Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library
Paeonia-Literatur 1982
Grubov, V.I. (1982) Opredelitel sosudistykh rastenij Mongolii (détermination des végétaux vasculaires de Mongolie) 107 et 316 (fig 219), Akademia nauk S.S.S.R., Léningrad, Sovmestnaya Svetsko-Mongolskaya kompleknaya biologicheskaya ekspeditsiya Akademii nauk SSSR i MNR (Expédition commune de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS et de la République populaire de Mongolie)
Kruckeberg, A.R. 1982 Gardening with native plants of the Pacific North West. Seattle, Univ. of Wahington Press. P. brownii p. 174
Lepper, L. 1982 , Cytologische Untersuchungen in Angiospermen. Wiss. Zeitschr. Friedr.-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Mat. Naturwiss. Beitr. Phytotax. 31 (2):251-258 Ge (Rus. En. Sp.) Illus. chrom.nos. Paeonia mairei.
Li, M. X. and Zhang, X. F. 1982, Cytogenetic study on triploid Paeonia suffruticosa [in Chinese]; in Yichuan, 4(5): Sept. 1982, pp. 19 - 21, 27. Translated from the Chinese by Xinxin, english version corrected by Elizabeth Babb
NakamuraT , NomotoN,1982,Cytological Studies in the family Paeoniaceae II C-banding patterns of somatic chromosomes,Inform Service N32 p9-11
Nikolaeva, L.P. (1982) in Gejdeman, T.S. & al., Redkie vidy flory Moldavii (espèces rares de la flore de Moldavie): 77-78, carte 21, Akademija nauk Moldavskoj S.S.R., Chisinau
Pignatti, Sandro (1982) Flora d'Italia, vol. 1 : 342-343, Edagricola, Bologna
Sakhokia, M.F. 1982, Ljubov Manucharovna Kemularia-Nathadse (K 90-letiju so dnja rozhdenija) [L.M. Kemularia-Nathadse - to her 90th birthday]. Zam. Sist. Geogr. Rast. 38:51-62 (Rus) Protrait, Bibliography
Thomas, G. S. 1982, Perennial Garden Plants , London, Dent. 2nd Edition rev. ISBN 0.460.04575.X.
Vorobjev, D.P. (1982) Opredelitelj sosudistye rastenij okrestnostej Vladivostok (Détermination des végétaux vasculaires de Vladivostok et de ses environs): 62, Akademija nauk SSSR, Leningradskoe otdelnie, Leningrad
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library
Paeonia-Literatur 1982