Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library
Paeonia-Literatur 1984
Allen, T. (1984). The Pollination of Paeonia suffruticosa NCCPG Newsletter No.5
AokiN , AshleyP, 1984, Effects of duration and cold storage,Journ Japan Soc Hort Sci vol 52:4 pp450-457
AokiN , YoshinoS, 1984, Effects of Precooling and the Temperature of Cold-Storage on the growth and the Quality of Cut Flowers of Forced Tree Paeony (Paeonia-suffruticosa Andr),Journ Japan Soc Hort Sci vol 53:3 pp338-346
Botshon, A. (1984) A portfolio of Greek Peonies. Garden (New York. 8 (3) : 24-25, 32 Col. Illus.
Coffey, J.C. (1984) Soviet journals important for taxonomic botany: A translation of Zaikonnikova's list, with emendations. Huntia 5 (2) : 85-106
DumitrashkoAI, 1984, Pioni,Kishinjev; Shtiinhza
Encke, F., Buchheim, G. und Seybold, S.: Zander Handwörterbuch der Pflanzennamen. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1984.
Goloskokov, V.P. (1984) Flora djungarskogo Alatau (konspekt i analiz) (Flore de l'Alatau dzungare-résumé et analyse) 194, IZdateljstvo "nauka" Kazakhskoj S.S.R., Alma-Ata
Grenfell, D. (1984). Paeonia suffruticosa Rocks Variety NCCPG Newsletter No. 4
Greuter, W. & Raus, T. (Eds.) 1984 . Med.- checklist notulae 8. Willdenowa 13: 277- 288
Halliwell, B. (1984). Paeonia suffruticosa Joseph Rock NCCPG Newsletter No. 5
HaradaM, OzakiY , SuzukiM,1984,Effect of Japanese Angelica Root and Peony Root on Uterine Contraction in the Rabbit in situ,Journ Pharmacobio-Dynamics vol7:5 pp304-311
HosokiT, HamadaM , InabaK,1984,Forcing of Tree Peony for December Shipping by Pre-Chilling and Chemical Treatments,Journ Japan Soc Hort Sci vol 53:2 pp187-193
KexueTongbao,1984,Account of successful propagation of tree Peonies by tissue culture,Chinese Journal Vol 29 (12): 1675-13
Knight, F. (1984). Propagated at Notcutts NCCPG Newsletter No. 5.
LangHY, ClardyJ, McCabeT++,1984,A New Monoterpene Glycoside of Paeonia lactiflora,Planta Medica vol50:6 pp501-504
LiYL, LiXJ, WuDY ++,1984,In-vitro-Propagation of Paeonia suffruticosa,Kexue Tomgbao vol29:12 pp1675-1678
Muñoz-Garmendia, F. & Bayôn, E. (1984) De quaestiusculis bibliographicis neglectis inomata miscelleana in Notulae taxonomicae, chorologicae, nomenclaturales, bibliographicae aut philologicae in opus « Flora Iberica » intendentes. Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid, 40 (2) : 475
Müller, B. 1984, Pfingstrosen. Palmengarten 48 (2): 91-93 Col. illus.
StearnWT, DavisPH,1984,Peonies of Greece, Kifissia, Greece:,Goulandris Natural History Museum, JMakris SA
TsukamotoY,1984,Herbaceous peony p 152-157 In: T Tsukamoto (ed) Asahi pictorial encyclopedia of horticulture ,Herbaceous plants 11. Vol 8 Asahi Newspaper press,Tokyo
Xi, Y.-Z. 1984, [The pollen morphology and exine ultra structure of Paeonia l. in China] Acta bot. Sin. 26 (3): 241-246 Ch. (En.) Illus.
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library
Paeonia-Literatur 1984