Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder |
J.B.Paillet |
Chatenay, France |
Biographical sketches |
PEONIES, The Manual of the American Peony Society, ed. by James Boyd, Copyright 1928 by American Peony Society: Tree Peony Check-list. Louis Paillet, Chatenay (Seine), France. Special peony list about 1889 or later. J. B. Paillet, 1827-1865. L. Paillet, 1865-1890. L. Paillet fils, 1890-1906. Arthur Brochet Sue., 1907.
Paillet, J. B., Nursery, Chatenay, Seine. Famous peony growers. |
Breedings & Introductions |
(Pai. 1889) |
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(Paillet) |
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(Paillet) |
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the following tree peonies without breeder identification were offered only by Paillet or first by Paillet, so it is likely that they were renamed by them. Source: Boyd Die folgenden Strauchpfingstrosen-Sorten-Namen ohne Züchternamen tauchten erstmals bzw. ausschließlich 1889 in den Listen von Paillet auf. Es ist davon auszuigehen, daß alle sämtlich umbenannte Sorten sind. Quelle: Boyd |
Alba Belgica. Ruit. 1906; Pai. 1889. |
Annibel. ( - , 1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Asa Gray- D. ( - , 1889.) Des. 1899, 1909; Pai. 1888 as new. |
Beck. Pai. 1889 as new. |
Charles Hyacinthe. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Charles Rogier. Double (About 1853.) offered by Dessert 1899, 1905; Van Houtte 1873; Krelage 1867; Paillet 1889. |
Conciliation. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Cramoisina plena. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Comtesse Mariana Delmes. (1889.) offered by Kelway & Son 1889; Paillet 1889. |
Detienne. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Dr. Sicard. (------,1889.) offered by Ruitton & Riviere 1906; Dessert 1902; Paillet 1889 as new. |
Duc de Massino . (------, 1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Duchesse de Forenkein. (------, 1889.) Pai. as new. |
Eleza. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Eliarsi rosea. (1854.) Pai. 1889. See Rosea Eliarsi. |
Emotion. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Eugenie. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Evelina. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Gentillesse. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Giuseppina. (1889.) Pai. 1889; Des. 1899, 1905. |
Gloire de France. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Grand Frederic. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. See Alba Lilacina. |
Guascoi. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Harry King. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Hebe. (1889.) Pai. 1889. See Berenice. |
Jawi. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Jupiter. S. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. See Yoyo-no-Homare. |
Lady Bowill. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Lezinska de Mirbel. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Lina. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Louise Odier. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Maria. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Mariana. Double (originated in Italy, 1854.) offered by Dessert 1902, 1905; Paillet 1889. |
Marie Bezançon. Pai. 1889. |
Marmora. Double (1889.) Grown by Turbat, 1919; Paillet 1889 |
Mlle. Cornelie Raiken. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Mlle. Sophie. (1889.) offered by Old Farm Nursery 1924; Paillet 1889 as new |
Mme. Henriette Caillot. Double (1889.) offered by Lemoine 1904; Dessert 1899, 1905; Ruitton & Riviere 1906; Paillet 1889 as new |
Mme. la Comtesse de Charpin. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Mme. la Marquise de Clausonnette. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Mme. la Marquise de Vogue. (1889.) offered by Ruitton & Riviere 1906; Dessert 1902; Paillet 1889 as new. |
Mme. Renkin. Pai. 1889 as new. |
Mme. Victor Gillier. Double (1889.) offered by Dessert 1905, 1902; Paillet 1889 as new |
Mons. Amand. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Mons. August Ravel. Double (1889.) offered by Barbier 1900; Dessert 1905; Paillet 1889. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
Mons. Courant. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Mons. Kleyer. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Mons. Plaque. (1889.) offered by Ruitton & Riviere 1905; Paillet 1889 as new. |
Mons. Triger. (Pai., 1889.) |
Monte Cristo. (1889.) offered by Chenault 1910; Dessert 1905; Paillet 1889 as new. |
Nivea Plena. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Omer Pacha. (1889.) offered by Chenault 1910; Paillet 1889. |
Panorama. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Paul Verdier. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Pernetti. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Persichini. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Purity. (1889.) offered by Dessert 1905, 1902; Paillet 1889 as new. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
Quideback de Rass. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Radetzky. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Radjiana. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Reevesiana. (1889.) Pai. 1889. See Beauty of Canton. |
Regia. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Reine Amélie. Double (1889.) offered by Dessert 1905; Paillet 1889 as new |
Reine Blanche. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. See Yaso-no-Mine. |
Reine des Beautés. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. See Col. Malcolm. |
Reine des Français. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Reine des Pays Bas. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Reine de Portugal. Double (1889.) offered by Dessert 1899, 1905; Paillet 1889. |
Reine Hortense. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Reine Marie. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Rosa Gallica. Pai. 1889. |
Rosa Manetti. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Rosa Maria. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Rose Chérie. D. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. See Leopoldo. |
Rossini. (1889.) Pai. 1889. See Casaretto. |
Rubra Maculata. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Souv. de 7 Mai. (Pai., 1889.) Chen. 1910. See Cornelia. |
Sydonie. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Triomphe de Versailles. (1889.) Pai. 1889. |
Vavia. (1889.) Pai. 1889 as new. |
Versicolor. (1889.) Pai. 1889. See Berenice. |
Victoire d'Alma. (1889.) offered by Dessert 1899, 1905; Paillet 1889 |
Zelia. Pai. 1889 as new. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library |