pictures and descriptions by Harold Entminger, Cut Bank, Montana, sent Oct. 7, 2007 |
Vivacious, newly registered Hollingsworth herbaceous peony. Miss America x Good Cheer. Large single vivid pink, 8", fading to a bright lighter pink. Pod and pollen fertile scented. Has long strong stems, floriferous. Foliage is medium green. A mid-season bloomer. Lovely to behold. One you are sure to like. vote (1) |
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Paeonia potaninii var. trollioides x lutea, garden named Pixie, not registered, small flower, 3" rimmed yellow petals with large orange center. no flare. plant height to 4` in 4 years, bushy deep green folage. used for hybridizing purposes. flower is scented, pod and pollen fertile. hardy to at leased -30 degrees f. and with stands + 107 f.degress well, no burning or discoloration to the leaf, here in nw montana, usa. vote (4) |
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Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - Votes |