Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library
The Manual of the American Peony Society
Copyright 1928 by American Peony Society
plate I. Philippe Rivoire
The Manual of the American Peony Society
By american peony society
The Peony Manual will be supplied to all members of the American Peony Society whose dues are paid for the current year, at the rate of $; per copy. Additional copies may be obtained through book-dealers, or from this office, at $6 each. Orders should be accompanied by Bank Draft, Post Office or Express Money Orders. The book will be mailed postpaid. Remittances should be drawn to the order of the american peony society, and addressed to
W. F. Christman, Secretary
Robbinsdale, Minnesota
Mount Pleasant Press
J. Horace McFarland Company
Harrisburg, Pa.
THIS MANUAL is intended to be a book of reference and as such treats distinctly and exclusively of the peony as grown today in commerce. It does not describe or mention varieties which have been introduced and then dropped; but every peony offered in commerce by the leading growers of this country or abroad at the time of the Manual's compilation has been included in the Check List. If the variety has been rated in the symposiums of the American Peony Society at 8.0 or higher, a full description has been given, except in the case of a few introductions which apparently have dropped from cultivation and are considered unworthy of description by the Society's Jury. Brief descriptions are also given of varieties which have not yet been listed for rating and which have been approved by the Jury, and also of a few varieties which failed to attain a rating of 8.0 but which the Jury decided should be added to the list.
The descriptions conform to a color classification devised by Mr. G. A. Stevens, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and to the types as classified by Mr. A. H. Fewkes, of Newton Highlands, Massachusetts. Both color- and type-classifications have been approved by the Directors of the American Peony Society.
No attempt has been made to give the history or mythology of the peony in detail, and the reader who may seek information on this subject is referred to the very excellent publication of Mrs. Edward Harding, entitled "The Book of the Peony," published by the J. B. Lippincott Company, of Philadelphia, in 1917.
The very complete bibliography by Prof. A. P. Saunders will give the student all necessary data for research in connection with the plant.
Since it is felt that this Manual will be used mainly as a practical handbook by those who have previously acquired some knowledge and appreciation of the peony, no effort has been made to extol the attractiveness of the flower or to quote the poetry that has been composed to describe its beauty and fragrance.
The fund that was established by the American Peony Society many years ago for the purpose of publishing this Manual was
derived from the sale of the Society's peonies in the test-garden under the care of the Horticultural Department of Cornell University, at Ithaca, New York. Several attempts were made over a period of ten years to get the work under way, but the task seemed too great to impose upon any one member of the Society. At a meeting of the Directors in New York, in January, 1926, the writer offered to undertake the work, provided the Society would authorize the employment of assistance. Had he realized then the length of time to be consumed and the amount of correspondence involved, he would not have assumed the task.
The thanks of the American Peony Society are due to The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society for the use of its library and offices in Philadelphia throughout the work.
The editor expressly wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Prof. A. P. Saunders for his advice and assistance, without which he fears the work could not have been completed. He also wishes to extend his thanks to all those who have helped, and particularly to Mr. John C. Wister, Dr. Freeman Weiss, Mr. Harry F. Little, Dr. Charles L. Marlatt, Mr. G. A. Stevens, Mr. A. H. Fewkes, Mr. W. F. Christman, Mr. A. M. Brand, and Mr. Winthrop H. Thurlow, for the articles they have contributed and, in many instances, for the very valuable advice they have given.
Attention is called to the advertisements that fill the last pages of the book. Every advertiser has the endorsement of the officers of the American Peony Society, and only the names of careful and reliable growers are admitted to these pages. The merchandise offered has true merit and the advertisers offering the same are responsible concerns.
Haverford, Pennsylvania
July 1, 1928
Facing Plate Page |
I. Philippe Rivoire (in color). |
Frontispiece |
II. Four Noted American Peony Men of the Past. |
i |
HI. Peonies Used to Good Effect in an Informal Garden |
16 |
IV. Gold Medal of the American Peony Society |
17 |
V. Peonies Interplanted with Iris and Other Perennials |
32 |
VI. Peonies Massed in Front of Shrubbery |
33 |
VII. Mons. Jules Elie |
52 |
VIII. Border of Peonies. |
53 |
IX. A Good Plant of The Bride. |
60 |
X. Couronne d'Or in the Garden |
61 |
XI. Lillian Gumm (in color) |
65 |
XII. Mikado (in color). |
80 |
XIII. Alsace-Lorraine |
84 |
XIV. Ama-no-sode |
85 |
XV. Avalanche |
92 |
XVI. Baroness Schroeder |
93 |
XVII. LeCygne. |
112 |
XVIII. La France |
113 |
XIX. Mons. Martin Cahuzac. |
128 |
XX. Mme. Emile Galle. |
129 |
XXI. Solange (in color). |
H5 |
XXII. Marie Jacquin (in color) |
160 |
XXIII. Specimens of Root-Knot |
176 |
XXIV. The So-Called Lemoine Disease. |
177 |
XXV. Other Peony Diseases. |
192 |
XXVI. Claire Dubois. |
193 |
XXVII. Henry Avery. |
212 |
XXVIII. Karl Rosenfield |
213 |
XXIX. Kelway's Glorious. |
220 |
XXX. Kelway's Queen |
221 |
XXXI. Phoebe Gary (in color). |
225 |
XXXII. Walter Faxon (in color) |
240 |
XXXIII. A Fine Tree Peony |
244 |
XXXIV. Edwin C. Shaw |
245 |
XXXV. Miss Salway. |
252 |
XXXVI. Rosa Bonheur. |
253 |
XXXVII.-Adolphe Rousseau. |
272 |
XXXVIII. The Bride |
273 |
XXXIX. Officinalis Rubra Plena. |
288 |
XL. Paeonia Tenuifolia. |
289 |
XLI. Primevere (in color) |
304 |
President Harry F. Little, Baldwinsville, N. Y.
Honorary Vice-Pres A. H. Fewkes, Newton Highlands, Mass.
Vice-President . A. P. Saunders, Clinton, N. Y.
Secretary and Editor . W. F. christman, Robbinsdale, Minn.
Treasurer.W. W. Cook, Clinton, Iowa
W. G. DuMoNT (1928) A. M. brand (1929)
dcs Moines, Iowa Faribault, Minn.
harry F. little (1928) W. W. cook (1929)
Baldwinsville, N. Y. Clinton, Iowa
W. H. thurlow (1928) W. F. christman (1930)
West Newbury, Mass. Robbinsdale, Minn.
james boyd (1929) A. P. saunders (1930)
Haverford, Pa. Clinton, N. Y.
charles F. wassenberg (1930) Van Wert, Ohio
Membership in the Society is open to both professional and amateur growers. Nomination is not necessary for those desiring admission, but a list of applicants for membership is presented to the Society at its annual meeting and the names are there voted upon.
Those who make application for membership at any time receive the current publications of the Society as they are issued.
The dues are $3.00 per year, and all checks covering membership dues should be made to the American Peony Society and sent to the Secretary with application for membership. Dues run from January i to January I of the following year. Life membership $50.00.
Back bulletins of the Society will be charged for at the rate of 25 cents per copy and $1.00 for the Symposium Number (No. 14). To non-members these prices are doubled. No bulletins available prior to No. 13.
plate II. Four noted American Peony Men of the Past