Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder |
Sleeping Beauty Gardens, 4947 W. Huron St., Chicago, Illinois |
Biographical sketches |
The APS- publications contain only a compilation in the 'breeder'-section, among the registration files these plants are not mentioned. |
Breedings & Introductions |
AGE OF INNOCENCE - Semi-double. A vibrant shade of pink. Very fragrant. |
BARBARA SCHEVE - Double. Large refined blush-white. Fragrant. |
BELLE OF WARRENVILLE - Double. Deep violet-red. |
BLACK BRIAN BARU - Double. Deepest black-maroon-red. |
CANDICE - Double. White-surface seemingly sprayed softest pink. |
CARISMA - Double. Fluffy deep reddish-pink. |
CHO CHO SAN - Jap. Flaring red guards, central ball of flame-red staminodes. |
COLEEN MULCAHY (Hybrid) - Single. Shining satin-finished scarlet. Great seed-setter. |
DAMIAN JANUS - Double. Soft-pink double mutation of TOKIO. Sure opening latest bloomer. Vigorous. |
DIANNE JANUS (Hybrid) - Single. Bright, rich, crimson-scarlet. Substance extra. Petals 3" wide. Fertile. Vigorous. |
DON JANUS - Double. Gleaming white. Opaline irridescence from MOONSTONE. |
ENDYMION - Jap. Raspberry-pink from MIKADO. Staminodes same shade, tipped and lined chamois. |
FAIR ELAINE - Double. Imposing white, golden glow (PRIMEVERE X LADY A DUFF). |
FANTINE - Double. Magnificent tall white anemone, prominent blood-red stigmas. |
FILOCOLO (Hybrid) - Bright crimson-scarlet from LADDIE. Leaves segmented, fertile. |
FIRE DRAGON - Jap. Large maroon-red. Center cup of incurved staminodes, red lined gold. |
FIRST KISS (Hybrid) - Single. Bright rose-pink. Wine colored filaments (albiflora x lobata Fire King). |
GAY DRAGON - Jap. Rich, lively red. Red staminodes edged ecru. |
GERALDINE JANUS - Double. Soft lilac-violet-mauve. Singular color. Reddish-violet glow. |
GOLDEN DOLPHIN - Jap. Clear rose-pink. Guards enclose brightest golden mass of upright, twisted and crinkled staminodes. |
HELENE JANUS (Jap. Tree Peony) - Semi-double. Purest pink. Creped flaring petals. Center deep purple-crimson. Chartreuse anthers. |
LAUREL'S LOVE - Jap. Flaring orchid guards. Cream-colored pompon. Fragrant. |
HURRICANE - Double, Redself. Petals close in a swirling, overlapping way similar to camera shutters. Unique. |
MABLE MERRIFIELD - Jap. Massive pink. Central tuft of long, crinkled orchid staminodes 3" to 4" across. |
MOM - Double. Huge white, rose form. Very heavy rose fragrance. |
MOON CHILD (Hybrid) - Single. Pristine white, brightest gold center. Texture extra. Flowers high above perfect plant. |
MONICA MARIE - Semi-double. Waxy chaste white. 7 rows of petals in decreasing diameters towards a golden center ring. |
PAINTED DRAGON - Jap. Red-violet guards. Staminodes vari-colored; red, purple, pink, yellow and gradations in-between. |
PAUL JANUS - Double. Brightest rhodamine-red-color extra. |
RASPBERRY SWIRL - Jap. Raspberry guards. Center cream and raspberry interspersed; similar to raspberry swirl ice cream. |
REBECCA HUNTER - Jap. Very large white/yellow. Staminodes waxy and hooked. |
RUSSELL ALGER - Jap. Anemone type. Bright vivid redself. Fragrant. |
SATIN DOLL (Hybrid) - Semi-double. (JACQUEMINOT X MINNIE SHAY-LOR)purest deep pink. Lovely color. Bold center. |
SONG AT TWILIGHT - Double. Large light red-violet-pink. Rose fragrance. |
VELMA M. JANUS - Double. Massive ball-shaped phlox-pink. Substance and texture extra. Rose fragrant. |
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Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library |