Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library
Paeonia-Literatur 1960-1969
1960 |
Murgai P,1960,The development of the embryo in Paeonia - a reinvestigation,Phytomorphology 9: 275-277 |
Nehrling, Arno. 1960 Peonies, outdoors and in, by Arno & Irene Nehrling. Drawings by Charlotte E. Bowden. New York, Hearthside Press 288 p. illus. 21 cm. |
Simpson, N.D. (1960) A bibliographical Index of the British Flora. Bournemouth, pub. by the author |
SokolovskayaAP?,1960,Geographical distribution of Polyploid Species of Plants (Investigation of Flora of Sakhalia Island),Vestn Leningruniv, Ser Biol, 4, 21: 42-58 |
SoóR , 1960, What is Paeonia banatica Rochel?,Acta Botanica 6,pp139-141 |
Stern, F. C., 1960 , Tree Paeonies (Lecture given 14 june 1960) reprinted in American Peony Society Bulletin (1987) No. 262, p. 31- 34 |
Stern, F. C. (1960). Tree Paeonies Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. 85: 295-299 |
Stern, F. C., 1960, A chalk garden. London, Nelson, Repr. (1974) Paeonies pp. 70-80 |
1961 |
Cave, M.S. Arnott, H.J. & Cook, S.A. (1961) Embryogeny in the California peonies with reference to their taxonomic position. American J. Botany 48: 397-404 |
Fournier, P. 1961. Les quatre flores de la France, Paris |
Gamaiounova, A.P. (1961) in Pavlov, N. V. & al. Flora Kazakstana, vol. 4: 12-13, Izdateltjvo Akademii Nauk Kazakskoj S.S.R., Alma-Ata |
Genders, Roy. 1961, The paeony. London, Garden Book Club 134 p. illus. 21 cm. |
Kemularia-Nathadze LM,1961,Caucasian Representatives of the Genus Paeonia L Translated by Nikolay Kravchuk and Valeriy Kuznetsov (german summary by Marlene Sophie Ahlburg),TrudiTbilisi Bot Institute, 21, 51p |
KolakowskijAA, 1961, Pflanzenwelt von Kolchidien |
LedyardG,1961,'Notice on the tree peonies of Loyang (Luoyang Mu-Tan Chi) by Ouyang Hsiu (1007-72) with introduction & annotations,Unpublished Ms [referred to in Needhamn (1986) qv] |
Wang, Chi-Wu, 1961, The forests of china with a survey of grassland and desert vegetation. pub. Maria Moors Cabot Foundation, Harvard university (Special publication No. 5), Petersham, Mass. USA in english. Library of Congress Catalog card. No. 61.11934 |
1962 |
AutenE,1962, Fighting Peony Diseases, American Peony Society 75 Years pp82-83 |
Agriculture Research Service (1962) Culture and Disease of Peonies United States Department of Agriculture ARS Crops Research Division, Beltsville, Md. Published in: Kessenich Greta (Ed.) Handbook of the Peony 7th Edition 1995. American Peony Society, 250 Interlachen Road, Hopkins, MN 55343, pp.74-79 |
Clapham, A.R., Tutin, T.G. & Warburg, E.F.: Flora of the British Isles . 2nd Edition 1962. Cambridge University Press |
Contandriopoulos, J. 1962, Recherche sur la flore endémique de la Corse et sur ses origines, Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Marseille, 32: 1_354 (128-129) |
GolubevVN,1962, Osnovy biomorfologii travjanistikh rastenii centralnoj lesostepi,Tr Centraln-tcherosem gos Zapoved Alekhina Vol 7 |
Hara ,1962,emodi f.glabrata |
KONOVALOV MN, KUVAEV VB, TRUTNEVA ZA. [New data in the medical use of Paeonia anomala.] [Article in Russian] Med Prom SSSR. 1962 May;5:57-9. |
Matthiesen, A. 1962, A contribution to the embryology of Paeonia, Acta Horti Bergiana 20(2): 57-61 |
Mukerjee, S.K. 1962 , P. emodi. in: Bull. B. Surv. Ind. 3, 99 |
Saunders, Silvia 1962: The Work of Professor A.P. Saunders pp. 40-61 in: Wister JC (ed),1962,The Peonies. 2nd Printing 1995, American Peony Society (not public link) |
Stepanova, E.F. (1962) Rastiteljnostj i flora khrebta Tarbagataj (végétation et flore de la chaîne du tarbagataï): 378 Izdateljstvo Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoj SSR, Alma-Ata |
WisterJC , WolfeHE,1962, Histories of the herbaceous peonies In: JCWister (ed) The peonies,Amer Hort Soc, Washington 2, DC p33-61 |
WisterJC (ed),1962,The Peonies 2nd Reprint 1995,American Peony Society |
1963 |
Camp, W.H. & Hubbard, M.M. (1963) Vascular supply and structure of the ovule and aril in peony and of the aril in nutmeg. Am. j. Botany 50:174-178 |
Chock, A. K. (1963). J. F. Rock (1884-1962) Taxon X11 (3): 89-102. |
Creutzburg, N. (1963): Die palaogeographische Entwicklung der Insel Kreta von Miozan bus zur Gegenwart. Kritische Kronika 15:336-344. |
Ezelarab, G. E. & Dormer, K. J. (1963): The organization of the primary vascular system in Ranunculaceae. Ann. Bot. 27:23-38. |
Haworth-Booth M,1963,The Moutan or Tree Peony,Constable,London |
McClureEB,1963,Polyploids New in Plant World,American Peony Society 75 Years pp155-156 |
Jordanov, D (1963- ) Flora na narodna republika Bulgarija ( Flora reipublicae popularis bulgaricae) |
1964 |
Colom, G. 1964. El medio y la vida en las Baleares, Palma, |
CullenJ, HeywoodVH,1964,Notes on the European species of Paeonia Feddes Repert 69:32-35 : |
CullenJ , HeywoodVH,1964,Paeonia In Tutin, TG ++ (Eds) : Flora Europaea Vol1p234-244,London: Cambridge University Press |
Ims A. 1964. Morphologie der Blütenpflanzen. «Mir». |
MaireR. (1952-1964) Flore de l'Afrique du Nord. Paris, Lechavlaier (Paeonia 1964, Vol. 11. pp.25-31) |
Melchior 1964. Paeoniaceae. In: A. Bngler??. Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien. Berlin. |
Soó, R. (1964 - 1980) A magyar flóra és vegetáció rendszertani növényföldrajzi kézikönyve. Köt. 1- 6 & index 7. Budapest, Akadémia kiadó. |
TutinTG , WebbDA,1964,Flora Europaea,Oxford 1 |
WissingSE,1964,Breeding Herbaceous Peonies,American Peony Society 75 Years pp125-126 |
1965 |
DavisPH , CullenJ,1965,Paeoniaceae (P.turcica) Materials for a Flora of Turkey,Notes Roy Bot Gard Edinb, X Vol26(2) 176-177 |
Kakheladze NA?,1965,Vopros o proiskhoshdenii vida Paeonia chamaeleon Troitz i evo experimentalnyj analis (Pmakashivilii,troitsky),Voprosyj introduktsii rasteniiiselenovo stroitelstva (2) 75-84 |
Ohwi, J. (1965) Flora of Japan. Washington D.C., USA, Smithonian Institute (in engl.) |
Prokhanov Ja.I. 1965. Die staudigen Pflanzen der Wüsten, ihre Natur und Enstehung Trudi MOIP. vol 13. M., p. 124154. |
1966 |
Creutzburg, N. (1966): Die sudaegaeische Inselbruecke, Bau und geologische Vergangenheit. Erdkunde 20:20-30. |
DudarJuA,1966,Goditchnij cikl morphogenesa piona uskolistnogo (Paeonia tenuifolia L) i vozmozhnosti ego pazmnozhenia,Tr Stavropolskogo NII selskogo khozjajstva Vol2 191-197 |
HiepkoP,1966, Zur Morphologie , Anatomie und Funktion des Diskous der Paeoniaceae. Ber Deutsche Bot Ges- 79: (6) 233-245 |
Kemularia-Nathadse L.M. 1966. [Ranales im Kaukasus und ihre Taxonomie.] Tbilissi. |
Mouterde, P. (1966 - ) Nouvelle Flore du Liban et de la Syrie. Vols. 1- 3 . Beirout, Dar-el-Machreq (Imprimerie Catholique, distributed by Optima Secretariat, Berlin). Paeoniaceae (1970) vol. 2 : 4-5 |
SokolovskayaAP?,1966,Geographical Spreading of Polyploid Sorts of Plants (Investigation of the Flora of Promorye Territory),Vestn Leningruniv, Ser Biol, 1, 3: 92-106 |
Stojanov, N., Stefanov, B. & Kitanov, B. (1966- 1967) Flora na Bulgarija. 4th Ed. Sofia , Nauka i Izkustvo. |
Takhtajan, A.L. (1966) Flora Armenii, vol. 5: 7-9, Akademii Nauk Armianskoj SSR, Erevan |
Tolmatchev, A.I. (1966) in Vorobjev, D.P. & al., Opredelitel Rastenij Priamurjia: 179 (Détermination des végétaux des régions du littoral et de l'Amour), Izdateljstvo Akademii nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe otdelnie, Moscou & Leningrad |
WisterJC,1966,Some Notes on the Early History of the American Peony Society and how it Affected the Planting of two Pennsylvania Peony Collections,American Peony Society 75 Years pp168-169 |
WoroshilowVI,1966,Flora des sowjetischen Fernen Ostens |
Wunderlich, R. 1966, Zur Deutung der eigenartigen Embryoentwicklung von Paeonia. Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift. 113 (3-4) : 395-407 (Eng. summary) |
1967 |
Armatys, L. (1967). Letter to Stern (No.5) in Stern, Paeonia mss. at RBG Kew. |
Carniel, K. (1967) Über die Embryobildung in der Gattung Paeonia. Österreichische Bot. Zeitschr. 114 (1) 4-19 |
Demoise, Charles F., 1967, Effects of Subculture and Physical Condition of Media on a Plant Tissue Culture (Paeonia suffruticosa.) Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, University Microfilms 68-4431 |
Hadfield, M. 1967, What is Paeonia mlokosewitschii? Gard. Chron. 162 (22) : 18. Photographs |
HolenkaF,1967, Paeonia japonice Miyabe et Takeda (Paeoniaceae), Skalnicki, No 1 : 11- 12 Illus |
LeeYN ,1967,Chromosome Counts of Flowering Plants in Korea,Journ Korea Res Inst Ewha Womens Univ 11: 455-478 |
Palmer, The Hon. Lewis (1967). Col. Sir Frederick Claude Stern OBE, MC, FLS, VMH Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. 92: 379-381. |
Peveling, E. 1967, Elektronenoptische Untersuchungen an Zellkernstrukturen während der Antherendifferenzierung. Ber. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft 80 (4) : 303- 304 - Plates. De. (Eng.) [P. tenuifolia] |
WolfeHE,1967,The Mathematics of Hybridzing,American Peony Society 75 Years pp152-153 |
ZhgentiLP,1967,K kariologitchskomu isutcheniju kavkaskikh vidov roda Paeonia- In: NautchKonfmolodykh nautchnykh rabotnikov, posvjashtchennaja 800-letiju so dnja roshdenia,IIIRustaveli(Sokrtekstydokladov;) Tbilisi, p81-84 |
Zhukova, N.A. 1967, Zur anatomischen Charakteristik von P. tenuifolia L. Zapiski Central- Kavkazsk. Otdel. Vsjesojuzn. Bot. Obsc. 2: 41-45 (In Russian, brief German Summary) |
1968 |
Brand Peony Farm: Historical Catalogs Online: Brand Peony Farm 1968 |
FialaJL,1968,Chromosome Abnormalities in Paeonia Lutea Hybrid Alice Harding and others,American Peony Society 75 Years pp149-151 |
Goulandris, Niki A., Goulumis, C.N. & Stearn W.T. 1968 Wild Flowers of Greece. The Goulandris Bot. Museum, Kifissia. |
MiyazawaB,TakedaH, IchikawaM ++,1968,Herbaceous peony p 2733-2742 In: K lnoue (ed),Encyclopedia of horticulture Vol 5Seibundo-Shinknusha Tokyo |
PehrsonEL,1968,Hybridizing for the Beginner,American Peony Society 75 Years pp128-130 |
Pénzes, A. ,1968, Pflanzensystematische Bemerkungen . [P. pergerina var. fülei ],Bot Közlem 55(3):-181 |
PimenowMG,1968, Sistematitcheskaya gruppirovka vidov roda Paeonia L SSSR po koefficientam skhodstva, Bjul MOIP Otd Biol T73 v1 |
1969 |
Fedorov A., 1969 Chromosome numbers of flowering plants. Reprint by Koeltz. Sci. Publ. Koenigstein 479-480 |
FomitchevaVF,1969, Pion drevovidnyj v botanitcheskom sadu Moskovskogo Universiteta, Bjul GBS AN SSSR 69:102-104 |
GilbertsonB,1969, Grafting Herbaceous Peonies, American Peony Society 75 Years pp157-158 |
Ivanova, I.A. , 1969, O biologii prorastenija semjan pionov. Bjull. Glavn. Bot. Sada (Moskva) 74: 35- 40 (Ru) |
PehrsonEL,1969, Some Pollens to try on Lactifloras, American Peony Society 75 Years pp139-140 |
Riedl, H. 1969, April vol. 60 pp. 1-6 : Paeoniaceae : Flora Iranica, General editor: K.H. Rechinger (1906 1998), Parts 1 - 174 printed by Akademische Druck und Verlagsanstalt, Auersperggasse 12, A 8010 Graz , Austria, the following parts 175 - are printed by, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Salzburg , P. J. Maraltstraße 15/11, A 5400 Hallein, Austria |
Schrött, L. & Faur, A. (1969) Contributii la cunoasterea ariei de raspindire a bujorului de padure Paeonia mascula (L.) Mill. var. tritematiformis (A. Nyàr.) A. Nyàr. In Banat, Comunicari de Botanica, 10 : 181-190 (Contribution s à la connaissance de l'areal de P. mascula (L.) var. triternatiformis (A. Nyár.) A Nyár. dans le Banat ) |
SnowR ,1969,Permanent translocation heterozygosity associated with an inversion system in Paeonia brownii,Heredity 60: 103-106 |
Tsukamoto, T 1969 Garden plants of the world in color Vol 3 p 55-60,Hoikusha-Publishing Co Ltd, Osaka |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library
Paeonia-Literatur 1960-1969