Paeonia 'Sunlight' (No.14400??)

type: [herbaceous peony] – [herbaceous hybrid]


lac #1026


#4710 (Mloko x Macro)


14400'Sunlight' 14400'Sunglint'? (Triple hybrid?)


SUNLIGHT (Saunders, 1950) - Single - Delicate Yellow - Hybrid. Quadruple hybrid: albiflora, officinalis, marcophylla, and Mlokosewitschi. List in Bulletin 129.

SUNLIGHT (NC) - One of the quadruples. Dwarf and warmer in tones than some of the others.

SUNLIGHT (A. P. Saunders) (14400) Hybrid, yellow, single, two or three rows of petals. Saunders lactiflora # 1026 x Saunders 4710 (Mloko x Macro) pollen, seeds occasionally. 35" tall. Very early. Registered by David Reath. Bulletin #208 December 1973.

SUNLIGHT (1950) (NC) - Dwarf warm rosy ivory.

Zeppelin (2001)

'Sunlight' (USA Saunders 1950). Cremefarbene bis gelbe Schale mit aprikosenfarbiger Zeichnung. Niedrige und sehr frühe Sorte, die beeindruckt!

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database
