Paeonia 'Mons. Dupont'
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
Paeonia sinensis. Extra-Auslese der feinsten Sorten, die das beste enthält, was existiert: |
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Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: MONS.DUPONT.(Calot, 1872.) 8.3. Double type; large; late midseason. White with a yellow glow from buried stamens, and very conspicuous crimson blotches on central petals; strong fragrance. Tall; very free-blooming; stiff stems. Excellent foliage. A very distinct sort, of cupped form with a collar composed of tufts of petals arranged in little whorls. The crimson spots are exceptionally vivid and give it considerable resemblance to Boule de Neige, which blooms earlier. "Odor is none of the best."Engle. |
MONS DEPONT (Calot, 1872) - Double - White - Late Midseason. Tall. Strong fragrance. Large. White with a yellow glow from buried stamens, and very conspicuous crimson blotches on central petals. Very free-flowering; stiff stems. Excellent foliage. A very distinct sort, of cupped form with a collar composed of tufts of petals arranged in little whorls. Midseason. Madame DUPONT - Probably a mis-writing of MONS. DUPONT. Double - White, marked crimson. Mid-season. |
Rivière (1995): |
'M. Dupont' /Calot/1872 |
Mons. Dupont* (Calot 1872) L. Full Double; white with a yellow glow from buried stamens, and conspicuous crimson blotches on central petals; strong fragrance. Large, very free-flowering; stiff stems. Excellent foliage. A recent addition here, from the collection of Dorothy (Jones) Knapp. |
Rivière (2000) |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |