type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
CHARM (Franklin, 1931) - Japanese - Red - Late. 34" high. Very dark red Jap. Good upright grower, vigorous. An improvement on Fuyajo. A lustrous, satiny sheen on the petals gives it a very classy effect. One of the best of its color. Bulletin 47. |
(JE-3) (1931) - Jap., late. Dark red, the best of its color. |
Charm* (Franklin 1931) L. Japanese type; intensely pigmented, .black. red, staminodes lightly edged yellow. Heavy substance throughout, gives a neatly tailored flower. Stout, very erect, makes a stately bush worthy of an accent point for the near border. |
CHARM (L)(Franklin) Dark and lustrous black mahogany red Imperial with a wide center tuff of same color staminodes that have bright gold tips; a difficult color to capture exactly in a photograph, but a rich and luscious shade that's perfect to plant with pinks and creams, |
(+12) A beautiful late bloomer japanese peony! Dark red flowers, with guard petals and center of the same color except some golden notes in the center. Very strong stems holding upright the flowers above foliage. Late bloomer. Height of 90 cm. Excellent choice to extend the blooming season. (+12) Une belle japonaise à floraison tardive! La fleur est d'un rouge très foncé, ton sur ton avec seulement quelques touches dorées au centre. Tiges très fermes portant les fleurs bien érigées au-dessus du feuillage. Attire vraiment l'attention. Floraison tardive. Plant de 90 cm. Bon choix pour prolonger la saison. |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
(J R L) Long regarded as among the bet of the red Japanese flowered peonies. The flowers are dark red and have a lustrous sheen to the petals. Tall plant. A classic peony. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |