Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library

ano_finnland7 index 0602 boreas2

Paeonia-Literatur 1960-1969


Murgai P,1960,The development of the embryo in Paeonia - a reinvestigation,Phytomorphology 9: 275-277

Nehrling, Arno. 1960 Peonies, outdoors and in, by Arno & Irene Nehrling. Drawings by Charlotte E. Bowden. New York, Hearthside Press 288 p. illus. 21 cm.

Simpson, N.D. (1960) A bibliographical Index of the British Flora. Bournemouth, pub. by the author

SokolovskayaAP?,1960,Geographical distribution of Polyploid Species of Plants (Investigation of Flora of Sakhalia Island),Vestn Leningruniv, Ser Biol, 4, 21: 42-58

SoóR , 1960, What is Paeonia banatica Rochel?,Acta Botanica 6,pp139-141

Stern, F. C., 1960 , Tree Paeonies (Lecture given 14 june 1960) reprinted in American Peony Society Bulletin (1987) No. 262, p. 31- 34

Stern, F. C. (1960). Tree Paeonies – Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. 85: 295-299

Stern, F. C., 1960, A chalk garden. London, Nelson, Repr. (1974) Paeonies pp. 70-80


Cave, M.S. Arnott, H.J. & Cook, S.A. (1961) Embryogeny in the California peonies with reference to their taxonomic position. American J. Botany 48: 397-404

Fournier, P. 1961. Les quatre flores de la France, Paris

Gamaiounova, A.P. (1961) in Pavlov, N. V. & al. Flora Kazakstana, vol. 4: 12-13, Izdateltjvo Akademii Nauk Kazakskoj S.S.R., Alma-Ata

Genders, Roy. 1961, The paeony. London, Garden Book Club 134 p. illus. 21 cm.

Kemularia-Nathadze LM,1961,Caucasian Representatives of the Genus Paeonia L Translated by Nikolay Kravchuk and Valeriy Kuznetsov (german summary by Marlene Sophie Ahlburg),TrudiTbilisi Bot Institute, 21, 51p

KolakowskijAA, 1961, Pflanzenwelt von Kolchidien

LedyardG,1961,'Notice on the tree peonies of Loyang (Luoyang Mu-Tan Chi) by Ouyang Hsiu (1007-72) with introduction & annotations,Unpublished Ms [referred to in Needhamn (1986) qv]

Wang, Chi-Wu, 1961, The forests of china with a survey of grassland and desert vegetation. pub. Maria Moors Cabot Foundation, Harvard university (Special publication No. 5), Petersham, Mass. USA in english. Library of Congress Catalog card. No. 61.11934


AutenE,1962, Fighting Peony Diseases, American Peony Society 75 Years pp82-83

Agriculture Research Service (1962) Culture and Disease of Peonies United States Department of Agriculture ARS Crops Research Division, Beltsville, Md. Published in: Kessenich Greta (Ed.) Handbook of the Peony 7th Edition 1995. American Peony Society, 250 Interlachen Road, Hopkins, MN 55343, pp.74-79

Clapham, A.R., Tutin, T.G. & Warburg, E.F.: Flora of the British Isles . 2nd Edition 1962. Cambridge University Press

Contandriopoulos, J. 1962, Recherche sur la flore endémique de la Corse et sur ses origines, Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Marseille, 32: 1_354 (128-129)

GolubevVN,1962, Osnovy biomorfologii travjanistikh rastenii centralnoj lesostepi,Tr Centraln-tcherosem gos Zapoved Alekhina Vol 7

Hara ,1962,emodi f.glabrata

KONOVALOV MN, KUVAEV VB, TRUTNEVA ZA. [New data in the medical use of Paeonia anomala.] [Article in Russian] Med Prom SSSR. 1962 May;5:57-9.

Matthiesen, A. 1962, A contribution to the embryology of Paeonia, Acta Horti Bergiana 20(2): 57-61

Mukerjee, S.K. 1962 , P. emodi. in: Bull. B. Surv. Ind. 3, 99

Saunders, Silvia 1962: The Work of Professor A.P. Saunders pp. 40-61 in: Wister JC (ed),1962,The Peonies. 2nd Printing 1995, American Peony Society (not public link)

Stepanova, E.F. (1962) Rastiteljnostj i flora khrebta Tarbagataj (végétation et flore de la chaîne du tarbagataï): 378 Izdateljstvo Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoj SSR, Alma-Ata

WisterJC , WolfeHE,1962, Histories of the herbaceous peonies In: JCWister (ed) The peonies,Amer Hort Soc, Washington 2, DC p33-61

WisterJC (ed),1962,The Peonies 2nd Reprint 1995,American Peony Society


Camp, W.H. & Hubbard, M.M. (1963) Vascular supply and structure of the ovule and aril in peony and of the aril in nutmeg. Am. j. Botany 50:174-178

Chock, A. K. (1963). J. F. Rock (1884-1962) – Taxon X11 (3): 89-102.

Creutzburg, N. (1963): Die palaogeographische Entwicklung der Insel Kreta von Miozan bus zur Gegenwart. Kritische Kronika 15:336-344.

Ezelarab, G. E. & Dormer, K. J. (1963): The organization of the primary vascular system in Ranunculaceae. Ann. Bot. 27:23-38.


Haworth-Booth M,1963,The Moutan or Tree Peony,Constable,London

McClureEB,1963,Polyploids New in Plant World,American Peony Society 75 Years pp155-156

Jordanov, D (1963- ) Flora na narodna republika Bulgarija ( Flora reipublicae popularis bulgaricae)


Colom, G. 1964. El medio y la vida en las Baleares, Palma,

CullenJ, HeywoodVH,1964,Notes on the European species of Paeonia Feddes Repert 69:32-35 :

CullenJ , HeywoodVH,1964,Paeonia In Tutin, TG ++ (Eds) : Flora Europaea Vol1p234-244,London: Cambridge University Press

Ims A. 1964. Morphologie der Blütenpflanzen. «Mir».

MaireR. (1952-1964) Flore de l'Afrique du Nord. Paris, Lechavlaier (Paeonia 1964, Vol. 11. pp.25-31)

Melchior 1964. Paeoniaceae. In: A. Bngler??. Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien. Berlin.

Soó, R. (1964 - 1980) A magyar flóra és vegetáció rendszertani növényföldrajzi kézikönyve. Köt. 1- 6 & index 7. Budapest, Akadémia kiadó.

TutinTG , WebbDA,1964,Flora Europaea,Oxford 1

WissingSE,1964,Breeding Herbaceous Peonies,American Peony Society 75 Years pp125-126


DavisPH , CullenJ,1965,Paeoniaceae (P.turcica) Materials for a Flora of Turkey,Notes Roy Bot Gard Edinb, X Vol26(2) 176-177

Kakheladze NA?,1965,Vopros o proiskhoshdenii vida Paeonia chamaeleon Troitz i evo experimentalnyj analis (Pmakashivilii,troitsky),Voprosyj introduktsii rasteniiiselenovo stroitelstva (2) 75-84

Ohwi, J. (1965) Flora of Japan. Washington D.C., USA, Smithonian Institute (in engl.)

Prokhanov Ja.I. 1965. Die staudigen Pflanzen der Wüsten, ihre Natur und Enstehung — Trudi MOIP. vol 13. M., p. 124—154.

A.P. Saunders nursery catalog 1965


Creutzburg, N. (1966): Die sudaegaeische Inselbruecke, Bau und geologische Vergangenheit. Erdkunde 20:20-30.

DudarJuA,1966,Goditchnij cikl morphogenesa piona uskolistnogo (Paeonia tenuifolia L) i vozmozhnosti ego pazmnozhenia,Tr Stavropolskogo NII selskogo khozjajstva Vol2 191-197

HiepkoP,1966, Zur Morphologie , Anatomie und Funktion des Diskous der Paeoniaceae. Ber Deutsche Bot Ges- 79: (6) 233-245

Kemularia-Nathadse L.M. 1966. [Ranales im Kaukasus und ihre Taxonomie.] Tbilissi.

Mouterde, P. (1966 - ) Nouvelle Flore du Liban et de la Syrie. Vols. 1- 3 . Beirout, Dar-el-Machreq (Imprimerie Catholique, distributed by Optima Secretariat, Berlin). Paeoniaceae (1970) vol. 2 : 4-5

SokolovskayaAP?,1966,Geographical Spreading of Polyploid Sorts of Plants (Investigation of the Flora of Promorye Territory),Vestn Leningruniv, Ser Biol, 1, 3: 92-106

Stojanov, N., Stefanov, B. & Kitanov, B. (1966- 1967) Flora na Bulgarija. 4th Ed. Sofia , Nauka i Izkustvo.

Takhtajan, A.L. (1966) Flora Armenii, vol. 5: 7-9, Akademii Nauk Armianskoj SSR, Erevan

Tolmatchev, A.I. (1966) in Vorobjev, D.P. & al., Opredelitel Rastenij Priamurjia: 179 (Détermination des végétaux des régions du littoral et de l'Amour), Izdateljstvo Akademii nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe otdelnie, Moscou & Leningrad

WisterJC,1966,Some Notes on the Early History of the American Peony Society and how it Affected the Planting of two Pennsylvania Peony Collections,American Peony Society 75 Years pp168-169

WoroshilowVI,1966,Flora des sowjetischen Fernen Ostens

Wunderlich, R. 1966, Zur Deutung der eigenartigen Embryoentwicklung von Paeonia. Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift. 113 (3-4) : 395-407 (Eng. summary)


Armatys, L. (1967). Letter to Stern (No.5) in Stern, Paeonia mss. at RBG Kew.

Carniel, K. (1967) Über die Embryobildung in der Gattung Paeonia. Österreichische Bot. Zeitschr. 114 (1) 4-19

Demoise, Charles F., 1967, Effects of Subculture and Physical Condition of Media on a Plant Tissue Culture (Paeonia suffruticosa.) Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, University Microfilms 68-4431

Hadfield, M. 1967, What is Paeonia mlokosewitschii? Gard. Chron. 162 (22) : 18. Photographs

HolenkaF,1967, Paeonia japonice Miyabe et Takeda (Paeoniaceae), Skalnicki, No 1 : 11- 12 Illus

LeeYN ,1967,Chromosome Counts of Flowering Plants in Korea,Journ Korea Res Inst Ewha Women’s Univ 11: 455-478

Palmer, The Hon. Lewis (1967). Col. Sir Frederick Claude Stern OBE, MC, FLS, VMH – Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. 92: 379-381.

Peveling, E. 1967, Elektronenoptische Untersuchungen an Zellkernstrukturen während der Antherendifferenzierung. Ber. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft 80 (4) : 303- 304 - Plates. De. (Eng.) [P. tenuifolia]

WolfeHE,1967,The Mathematics of Hybridzing,American Peony Society 75 Years pp152-153

ZhgentiLP,1967,K kariologitchskomu isutcheniju kavkaskikh vidov roda Paeonia- In: NautchKonfmolodykh nautchnykh rabotnikov, posvjashtchennaja 800-letiju so dnja roshdenia,IIIRustaveli(Sokrtekstydokladov;) Tbilisi, p81-84

Zhukova, N.A. 1967, Zur anatomischen Charakteristik von P. tenuifolia L. Zapiski Central- Kavkazsk. Otdel. Vsjesojuzn. Bot. Obsc. 2: 41-45 (In Russian, brief German Summary)


Brand Peony Farm: Historical Catalogs Online: Brand Peony Farm 1968

FialaJL,1968,Chromosome Abnormalities in Paeonia Lutea Hybrid ‘Alice Harding’ and others,American Peony Society 75 Years pp149-151

Goulandris, Niki A., Goulumis, C.N. & Stearn W.T. 1968 Wild Flowers of Greece. The Goulandris Bot. Museum, Kifissia.

MiyazawaB,TakedaH, IchikawaM ++,1968,Herbaceous peony p 2733-2742 In: K lnoue (ed),Encyclopedia of horticulture Vol 5Seibundo-Shinknusha Tokyo

PehrsonEL,1968,Hybridizing for the Beginner,American Peony Society 75 Years pp128-130

Pénzes, A. ,1968, Pflanzensystematische Bemerkungen . [P. pergerina var. fülei ],Bot Közlem 55(3):-181

PimenowMG,1968, Sistematitcheskaya gruppirovka vidov roda Paeonia L SSSR po koefficientam skhodstva, Bjul MOIP Otd Biol T73 v1


Fedorov A., 1969 – Chromosome numbers of flowering plants. Reprint by Koeltz. Sci. Publ. Koenigstein 479-480

FomitchevaVF,1969, Pion drevovidnyj v botanitcheskom sadu Moskovskogo Universiteta, Bjul GBS AN SSSR 69:102-104

GilbertsonB,1969, Grafting Herbaceous Peonies, American Peony Society 75 Years pp157-158

Ivanova, I.A. , 1969, O biologii prorastenija semjan pionov. Bjull. Glavn. Bot. Sada (Moskva) 74: 35- 40 (Ru)

PehrsonEL,1969, Some Pollens to try on Lactifloras, American Peony Society 75 Years pp139-140

Riedl, H. 1969, April vol. 60 pp. 1-6 : Paeoniaceae : Flora Iranica, General editor: K.H. Rechinger (1906 – 1998), Parts 1 - 174 printed by Akademische Druck und Verlagsanstalt, Auersperggasse 12, A 8010 Graz , Austria, the following parts 175 -  are printed by, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Salzburg , P. J. Maraltstraße 15/11, A 5400 Hallein, Austria

Schrött, L. & Faur, A. (1969) Contributii la cunoasterea ariei de raspindire a bujorului de padure Paeonia mascula (L.) Mill. var. tritematiformis (A. Nyàr.) A. Nyàr. In Banat, Comunicari de Botanica, 10 : 181-190 (Contribution s à la connaissance de l'areal de P. mascula (L.) var. triternatiformis (A. Nyár.) A Nyár. dans le Banat )

SnowR ,1969,Permanent translocation heterozygosity associated with an inversion system in Paeonia brownii,Heredity 60: 103-106

Tsukamoto, T 1969 Garden plants of the world in color Vol 3 p 55-60,Hoikusha-Publishing Co Ltd, Osaka

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library

ano_finnland7 index 0602 boreas2

Paeonia-Literatur 1960-1969