Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder

Gian Lup Osti

Roma, Italia

Breedings & Introductions

Im April 2002 besuchte ich Gian Lupo Osti am Lago di Bolsena in Italien. Nahe seines Landhauses fanden wir Felder von blühenden Lactifloras, die er selbst aus Samen gezogen hat.

In April 2002, I visited Gian Lupo Osti near Lago di Bolsena in Italy. Near his landhouse we found hundreds of wonderful lactifloras in full bloom, which he had grown from seeds.


(Osti 2004)


Maria Grazia

(Osti 2004)


Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library

ano_finnland7 index 0602 boreas2

Peony breeder O
