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Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder - USA |
Alice Harding (Mrs. Edward Harding) ( 1938) |
Plainfield, New Jersey |
Biographical sketches |
chapter BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. harding, alice (Mrs. Edward Harding), was born in Keene, New Hampshire, and has resided for many years in New York City. Her country home and garden is at Plainfield, N. J. Mrs. Harding is an enthusiastic amateur, and while both the tree and herbaceous peonies have been the particular objects of her devotion for many years, she also specializes in the culture of iris and hybrid lilacs. Of all these specialties she has large and fine collections. Mrs. Harding is an Honorary Member of the American Peony Society, a Member-at-Large of the Garden Club of America, and a member of the American, Massachusetts, and New York Horticultural Societies. She has many international affiliations, being a member of the Royal Horticultural Society of England, an Honorary Member of the Soci6t£ Centrale d'Horticulture de Nancy, France, a Dame Patronesse of the Societé Nationale d'Horticulture de France, and has recently been made a Chevalier du MeVite Agricole by the Minister of the French Republic in recognition of her services to horticulture. Mrs. Harding is well-known to all lovers of the peony through the delightful books which she has written: "The Book of the Peony" in 1917, and "Peonies in the Little Garden" in 1923. The latter is particularly interesting and instructive to the novice, and for this book she was awarded a medal by the Soci6t6 Nationale d'Horticulture de France. Both books are beautifully illustrated and contain much information of value to the peony grower that cannot be found elsewhere. In 1918, Mrs. Harding offered a prize of one hundred dollars for the best new peony of American origin not then in commerce. This was won by E. J. Shaylor for the beautiful seedling which he named in honor of the generous donor of the prize. In 1922, Mrs. Harding, while in France, offered a prize to the Soci6t6 Nationale d'Horticulture de France for the best new French seedling. This was won by Emile Lemoine who named his seedling in Mrs. Harding's honor, "Alice Harding." Lemoine considers this one of his finest introductions. In June, 1928, the Directors of the American Peony Society awarded Mrs. Harding a Gold Medal for her two interesting and instructive books on peonies. Mrs. Harding has done much to increase the interest in peonies both in this country and abroad. Her address is Burnley Farm, R. D. No. I, Plainfield, N. J. |
Harding, Mrs. Edward, Fanwood, N. J. Author of The Book of the Peony1917, and Peonies in the Little Garden1923. Died 1938. |
APS: History of the Peonies and their Originations (-1975): ALICE HARDING (MRS. EDWARD HARDING) - Plainfield, New Jersey The following varieties were registered by Mrs. Harding not long before her death. It is thought that none were ever released. MANCHU PRINCESS (1929) - Single, early. White tinged coffee. Very large. SEIHIN IKADA (1935) - Jap, midseason. Deep reddish purple guards with brilliant red petaloids edged and tipped warm deep gold. Carpels tipped red. SHO-YO (1935) - Double, late midseason. Light or flesh pink growing creamy to the center with golden stamens in the center. The name is Chinese for Peony and literally means The Beautiful. Fragrant. WHITE JADE (1935) - Double, midseason. Clear white with reflections of pale green jade in the center and a fine line of red on the edges. Globular flower. Fragrant. YONG-LO (1935) - Double, midseason. Soft lilac rose becoming creamy rose at the center. Fragrant. Occasional red stripes and red spots. YELLOW KING - Jap, early. Large pale pink guards, vivid yellow staminodes. A bery beautiful flower. This came from Mrs. Harding's garden, but she did not know its origin. It was not her seedling. |
Breedings & Introductions |
(Harding 1929) |
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(Harding 1935) |
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(Harding 1935) |
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(Harding 1955) |
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(Harding 1935) |
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(found in Alice Harding's garden) |
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Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder - USA |
last updated 12.10.2007 |