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Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder

John R. Mann & JULIUS J. van STEEN 1877-1946

Crystal Lake, Illinois

Biographical sketches

van Steen, Julius, Crystal Lake, Ill. 1877-1946. Breeder.

APS: History of the Peonies and their Originations (-1975):

JULIUS J. van STEEN - Crystal Lake, Illinois

These were from the garden of the late John R. Mann and were registered by Mr. van Steen in 1936. Except WENDELL WILLKIE.

AVE MARIA - Double, early midseason. Blush fading white occasional red markings. Strong stems

MISS AMERICA 20. - Semi-double, early. Blush fading white, good stems.

H.M. PINK GEM - Single, early, pink.

RED SPLENDOR 428. - Distinctive red. Staminodes red margined gold. Very strong stems, H.M.

ROSE OF HEAVEN - Double, midseason. Clear pink with some golden Staminodes showing.

WHITE GOLD 491. - Jap. White guards with deep yellow Staminodes. Tall. H.M.

WENDELL L. WILLKIE (1940) - Double. Deep pink. No further description available.

Breedings & Introductions

Ave Maria

(Mann - van Steen 1936)


Miss America

(Mann-van Steen, 1936)


Pink Gem

(Mann - van Steen 1936)



Red Splendor

(Mann - van Steen 1936)


Rose of Heaven

(Mann-van Steen, 1936)



Rose of Tralee

(Mann-van Steen)



Wendell L Willkie

(Van Steen 1940)



White Gold

(Mann - van Steen 1936)



Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library

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Peony breeder M
