HONG De-Yuan
Paeonia rockii and its one new Subspecies from Mt. Taibai, Shaanxi of China
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 36(6):538-543(1998) [available online as pdf.file here]
(Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093)
The field work was supported by the National Geographic Society( Grant 5515-95). 1998-02-08 , 1998-03-26
(1) Paeonia rockii
(1a)Paeonia rockii subsp. rockii
(1b) Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica Hong, subsp. nov.
Abstract The history of exploration and classification of Paeonia rockii is reviewed in the present paper. Two allopatric subspecies in this species are recognized. The new subspecies, subsp. taibaishanica Hong, found on northern slope of the Qingling Range has leaflets ovate or rounded, totally or mostly lobed. P. rockii subsp. linyanshanii T. Hong et G. L. Osti is found to be a superfluous name of P. rockii subsp. rockii.
Keywords Paeonia rockii; P. rockii subsp. taibaishanica; Classification; Distribution
(1) Paeonia rockii (S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener) T. Hong et G. L. Osti in Bull. Bot. Res. 12(3): 227. Fig.4. 1992.
Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews subsp. rockii S. G. Haw et L. A. Lauener in Edinb. J. Bot. 47(3): 279. Fig. la(p. 276). 1990. TYPE: Kansu (Gansu), Probably near Wu-tu (Wudu). Farrer no 8 (holotype. E; photo, PE! )
As a member of the P. suffruticosa complex, P. rockii is similar to the other species in the complex in having 5 (very occasionally 6) carpels which are entirely enveloped by floral disc at anthesis. The species is characterized by tri-(or bi-) pinnate leaves, well developed leaves(the first 1~3 from base) with (17) 19~33 leaflets, yellow filaments, yellowish floral disc and stigmata, and white petals with a dark purple blotch at the base. All the other three species in the complex, P. suffruticosa, P. ostii and P. qiui, have purple-red filaments, purple floral disc and red stigmata. A leaf in P. ostii, though bipinnate, has 15 leaflets as the highest number and thus differs from that in P. rockii; petals in P. qiui also often have a blotch at the base, but the bloth is pink-red, rather than dark purple.
Fig. 1 The holotype of Paeonia suffrutciosa Andrews subsp. rockii S. G. Haw ct L. A. Lauener (Gansu. probably near Wudu, Farrer no 8. E) |
Key to subspecies: 1a. Leaflets lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, totally or mostly entire subsp. rockii 1b. Leaflets ovate to ovate-rounded, totally or mostly lobed subsp. taibaishanica Hong |
(1a) Paeonia rockii subsp. rockii
Paeonia rockii subsp. linyanshanii T. Hong et G. L. Osti in Bull. Bot. Res. 14(3): 237. Fig. 1 & 2. 1994, syn. nov. TYPE: Gansu, Wenxian, Baimahegou, alt. 1570 m, 1993-04-27, Q. R. Zhang, 19930428 (CAP)
Paeonia papaveracea auct. not. Andrews: anonymous. Icon. Cormophyt. Sin. 1: 652. Fig. 1303. 1972.
P. suffruticosa var. papaveracea auct. non Andrews: K. Y. Pan, in Wang, W. T. (ed.): Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 27:45, pi. 3(p.43). 1979.
This subspecies has leaflets lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, totally or mostly entire.
Gansu, Zhugqu, Taozhou Forest Farm , on edges of Pinus armendii forests, alt. 2800 m, 1959-05-22, S. Jiang and T. L. Chin 423 (PE); no precise locality, Y. L. Pei, 9116 (PE);
Wudu, Lanshan, alt. 2500 m, 1930-06-21, K. S. Hao501 (PE);
Wenxian, no precise locality, Y. L. Pei 9115 (PE);
Mt. Zilong, Shihuigou, 1956-05-14, Yellow River Exped. 3698 (PE).
Shannxi: Lueyang, Baishuijiang Town, Siping Village, Y. L. Pei 9140 (PE).
Henan: Songxian, MuzhijieTownship, Mt. Yangshan, Yangjiaohao, W. slope, limestone, in Ulmus forest, alt. 1450m, 1994-05-02, D. Y. Hong and Y. Z. Ye, 94003 (PE);
eodem loc., Daxigou, under limestone rock. 1994-05-02, S. Y. Wang and Y. Z. Wang 94002 (PE);
Xisangou, alt. 1080 m. 1994-05-07, H. Y. Jiai 023(PE) and 024 (PE);
Neixiang, Baotianman, Muzhuliu Village, Mudanduo, alt. 1100m. 1997-04-30, D. Y. Hong, Y. Z. Ye and Y. X. Feng H97015 (PE, MO);
eodem loc, Muzhuliu Village, in cultivation, 1997-04-30, D. Y. Hong, Y. Z. Ye and Y. X. Feng H97016(PE, A, CAS, K. MO. S).
Hubei . Shennongjia, Songbai , alt. 1900m, 1988-05-06, J. Z. Qiu B88027(PE), PB88028 (PE) and PB88029 (PE);
eodem loc., alt. 2000 m, 1988-05-06, J. Z. Qiu PB88030 (PE);
eodem loc. alt. 2100 m. 1988-05-06, J. Z. Qiu PB8803 (PE) and PB88032 (PE);
eodem loc., alt. 1900m, 1988-05-20, J. Z. Qiu PB88033 (PE);
eodem loc., alt. 1600m, 1988-05-20. J. Z. Qiu PB88035 (PE);
Songbai, Shantunya, 1988-05, J. Z. Qiu PB8860 (PE);
Songbai, shady slope, in forests, alt. 1400-1800m, 1986-05-18, T. Chen and L. M. Ma PB86008 (PE) & PB86075(PE);
Baokang, Houping Town, Hongjiayuan Village , in front of Mr. Su'shouse, in cultivation, 1997-05-02, D. Y. Hong, Y. Z. Ye and Y. X. Feng H97024 (PE);
Houping Town, Zhanjiapo Village, in deciduous forest, on limestone rocks, alt. 1360 m, 1997-05-05, D. Y. Hong and Y. X. Feng H9705 (PE, A, CAS, K, MO, S).
(1b) Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica Hong, subsp. nov. TYPE: Shaanxi, Mt. Taibai, Shangbaiyun, alt. 1750m, in forest, on cliff, 1985-05-24, D. Y. Hong and X. Y. Zhu PB85061(holotype, PE). Fig.2
Fig.2 A leaf of Paeonia rockii subsp. taibaishanica Hong (drawn by Miss Hong L. on Hong, D. Y. and Zhu, X. Y. PB85061. the holotype) |
Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews var. spontanea Rehder in J. Arn. Arb. 1. 193. 1920, p. p. quaod specim. Mt. Taibai.
A subspecie typica foliolis ovatis vel orbicularibus, plerumque lobatis differt.
This subspecies differs from the typical one in leaflets ovate or rounded and mostly or totally lobed. Geographically they are allopatric or almost so.
Haw and Lauener's (1990) rockii seems to include two subspecies. Their Fig. 1a may be based on J. Rock's specimen (Rock's Variety) from a lamasery at "Choni" (Jone) in Gansu and is apparently different from the type. "Rock's Variety" is very similar to the specimens from Mt. Taibai and belongs to the new subspecies. I suppose that "Rock's Variety" was brought by monks from a lamasery or a temple in Mt. Taibai in Shaanxi to Jone in Gansu.
Shannxi: Mt. Taibai, 1985-10-13, X. Y. Zhu and Z. H. Wu PB85086 (PE);
eodemloc., Dadian Lamasery, alt. 2300m, in cultivation, 1985-05-24, D. Y. Hong and X. Y. Zhu, PB85066(PE);
eodemloc.. Shangbaiyun , in front of the temple, alt. 1820 m, in cultivation, 1997-05-08, D. Y. Hong, Y. Z. Ye and Y. X. Feng, H97058(PE, A, CAS, K, MO, S);
eodemloc., Heihuguan, among bushes, 1939-05-05, K. T. Fu 2584 (PE);
Mt. Taibai, Purdom, s. n (A! syntypes of P. suffruticosa var. spontanea Rehder);
Longxian, Y. L. Pei 916001(PE).
Gansu: Tianshui, Baiyanglin, Z. W. Zhang 13(PE).
We would like to thank Profs. S. Y. Wang, Y. Z. Ye,K. Y. Pan, and Dr. Y. Z. Wang and Miss Y. X. Feng for their assistance in the field work.
Literatur cited
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FarrerRJ, 1914. Exploration in China, 2. In: Kansu Gard Chron, ser. 3, 56: 213
Haw S G, Lauener L A, 1990. A review of the infraspecific taxa of Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews. Edinb J Bot. 47(3): 273-281
Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999: A revision of Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews complex( Paeoniaceae). Nord J Bot, 19(1) (in press)
Stern F C, 1946. A Study of the Genus Paeonia. London; Royal Hort Soc