Ito Hybrids

Mr. Toichi Ito crossed "Kakoden" with "Alice Handing" and the resulting hybrid bloomed for the first time in 1954 after his death. His achievement was not recognized in Japan. The Ito hybrids were introduced to the U.S.A. and many similar crosses have been made there.

Ito-Hybrid (unnamed)

This Ito hybrid was not named in Japan. The photograph is of the plants remaining in the Keio-hyakkaen Garden in Tokyo. Large size. Midseason. Tall.

Oriental Gold

Mr. Smirnow brought the Ito hybrids to the U.S.A and published five varietal names for them. Oriental Gold was one of these varieties and is now grown in Japan. Large size. Midseason. Tall.

Higuchi Hybrid

Mr. Yugen Higuchi bred this plant (Kakoden X Alice Harding) following in the steps of Mr. Ito, and succeeding in 1956. This plant also has no varietal name. Large size. Midseason. Tall.

