Preface to ‘Literature on Peonies’

I see peonies not only from a strict horticultural point of view, but in their whole entity as wild plants, as target of genetical , evolutionary and medicinal studies, as cultural tradition or subject of fine arts, as economical term of business and ecological part of (mostly endangered habitats), all papers more or less connected to the peonies are of interest.
My intention is, to make as many Literature on Peonies as possible more easily availabe through the internet. Only copyrights limitate this. The copyright of all papers before 1940-1950 can not be violated, it’s over.
Newer papers are published:
  1. if the translation is made by myself or
  2. the author does agree with it or
  3. without such an agreement, when I think that it's of public interest and it will not harm anybody that this is published on this way.
I’m trying to get more & more agreements. But I'm only in the begin. If You, dear reader, are author of any paper mentioned above (or have unpublished material), please contact me: . If You find papers of You published and Your copyrights violated, contact me too.
I want to make all understandable to as many persons as possible, but I can't do all alone. This way it's not my intention to translate all into one language such as english or german. Papers in german, english, french, spanish or italian remain untranslated, mostly. Botanical diagnoses in latin are seen as historical documents and given in the original version, unchanged.
Papers in languanges not mentioned above become translated into german and (with time and the help of others for corrections I'm hoping for) into english, french, hungarian... too.
To make all this work possible, I intented to create the www PROJECT paeonia, do you want to help?