Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library

ano_finnland7 index 0602 boreas2

Paeonia-Literatur 1860-1879


Buhse ,1860, Verzeichnis der in Transkaukasien und Persien gesammelten Pflanzen p 8

CaruelT,1860,Prodromo della Flora Toscana, 19-20.,Florence

Trautvetter, E.R. von (1860) Enumeratio Plantarum Songaricum a Dr. Alex Schrenk annis 1840-1843 collectarum, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 33 (1) : 87-88

Trautvetter,1860,anomala var.hybrida,Incr 61


Regel,1861, Reisen Süden Ost-Sibir. Radde, Bot. 1 Paeonia anomala var. typica , (Bull Soc Nat. Mosc. 34), 124-125

Philipp Franz von Siebold and W.H. de Vriese (eds.). Annales d’horticulture et de botanique, ou flore des jardins du Royaume des Pays-Bas by Philipp Franz von Siebold and W.H. de Vriese (eds.). Leiden, 1861, A.W. Sijthoff. Chromolithograph (sheet 180 x 264 mm).. (Meemelink) * Nissen BBI 2211; Stafleu & Cowan V p. 587.

Paeonia moutan x Triomphe de Harlem.

Paeonia moutan x Laurens Koster.


Argenta,1862,Album Ft. Med.-Farm. 1, t. 31

Bentham, G. & J. D. Hooker (1862): Genera Plantarum 1:1-15. L. Reeve & Co., London.

HoveyCM,1862,Herbaceous Peonies,Hovey's Mag, pp337,342

Regel,1862,Flora Ussur. 13 ;


BaillonH,1863,Adansonia, 4:56;

KemerJ,1863,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 12, 571

Syme,1863,Engl. Bot. 1, 68, t. 50

VilmorinA,1863,Les Fleurs de Pleins Terre,Chez Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie,Paris


Cambessedes,1864,Enum PI Balear. 33 (1827) ; Costa, Flora Catal. 9

Costa,1864,Introd. Flora Cataluna, 9

Kitaibel,1864,Add. Flora Hung. Ed. Kanitz (in Linnaea, 32, 488 : 1863), 184 ,

Regel & Herder,1864,Enum PI Reg. Cis.-et Transition. Semenov. Coll. (in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 37, 404), 22 .

Fellman,1864-69,PI.Vase. Lapp. Or. (in Not. Svensk. Fauna and Flora Femiica FSrh. 8), 5


Rodriques,1865-68,Cat. Raz. PI. Vase. Minorca, 2, 100


Janka ,1866,Öst Bot Zeitschr 398

Munby,1866,Cat. PI. Alger. Ed. 2, p. i

Neilreich,1866,Aufz. Ungarn and Slav. Gefasspfl. 246

Miquel,1866-67,Prodromus Florae Jap. 197 ;


BaillonH, 1867, Histoire des plantes. Vol. 1:476. Hachette, Paris.

Boissier PE,1867, Flora Orientalis vol. 1,97- 98 Bâle et Genève.

Cusin & Ansberque, 1867, Herb. Fl. Franc. 1, t. 151-154 ;

Smirnow ,1867, P.tenuifolia, Enumérat in Bull d Mosc 962:


PaxtonJ ,1868, Paeonia, Botanical Dictionary, p414 London

Witte, Heinrich.Paeoniaceae - Paeonia tenuifolia Flora. Afbeeldingen en beschrijvingen van boomen, heesters, éénjarige planten, enz., voorkomende in de Nederlandsche tuinen Groningen, J.B. Wolters, (1868), plate 46. Chromolithograph by G. Severeyns after Abraham Jacobus Wendel (sheet 224 x 302 mm).

Schmidt,1868, Reisen Amur-Lande und Ins. Sachalin,Mem Acad Sci.St.Petersb.Ser. 7, 12, no. 2), 32 109 : P.obovata

Wallich, 1868, Paeonia emodi. Himalayan Peony, Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Tab. 5719t. 5719 ;


Lemaire, 1869,III. Hort. 14, t. 579 .

Raulin, 1869,Descrip. Phys. lie de Crete, Bot. 398,

Ruprecht, 1869, Flora Caucasi, 44-47, reimpress. ex (keine Fernleihe möglich),Flora Cauc. (in Mem. Acad. Sc. St. Petersb. Ser. 7, 15, no. 2) 44-47

Schlosser & Vukotinovic, 1869, Flora Croatica, 188-189 .


Tornabene, Francisco, 1870, Flora Sicula


BaillonH,1871,The Natural History of Plants,vol.1 pp 59-61

Letoumeux,1871,Etude Bot. Kabylie Jurjura, 25

Moggridge,1871,Contrib. Flora Mentone, t. 3 ;


CarriereEA,1872,The best Peonies, List of recommended varieties of tree peonies, officinalis and sinensis,Garden vol5 p701(from Rev.Horticole)

Hooker , Thomson,1872, Paeonia emodi var. glabrata, Flora of British India, 1, 30. London

Marsilly, 1872, Cat. Vase. Pl. Indig. Corse, 14

Weber J.C. 1892, Alpenpflanzen. München. Paeonia peregrina lithography


Amo y Mora,1873,Flora Fanerog. Penins. Iber. 6, 745-748


CarriereEA,1874,New and improved Peonies,Garden vol5 p477(from The Gardener)

FranchetA , Savatier,1874,Enum Pl Jap I 14


Gray Asa ,1875,Paeonia L, Synoptic Flora of North America Ed. Robinson 1 (1): 56

Willkomm H M,1875, Paeonia corallina var. cambessedesi,Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 25, 113 ,


Brandza,1876, P. decora Brandza non Anders ,Bull Soc Geogr Rom 77

Brewer W H, WatsonS,1876, Paeonia L. , Botany of California 1:13

Neilreich, 1876,Augzahl, Nachter, 70 .

Willkomm H M,1876,Linnaea, 40, 133


Nyman, C.F. (1878) Conspectus Florae Europaeae, pars 1 : 21-22, Örebrö, Sweden

Smith A.M. 1878. Flora von Fiume. Verh. d. zool. bot. Ges. 54 S. Wien. Erwähnt Paeonia mascula für Istrien, zit. nach Pericin 1998


Barcelo,1879,Flora Balear. 18

Babcelò y Combis, F. 1879-1881, Flora de las Islas Baleares, Palma

Moore S Le Marchant, 1879. in: Messrs. Baker & Moore on the Flora of Northern China, [Paeonia oreogeton] ,Journ Linn Soc London, Bot. 17, 376-377.

Kanitz,1879-81, Pl. Roman. 6, 173 ;

Brandza, 1879-83, (P.romanica), Prodromus Florae Romane, 38 ,

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library

ano_finnland7 index 0602 boreas2

Paeonia-Literatur 1860-1879