Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library

ano_finnland7 index 0602 boreas2

Paeonia-Literatur 1910-1919


BatchelorLD,1910, Classification of the Peony, Bull Cornell Univ Agricultural Exper Station No278,

BriquetJ,1910, Prodrome de la Flore Corse, 1, 580-581, 651. ed. Paul Lechevalier, Paris [P. corallina var.pubescens f.hypoleuca]

Fedtschenko & Fleroff, 1910,Flora Eur. Russ. 413, fig. 303 ;

Takeda, H. 1910, New or noteworthy plants, Gardeners ' Chronicle, 48 : 366 fig. 153 (P. japonica)

VilmorinA,1910,Somoku Dzusetsu, Ed. Makino, 10, t. 22 ;


BatchelorLD ,1911,Classification of the Peony,Bull Cornell Univ Agricultural Exper Station No306,

Bonnier,1911,Flora Compl. France, Suisse,Belg. 1, 40, t. 22

Lemoine?,1911,Rev Hort 431, figs. 184, 185

SargentCS,1911,Plantae Wilsonae: an enumeration of the woody plants collected in WChina for the Arnold Arboretum during 1907, 1908 & 1910 pub,Cambridge, Mass USA in nine parts forming three volumes Paeonia Vol 1 p 318-319, pub 1913 by Alfred Rehder & EH Wi1son)

Veitch,1911,Horticulture, Boston, 14, 363, cum fig.


Diels,1912,P.delavayi,Notes Roy Bot Gard Edinb, VI, 97

Diels,1912,P. lutea,Notes Roy Bot Gard Edinb, VI, 229

Raffill,1912,Garden vol76, 416, cum fig. ,


Coutinho,A. X. , 1913, A Flora de Portugal: 240 éd. Aillaud, Alvez & Cie, Paris, Lissabon

Finet MM , GagnepainF,1913,Gard. Chron. 53, 405, fig. 169

Haig, E.: The floral symbolism of the great masters. French, Trübner &. Co, London 1913.

Miyabe & Takeda,1913,Feddes Report.12,319;

Rehder A,1913,Paeonia suffruticosa, Andr In: Rehder & Wilson delavayi, delavayi varangustiloba,Plantae Wilsonianae, volI 318-319+:

RehderA. WilsonEH,1913,Plantae Wilsonianae, ed. C. S. Sargent, 1, 318-319.,Cambridge, Mass.

Sampaio,1913,Lista Esp. Rep. Herb. Portug. 53 .

Schneider,1913,Bull Soc Dendr France, p. 157, fig. 54.

Veitch,1913,Cat., p. 19, cum fig. ;


Douglas,1914,Journal Trav. N. Amer. 64, 333

Douglas,1914,Journal Trav. N. Amer. 192, 197, 20i, 268 .

Farrer RJ,1914, Explorations in China, 2. In Kansu.",Gard. Chron. 56, 213.

JepsonWL,1914,Flora Calif. 5, 515 ,

Sweet,1914,Garden vol78, 344 .

Veitch,1914,Rev Hort pp. 196-197, cum fig.

Vollmann,1914,Flora Bayern. 261


Cadevall & Salient,1915,Flora Catal. 1, 57, c. fig.

Fedtschenko BA,1915 ,Rastitel 'nost Turkestana, 406

Léveillé, A.A. H., (1915) Flora missionnaria asiatica [.Paeonia mairei] Bulletin de Géographie Botanique, Le Mans 25 : 42-43

LindleyJ,1915,Garden vol79, 351, c. fig. .

Preston FG,1915,P.officinalis lobata,Garden vol79,p396

Schinz & Thellung,1915,Vierteljahrsschr. Nat. Ges. Zürich, 60, 353 ;

Vilmorin Á,1915,Gard. Chron. 57, 290, fig. 94

Hayek ,1915-16,Pflanzendr. Oesterr.-Ung. 1, 448, et al., fig. 308 (


Bailey LH,1916,Rhodora, 18, 156 .

Bailey LH, 1916, P.delavayi var angustiloba,Stand Cycl Hort 5, p 2434-2435:

Beck,1916,Flora Bosn., Herzeg. 186 (in Wiss. Mitt. Bosn. Herzeg. 13, 212), ;

DavisKC,1916,Paeonia ,Cyclopedia of American Horticulture vol3 p243Macmillan Company

Farr B. H. 1916 catalogue "Farr's Book of Hardy Plant Specialties"

Farrer R J, 1916, Paeonia Moutan,Journ Royal Horticultural Society vol42, 88.

Gandoger, M. (1916) Flora Cretica : 5, A. Hennann et fils, Lhomme & Masson, Paris

LynchRI,1916,P.emodi,Garden vol80,p607

LynchRI,1916,P.lobata,Garden vol80,p522

LynchRI,1916,P.officinalis lobata,Garden vol80,p284

LynchRI,1916,P.peregrina,Garden vol80,p568

StapfO,1916, Paeonia Willmottiae. China, Curtis's Botanical Magazine t. 8667. vol.142,

AznavourGV,1917, Etude sur „l'herbier artistique“ Tchitouny (Plantes d'Orient) [Paeonia kavachensis], Magyar Bot. Lapok, 16, 7-8.

FarrerRJ,1917,On the Eaves of the World 1,pp109-113,Arnold

Harding, A.: The Book of the Peony. Waterstone &. Co, London 1917.

LynchRI,1917,P.albiflora The Bride,Garden vol81,p237


Basu,1918,Ind. Med. PI. 1, 36, t. 23

Fedtschenko & Fleroff,1918,Bull Missouri Bot. Gard. 6, t. 3 ;

SaundersAP,1918,The Preservation of Pollen For Hybridizing ,American Peony Society Bulletin 6

StapfO,1918,Garden vol82, 228, c. fig. ,

Stapf O,1918, Paeonia peregrina." ,Bot Mag. t. 8742.* vol.144,


Farrer RJ, 1919, Report on the year’s work (1914) in Kansu and Tibet,English Rock Garden, vol2:487-524 London: Nelson

SaundersAP,1919, How To Hybridize Peonies,American Peony Society Bulletin 8

StapfO,1919,P.willmottiae,Garden vol83,p 256, fig

StapfO,1919,P.willmottiae,Gard. Chron. 65: 258, fig 123

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library

ano_finnland7 index 0602 boreas2

Paeonia-Literatur 1910-1919