medicinal purposes peony's cultivation technology
Bao An
Province Wuhu institute for drug control 241,001)
Anhui Province Ling Xian drug company 242,400)

Abstract this
article had reported my federal highway raw material for medicine
male peony tree bark original plant for medicinal purposes
peony's habit of growth, the reproduction method, the planter,
the plant disease prevent and control, the recovery and the
habitat processing technology.
Key word for
medicinal purposes peony cultivation technology
The male peony tree bark is one kind of
commonly used Chinese native medicine, has alleviates fever ??,
invigorates the blood ?? effect, may use in to treat warm
poisonous sends the spot, spits blood ??, a night of heat is
early cool, ?? ??, ?? the pain after, ??the poisonous matter of a
boil and the injury grief. According to research, Anhui Tongling
County Pheonix mountains and south Ling Xian bifurcation ?? for
medicinal purposes peony Paeonia ostii T. Hong et J. X. Zhang
ssp. lishizhenensis B. A. Shen dry root skin, for our country
tradition place raw material for medicine "phoenix peony
tree bark". In national peony skin raw material for
medicine, its quality best, the output is biggest. According to
the Tang Dynasty "the Four tones of classical Chinese Book
on Chinese medicine" records the for medicinal purposes
peony to say that, "Now leaves ?? is good, bai Zhebu, red
advantage; Leaves and the state, the Xuan prefecture and is
good." According to the author textually researches, now
Tongling County Pheonix mountains and south Ling Xian Yashan, in
Tang Dynasty for Xuan prefecture ??. Thus it can be seen, early
was more than 1,000 year ago our country Tang Dynasty Xuan
prefecture once has had the wild for medicinal purposes peony
distribution. Afterwards because received "the Four tones of
classical Chinese Book on Chinese medicine" the propaganda
influence, the male peony tree bark was the commonly used Chinese
native medicine in addition, the wild resources could not satisfy
people's for medicinal purposes demand quantity but gradually to
transfer the big area manual cultivation. According to the author
investigation and study, the Anhui Province Tongling County
Pheonix mountains and south area the Ling Xian Yashan's natural
condition extremely is suitable the for medicinal purposes peony
to grow, and to the seed reproduces, its original plant shape
characteristic is stable. 1 plant shape The for
medicinal purposes peony and original variety Yangshan peony
Paeonia ostii T. Hong et J. X. the Zhang main difference
lies in the leaf is one to the bipinnate duplicate leaf, the
bipinnate duplicate leaf, the small leaf long reaches 14cm, the
width reaches 8cm; The petiolule long reaches 35mm; The flower is
bigger, diameter 14 - 20cm, flower petal long 7 - 10cm; ?? fruit
5 - 8, long 3.5 - 4.5cm; Plants Zichang 9 - 12mm. 2 habits
of growth The for medicinal purposes peony cold resistant
(- 12 ?), the drought resistance, fears water-damaged, regardless
of ??, the sunny slope, every is the soil fertile, the soil layer
deep, the soil texture is loose, drains water and ventilates the
performance good neutrality or the slight acidity ???? may plant.
The strong acid soil, salt alkaloid, under the clay, the swampy
ground and the tree shade not suitably plant. 3
reproductions methods The for medicinal purposes peony's
root usual is unitary, extremely few furcations, but in its fruit
has the more growth good mature seed. Therefore, usually uses the
seed reproduction production in its place raw material for
medicine production area. 3.1 seeds gathering and
processing The for medicinal purposes peony the second year
spring generally has 70% adult plant after the field planting to
blossom and bear fruit, the third year spring starts to enter the
abundant flowering season, each blooms 1 - 3 flowers, fourth may
bloom 5 - 15 flowers to sixth year spring each, in each colored
fruit has the seed 30 - 70 grains. When late July the seed is
mature, picks the booth to put in the room, its thickness take
20cm as suitable. In the room do not have too to ventilate,
maintains the certain humidity. If the weather too is dry,
suitably sprays the few water, every day changes 1 - 2, in order
to avoid gives off heat, after treats 10 - 15 days, the fruit
voluntarily splits, then except the husk, the collection seed,
same year carried on the fall sowing. Before sowing seeds, the
seed must with ?? carry on the stacking to store. 3.2 sowing
seeds grows seedlings From late August may sow seeds to
mid-November, take September in, last ten days of the month as
best seed-time. The choice grain is full, the black luminous seed
carries on sowing seeds. Before sowing seeds soaks seeds for 24
hours with 45 ? lukewarm water. Generally uses ?? or ??. A
seedling furrow of width take 1.3 - 2 m as suitable. 3.2.1
?? Row spacing 30cm, distance between plants 20cm, acupuncture
point assuming glyph arrangement. Digs the round hole, hole deep
approximately 12cm, diameter approximately 5 cm, the hole bottom
must be smooth. Each fertilization in pre-dug holes enters the
right amount at the end of oil cake, the calcium superphosphate
takes the base fertilizer, on covers 3 cm to be thick ??,
compaction leveling. Then under each hole about the seed 20
grains, the seed distributes evenly in the hole planted agent,
the maintenance is distanced 2 - 3 cm. Each Chinese acre uses
type and quantity approximately 150kg. 3.2.2 ?? According
to row spacing 25cm, broadcasts breadth 10 - 20cm, crosswise
opens 6 cm deep sowing seeds ditch. Evenly broadcasts into in the
ditch the seed. Each Chinese acre uses the type and quantity is
about 100kg. After ?? or ?? the grave mound, causes a furrow
of surface smoothly to be not hollow immediately, again caps the
bushes. The second year from late February to the beginning of
March seedling namely unearthed growth, after two years may
transplant the field planting. For medicinal purposes peony
besides above seed reproduction production, also may carry on a
minute root to reproduce, the production area custom called "hits
the old bundle". Generally chooses 3 - 4 years fresh adult
plant, digs takes its entire, will advocate ?? under supplies for
medicinal purposes, will intercept the stem base and a root
forehead connecting with place belt lateral root's section (long
approximately 12 - 15cm) the achievement plants the root, will
retain the thin root as far as possible, which naturally will
grow is carrying on along the shape it plants. Field management
with seed reproduction. The minute root reproduction coefficient
is minimum, is not suitable the large-scale raw material for
medicine production. At present the production area is usual has
not used this law production. 4 planters technologies 4.1
elects and entire The general choice topography higher, the
soil layer deep, the sunlight is sufficient, the draining water
good slope place, the slope in 10 - 45° may. Take 15 - 20°
barren hills gentle slopes as good. After chooses the barren hill
land parcel, the winter or the early spring cut down the weed
thorn, flattens, after treats slightly does carries on burns
down. Like this both eliminated has survived the winter the
insect egg, and loosened the open land, was advantageous for
digs. In field planting first 6 - in August, each month wants
deep plowing place, altogether turns three time. First time digs
60 - 75cm deeply, the soil block is not suitable ??, in order to
exposes to the sun. Second secondary thin turns, the depth with
front, sundry goods and so on flange elimination stock, in
particular ??? by all means must cleans out. Third secondary thin
turns, the depth is 50 - 60cm then, the leveling makes the high
furrow, a furrow of surface should repair and maintain for the
turtle back shape, in order to drains water guards against soaks,
furrow of width 1.5 - 2 m, ditch deep 30cm, extends 40cm, the
ditch sole must be smooth. 4.2 field planting Generally
around October, ??? the seedling will dig carries on transplants.
According to ??? the 35cm scoop, hole deep 20 - 35cm, puts in the
hole take the seedling not curving as, in the hole executes into
the right amount base fertilizer (each Chinese acre place to
execute 150kg vegetable seed oil cake). Each hole plants into the
sturdy seedling 2 or thin seedling 3. Puts when the seedling
should cause the seedling to assume ???? arranges Yu Xuenei. When
earth fill to one half, upward gently promotes with the hand the
seedling, causes seedling bud distance furrow of surface 3 cm
then. Then the lamination turns the soil again the compaction,
causes the root to stretch and densely meets with the soil. 4.3
field management Front the field planting second year start,
topdressing two, first time germinate every year in the spring,
second time when fall winter fallen leaf. The fertilizer take the
vegetable seed oil cake primarily, spring uses the fat quantity
as each Chinese acre 75 - 100kg, also coca Shi Renniao and yellow
cow dung. The winter uses the fat quantity for each Chinese acre
100 - 150kg, also coca Shi Xufen. Applies fertilizer when should
pay attention the oil cake puts to leaves outside root 6 cm in
the earth, guards against burns the root, creates the adult plant
necrosis. Center ?? the grass, the clear ditch earths up, also is
the noticeable increase production measure, should maintain
center does not have the weed, does not harden. Specially the
summer autumn cannot have the farmland overrun with weeds the
phenomenon appearance, otherwise not only influence output,
moreover also affects the raw material for medicine quality. Each
time After the rain does when wants the prompt clear ditch to
earth up, is sure not to create draining water to be impeded,
causes the plant disease to occur. When the field planting third,
four years spring blossom, besides remain plants the adult plant,
may completely excise the flower bud. Before every year November,
should ?? the withered and yellow branches and leaves. 5
plant diseases prevent and control 5.1 plant
diseases 5.1.1 leaf spots Sends to the summer solstice to
the Beginning of Autumn between. At the beginning of leaf surface
when appears the yellow or the tan small spot, after 1 - 3 days
become the black spot, hereafter gradually expand the ataxia the
wheel grain, serious time leaf blade completely dry Jiao Diaoluo.
Weather dry and hot, the spread especially is rapid, frequently
puts in order the piece land parcel completely to catch an
illness. Preventing and controlling method: (1) Clean
countryside. (2) Sprays the leaf surface with 1:1:150 Bordeaux
mixture, 7 days 1, including spurted several times. At that time
if the temperature were high, might use the dilution was 1:1:200
Bordeaux mixture sprays. 5.1.2 root-rots sickness According
to the examination, root-rot sickness is one kind of fungus
attack for medicinal purposes peony plants the object to be the
result of. This sickness starts the critical moment to discover
that, treats when sees the morbid state from the leaf blade, its
Pi Duoyi festers the black, in diseased plant root all around
soil the common decadent lattice ??. This sickness for the common
plant disease, assumes disperses in the natural occurrence, the
adult plant catches an illness the initial period leaf blade to
wither, subsequently withers falls, finally completely dry dies.
If is inferior to time prevents and controls, will spread to the
periphery adult plant. In particular cloudy rainy day soil
excessively wet, the spread is more rapid. Preventing and
controlling method: (1) The dog days of summer (in July) should
turn exposes to the sun the land parcel. (2) After discovered the
plant disease, should promptly eliminate the diseased plant and
its all around the disease-carrying soil periphery, and waters
with 1:100 ferrous sulfate solution The adult plant, guards
against the spread infection. Besides above common plant
disease, but also has the anthrax, the rust and peony Bai
Juanbing. But because it occurs few. Therefore slightly but does
not state. 5.2 insect pests The main insect pest has ??,
the canker-worm, the volume moth, ? a kind of young insect and so
on. Generally may use the Dibaichong to carry on preventing and
controlling. 6 recovery and habitat processing The
field planting latter 3 - 5 years then harvest, as are good take
4 years. In August the recovery called "bends down the
goods", moisture content more, is easy to process, nature
strong color white, but its quality and the output are somewhat
low. In October the recovery called "fall goods",
quality of material harder, the processing is more difficult, but
its quality and the output are higher. Excavates must elect in
the cloudless day to carry on, completely digs out the adult
plant root, shakes the soil, cuts the fresh root, sets coolly
place piles up 1 - 2 days, waits it slightly to lose the moisture
content to change (custom to call softly "runs water"),
except must the root (Dan have), to get hold of the fresh root
with the hand, ?? the root skin, extracts the core of wood. The
high quality raw material for medicine phoenix peony tree bark
??, directly does not season. Root strip comparatively rough and
straightforward, mealy fuller root skin, Scrapes off the
semblance cork with ?? or the garrulous bowl piece, seasons,
namely for blows the peony tree bark, also the name blows Dan,
the powder peony tree bark. The root strip thinner, mealiness is
worse or has the insect scar the root skin, does not blow the
cover, directly seasons, calls continually the peony tree bark,
also calls ?? the peony tree bark, ?? Dan, company Dan. When
processing, thick is thin and the mealy size according to the
root strip, separates the booth according to the different
commercial specification to expose to the sun, in order to
sells. The for medicinal purposes peony yields per mu fresh
root 800 - 2000kg. Booklet doing rate is 30 - 35%.
1 Shen Bao An When treasure
country medicine research, 1,995; 6 (supplement): 56 - 57 2
Hong Tao and so on Plant research, 1,992; 12 (3): 223 - 225