Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder |
Seneclauze |
France |
Biographical sketches |
While importations from China continued from the time of Sabine's paper to the time of Fortune (1846), nothing new seems to have been brought in. Meanwhile, seedlings began to appear on the continent. The Baumann Nursery, at Bollwiller, on the upper Rhine, in 1836 lists ten varieties, six of which are their own seedlings (with long Latin names). Noisette, one of the first to grow tree peonies in France, and who sold some of his first plants for from 1500 francs to 100 louis, offered twelve new seedlings in 1839; Mathieu of Belleville offered four seedlings and David three, but little or no reference to these earlier varieties is made in later catalogues or periodicals. The first introductions of any lasting value, were apparently those of His, of Versailles, in 1839 and 1842, among these being Hissiana, Josephine Imperatrix, and Carolina. In 1846, Jacob Makoy, of Liege, introduced Lambertinae. In 1846, Seneclauze listed thirty-six varieties, and in 1849 Triomphe de Vandermaelen either first flowered or was introduced by J. F. Vandermaelen, of Brussels. |
source of these names of this compilation: PEONIES, The Manual of the American Peony Society, EDITED BY JAMES BOYD, Copyright 1928 by American Peony Society. Chapter: TREE PEONY CHECK-LIST.
remark: It is very probable, that the following cultivars of the SUFFRUTICOSA-Group are in part renamed imports. |
Anmerkung: Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass die nachfolgenden Sorten der SUFFRUTICOSA-Gruppe zum Teil umbenannte Sorten anderer Züchter sind: |
Breedings & Introductions |
Abraham Lincoln. Double offered by Dessert 1902; Paillet 1889 as new. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Amabilis-plena. Double ( - , 1846.) offered by Seneclauze 1846. (Never widely distributed.) |
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Amaranthina plena. Double offered by Seneclauze 1846;Lemoine 1904; V.H. 1873. |
(Seneclauze or Guérin, 1 846.) |
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Bellini. (------,1846.) offered by Seneclauze 1846; Paillet 1889. |
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Carnea Grandiflora. (------, 1846.) offered by Seneclauze 1846. (Never widely distributed.) |
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Centifolia rosea. Double offered by Dessert 1899, 1905; Paillet 1889. |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Col. d'Andeleau. Double offered by Dessert 1899; 1905; Paillet as new. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Compacta plena. (originated in Japan, 1846.) offered by Seneclauze 1846. |
tj-eur |
Comte de Paris. offered by Ruitton & Riviere 1906; Dessert 1899; Pai 1889. |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Comtesse de Crawford . Double offered by Dessert 1899, 1905; Paillet 1889 as new. |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Concessa plena. Double (1846.) offered by Seneclauze 1846. (Never widely distributed.) |
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Coquette des Blanches. Double offered by Dessert 1905; Paillet 1889 as new. |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Dejanire. offered by Krelage 1867; Van Houtte 1873; Kelway & Son 1889; Paillet 1889 as new. |
(Seneclauze, 1867.) |
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Donna Maria. Syn. Mme. Thibault. offered by Dessert 1899,1905; Paillet 1889. |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Duchesse de Parme. offered by Lemoine 1892; Ruitton & Riviere 1906; Van Houtte 1873; Krelage 1867; Paillet 1889. |
(Seneclauze, 1867.) |
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Eugene Verdier . offered by Paillet 1889 as new. Syn., Princess Louise. (Never widely distributed.) |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Gen. Faidherbe. Syns. Souv. de Downing; Souv. de Dowening. offered by Paillet 1889; Van Geert 1896; Dessert 1905. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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George Paul Syn. Souv. d'Adrien Seneclauze. offered by Dessert 1905, 1899; Montigny 1886; Paillet 1889; Old Farm Nursery 1924. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
(Seneclauze, 1886.) |
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Giovanna. (1846.) offered by Seneclauze 1846; Van Houtte 1873; Krelage 1867; 1889; Paillet 1889. |
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Grandiflora spectabilis. offered by Seneclauze 1846. (Never widely distributed.) |
(Seneclauze, 1846.) |
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Heterophylla. offered by Seneclauze 1846. (Never widely distributed.) |
(Seneclauze, 1846.) |
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Jeanne d'Arc. offered by Van Geert 1896; Barbier 1900; Paillet 1889; Goos & Koenemann 1911; Dessert 1905, 1899; Lemoine 1904; Old Farm Nursery 1924. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Josephine Seneclause offered by Lemoine 1897; Dessert 1905, 1899; Paillet 1889. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Louise. (1846.) offered by Seneclauze 1846. (Never widely distributed.) |
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Ma Belle. (1846.) offered by Seneclauze 1846; Paillet 1889. (Never widely distributed.) |
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Marguerite. offered by Van Houtte 1873; Krelage 1867; Kelway & Son 1889; Paillet 1889 as new. |
(Seneclauze, 1867.) |
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Maria-Theresa.offered by Seneclauze 1846; Van Houtte 1873; Krelage 1867; Paillet 1889. |
(Seneclauze, 1846.) |
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Marquis de Clapiers. offered by Barbier 1900; Dessert 1905, 1899. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
(Seneclauze, 1899.) |
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Mme. A. Seneclauze. offered by Lemoine 1892; Paillet 1889. (Never widely distributed.) |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Mme. de St. Rome. offered by Kelway & Son 1889; Krelage 1867. |
(Seneclauze, 1867.) |
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Mme. Edouard Seneclauze. See Reine Elizabeth. |
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Mme. Lemoine. Double offered by Lemoine 1892,1908; Dessert 1897,1905; Paillet 1889. |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Madame Thibault. Syn. Donna Maria. Double offered by Dessert 1905, 1899; Paillet 1889. |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Mont Vesuve . Double offered by Dessert 1902, 1905; Ruitton & Riviere 1905; Chenault 1910; Paillet 1889. |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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(Seneclauze) |
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Ne Plus Ultra. offered by Paillet 1889; Van Geert 1896; Dessert 1899, 1905. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Nitida Plena. (1846.) offered by Seneclauze 1846. (Never widely distributed.) |
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Pallida semi plena. Syn. Papaveracea pallida semi plena. offered by Seneclauze 1846; Oudin Aine & Fils 1846. |
(Seneclauze or Noisette, 1839.) |
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Phaenicia rubra odorata. (1846.) See Rubra odorata plena. Seneclauze 1846. |
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Pres. MacMahon. Double offered by Dessert 1902; Paillet 1889. |
(Seneclauze 1889.) |
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Princess Louise. Syn. Eugene Verdier. offered by Barbier 1909; Dessert 1899, 1905; Paillet 1889; Old Farm Nursery 1924. |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Purpurascens. (1846.) offered by Seneclauze 1846. (Never widely distributed.) |
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(Seneclauze) |
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Rosa Bella. offered by Paillet 1889. (Never widely distributed.) |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Souvenir d'Adrien Seneclauze ('George Paul ') |
(Seneclauze 1886) |
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Triomphe de Bourg-Argental. Double offered by Dessert 1902, 1905; Paillet 1889 as new. |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Uranie. Double offered by Van Geert 1896; Dessert 1905; Lemoine 1900; Old Farm Nursery 1924; Paillet 1889. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Ville de Lyon. offered by Van Geert 1896; Dessert 1899, 1905; Paillet 1889. |
(Seneclauze, 1889.) |
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Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library |