wavy petals with a golden center. It is a strong growing variety with sturdy plant habit. It blooms on dark green foliage. Brightens up the season! |
BLAZE (Fay, 1973). (Bravura x Bravura). (Semi-double). Un remarquable hybride rouge brillant à 2 ou 3 rangées de pétales. Plante solide et précoce. H. 0,80 m. |
Blaze (Fay/Reath, 1973) EM. Single; 2-3 rows of bright red petals. Strong grower, prolific, sturdy plant habit. Recent addition to our collection, so fertility not noted. Reported to be of a Bravura seed (as is the somewhat fertile Paula Fay). |
BLAZE:True bright red multi-petaled single hybrid. Early blooming on a strong 32" plant with dark green leaves. |
'Blaze' (Fay, 1973),Li,B,1-3/ 70-90,90,früh ,tiefrot,B1,Halbgefüllt; 2 Reihen Blütenblätter; großblumig. |
'Blaze' (Orville W.Fay 1973) : flr. semi-double rouge brillant, étamines jaunes, précoce |
Feldweber: |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed |