14879-14902 |
lac #1875 |
x |
coriacea |
14842-14855 |
lac #1951 |
x |
coriacea |
8077-8078 |
lac #3485 |
x |
coriacea |
8079-8089 |
lac #447 |
x |
coriacea |
14876-14878 |
lac 'James Kelway' |
x |
coriacea |
14856-14875 |
lac 'Rose Valley' |
x |
coriacea |
8075-8076 |
lac #667 |
x |
coriacea (Ottawa pollen) |
= Lavender (strain) |
More information on this topic can be found in the following publications: |
Arthur Percy Saunders: SOME HYBRID PEONIES, American Peony Society Bulletin No. 84, Sept. 1941For information on this topic use this link: <coriacea> |
Silvia Saunders: The Work of Professor A.P. Saunders pp. 40-61 in: Wister JC (ed),1962,The Peonies. 2nd Printing 1995, American Peony Society : LAC X Coriacea |
Silvia Saunders: A.P. Saunders nursery catalog 1965 |