Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library
Paeonia-Literatur 1991
Aoki, N (1991) Effects of chilling period on the growth and cut-flower quality of forced herbaceous peony. Bulletin * Faculty of Agriculture Shizuoka University 25, 149-154.
Bernard, Y. 1991, Conservatoire et Jardins Botaniques de Nancy: Visite du Jardin Botanique du Monet. Plantes de Montagne, 10, 158: 516
DavidsonJGN,1991,History,Management and Recommended Varieties of Peonies of the Peace River Region Beaverlodge,Alberta,Canada,Agriculture Canada,Northern Research Group
Ding K. Y., Liu M. Y. (1991) Taxonomic studies on the so-called Paeonia obovata Maxim, from Northeast China. Bull. Bot. Res. 11: 85-90.
DubrovVI,1991,Dekorativnij i izijskanij,Zvetovodstvo No3
GongX, GuZJ , WuQA,1991,A cytological study of seven populations in Paeonia delavayi var lutea,Acta Botanica Yunnan 13: 402410
GoodW,1991, Erfahrungen mit Strauchpäonien, Schweizer Staudengärten 15/16:4-6
HarrisRA , MantellSH,1991,Effects of Stage-II Subculture Durations on the multiplication Rate and Rooting Capacity of Micropropagated Shoots of Tree Peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.).,Journ Horticultural Science vol 66:1 pp 95-102
Haw, Stephen G. 1991. Tree Peonies: A Problem Resolved The Plantsman 13 (2): 94-97.
HongT,1991,Neues zur Nomenklatur der Strauchpäonien,Schweizer Staudengärten 15/16:25-27
Hosoki T, Hamada M, Kando T, Morikawa R, Inaba K (1991) Comparative study of anthocyanins in tree peony flowers. J Jpn Soc Hortic Sci 60:395403 [Abstract: Anthocyanins and chalcones in Paeonia suffruticosa and its interspecific hybrids with P. lutea and P. delavayi were examined using thin-layer chromatog. Japanese cultivars (P. suffruticosa) contained cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, cyanidin 3-glucoside, peonidin 3,5-diglucoside, peonidin 3-glucoside, pelargonidin 3,5-diglucoside (Pg3G5G), and pelargonidin 3-glucoside (Pg3G) depending upon the hue of petals. Chinese cultivars (P. suffruticosa and P. suffruticosa var. spontanea) lacked Pg3G, which may account for the absence of the vivid red color. American and French cultivars (hybrids between P. suffruticosa and P. lutea or P. delavayi) lacked Pg3G5G and Pg3G and contained chalcone, which gave orange or maroon flowers in some cultivars.]
HosokiT, SeoM,1991,Flower anthocyanins of herbaceous peony,Bull Fac Agr Shimane Univ 25 : 11-14
HosokiT, SeoM, HamadaM, ++,1991,New Classification Method of Herbaceous Peony Cultivars Based on Morphological Characters and Distribution Pattern of Flavone/ Flavonol Components in the Petals,Journ Japan Soc Hort Sci vol 59(4):787-793
JalasJ, SuominenJ,1991,Atlas Florae Europaeae, 9 Paeoniaceae to Capparaceae, Map 1955,Koivu Paper 1997
KapinosDB , DubrovWM,1991,Piony na priysadebnom utchastke,VO Agropromizdat
MckemyJM , MorganjonesG,1991,Studies in the Genus Cladosporium-sensu-lato. 3. Concerning Cladosporium-chlorocephalum and its Synonym Cladosporium-paeoniae, the causal Organism of the leaf-blotch of Peony,Mycotaxon vol.41:1 pp.135-146
Michalczuk,B; Nowak,J. 1991. Cold storage of Paeonia flowers cut a bud storage. Pr.Inst.Sad. Ser.B, 15. 121-126.
NagasawaH, IwabuchiT, InatomiH,1991,Protection by tree-peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr) of obesity in (SLN x C3H/He) F1 obese mice,In Vivo Mar-Apr;5(2):115-8
Nakata M., Hong D. Y. (1991) Fluorescent chromosome banding with chromomycin A3 and DAPI in Paeonia japonica and P. obovata. Chromosome Information Service 50: 19-21.
OstiGL,1991,Im Reich der Strauchpäonien,Schweizer Staudengärten15/16:16-24
OstiGL,1990, Duemila anni di peonia. Gardenia, Milano Mondadori. No. 79: 51-60
Phillips, R. & Rix, M. (1991) Vivaces, vol. 1: 94-99, éd. française, 1992, La Maison Rustique
Poldini, L. 1991 Atlante corologico delle Piante Vasculari nell Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Regione autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia & Universitá degli Studi die Trieste 899S. Udine. zitiert nach Pericin, Claudio, 1998, erwähnt Paeonia mascula für Istrien
ScalabrinB,1991,Paeonia Moutan Ein Kapitel aus dem Curtis Botanical Magazin,Schweizer Staudengärten 15/16:7-8
SmithersSir P,1991,Moutan - Die Baumpäonie - eine wahrhaft kaiserliche Blume,Schweizer Staudengärten 15/16:9-15
SugayaA, SuzukiT, SugayaE++,1991,Inhibitory effect of peony root extract on pentylenetetrazol-induced EEG power spectrum changes and extracellular calcium concentration changes in rat cerebral cortex,Journ Ethnopharmacol May-Jun;33(1-2):159-67
UspenskayaMS,1991, Paeonia peregrina Mill v SSSR i evo tipifikacia
UsukiS,1991,Effects of herbal components of tokishakuyakusan on progesterone secretion by corpus luteum in vitro,Am J Chin Med;19(1):57-60
UsukiS ,1991,Blended effects of herbal components of tokishakuyakusan on somatomedin C/insulin-like growth factor 1 level in rat corpus luteum,Am J ChinMed;19(1):61-4+
ZhangQ, WangB,1991,Determination of paeoniflorin in white peony root and fufang baishao tablets,Chung Kuo Chung YaoTsa Chih Sep;16(9):542-3, 575
zonaS, riesebergR, carterRL ++,1991,Isozyme diversity is low in Paeonia califomica (Paeoniaceae)[],Plant Species Biol 6:89-93
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library
Paeonia-Literatur 1991